215 Repositories
Rust hackathon-project Libraries
Ocy project cleaner
Ocy project cleaner Ocy is a simple, temporary build files cleaner CLI written in Rust. Colophon Ocy is short for Ocypode cordimanus, or smooth-handed
Source project for the Internet Computer software
The Internet Computer is the world’s first blockchain that runs at web speed and can increase its capacity without bound. Like the Internet (which is composed of many machines adhering to TCP/IP protocol) and blockchain protocols (such as Bitcoin and Ethereum).
A CLI tool that allow you to create a temporary new rust project using cargo with already installed dependencies
cargo-temp A CLI tool that allow you to create a new rust project in a temporary directory with already installed dependencies. Install Requires Rust
Template for a Bevy game
A Bevy game template Template for a Game using the awesome Bevy engine featuring (almost) out of the box builds for Windows, Linux and MacOS. What doe
Temporary edit external crates that your project depends on
rhack You want to quickly put a sneaky macro kind of like dbg! into external crates to find out how some internal data structure works? If so rhack is
2021 春季黑客松
Demo Day 演示队伍注意事项 每一队伍演示时间为 6 分钟,然后会有 2 分钟评委们提问及点评。评委们根据以下维度打分: 产品完成度 技术难题 商业价值 创新性 用户体验 演示时讲个好故事,所以尽量演示: 项目源起,背后的市场应用,现在做到什么程度,未来半年到一年有什么发展计划。 在黑客松期间
A minimalist Rust WebAssembly project template
MiniWASM - A minimalist Rust WebAssembly project template This is a minimal Rust-powered WebAssembly application template. It was designed to showcase
Your project’s nix-env [maintainer=@Profpatsch]
lorri https://github.com/nix-community/lorri lorri is a nix-shell replacement for project development. lorri is based around fast direnv integration f
A Rust port of the password primitives used in Django Project.
Rust DjangoHashers A Rust port of the password primitives used in Django Project. Django's django.contrib.auth.models.User class has a few methods to
A project for generating C bindings from Rust code
cbindgen Read the full user docs here! cbindgen creates C/C++11 headers for Rust libraries which expose a public C API. While you could do this by h
An example project showing usage of CMake with Rust
An example of using CMake with Rust. Try it! mkdir build cd build cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/tmp make -j make test -j make doc -j make install
Create ctags/etags for a cargo project
rusty-tags A command line tool that creates tags - for source code navigation by using ctags - for a cargo project, all of its direct and indirect dep
A project for automatically generating and maintaining Debian repositories from a TOML spec.
Debian Repository Builder A simple utility for constructing and maintaining Debian repositories. Configuration of a repo is based on the directory hie
This project now lives on in a rewrite at https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/parallel
MIT/Rust Parallel: A Command-line CPU Load Balancer Written in Rust This is an attempt at recreating the functionality of GNU Parallel, a work-stealer
A Game Boy research project and emulator written in Rust
Mooneye GB Mooneye GB is a Game Boy research project and emulator written in Rust. The main goals of this project are accuracy and documentation. Some