3 Repositories
Rust huff Libraries
An extensible and practical demonstration of constructing evm-based sandwich attacks built with ethers-rs and Huff language.
subway-rs • Construct evm-based sandwich attacks using Rust and Huff. Getting Started subway-rs is a port of libevm's original subway, implemented wit
A Huff bytecode transpiler
Murph - Transpile EVM bytecode into huff Murph can transpile this: 60003560e01c8063552410771461001c5780632096525514610023575b6004356000555b60005460005
A low-level assembly language for the Ethereum Virtual Machine built in blazing-fast pure rust.
huff-rs • huff-rs is a Huff compiler built in rust. What is a Huff? Huff is a low-level programming language designed for developing highly optimized