11126 Repositories
A rust and SageMath implementation of (2,2)-isogenies in the theta model
An Algorithmic Approach to (2, 2)-isogenies in the Theta Model Code accompanying the research paper: An Algorithmic Approach to (2, 2)-isogenies in th
Gone Fish - A Rust Game
Gone Fish A game created for GitHub Game Off 23 - Scale. Fish, upgrade, repeat. Catch fish to upgrade your equipment, and catch the biggest fish you c
Repository containing schedules, slides/talk and user submissions for the 2023 devconnect hackerhouse
2023 DevConnect Hacker House Content Schedule Hackathon Tracks xChain dapps - Total Prize pool of USD 12k (5k, 4k, 3k) Fully on-chain dapps - Total Pr
Terminal UI to chat with large language models (LLM) using different model backends, and integrations with your favourite editors!
Oatmeal Terminal UI to chat with large language models (LLM) using different model backends, and integrations with your favourite editors! Overview In
A Minimalistic Rust library to extract all potential function selectors from EVM bytecode without source code.
EVM Hound A Minimalistic Rust library to extract all potential function selectors from EVM bytecode without source code. Installation $ cargo add evm_
This repository contains a collection of aori bots utilising the artemis framework.
Aori Artemis Artemis is a framework for writing MEV bots in Rust. It's designed to be simple, modular, and fast. At its core, Artemis is architected a
Interactible shell texturing. 🐚
Shell Texturing Toy Download See the releases tab to the right Features Rich inspector letting you edit: Fur color Fur parameters Wind Lighting Loadin
100% stream-based O(n) syntax highlighter for ANSI terminal
Lex-highlighter 100% stream-based $\mathcal O(n)$ syntax highlighter for ANSI terminal Warning This is proof-of-concept implementation and WON't be co
xdotool-like for KDE Wayland
kdotool - a xdotool clone for KDE Wayland Introduction Wayland, for security concerns, removed most of the X11 APIs that xdotool uses to simulate user
An infrastructure for peer-to-peer, decentralized, and collaborative software.
karyon An infrastructure for peer-to-peer, decentralized, and collaborative software. In molecular biology, a Karyon is essentially "a part of the cel
An MVP-worthy background job server for PostgreSQL, written in Rust
Pointguard An MVP-worthy background job server for PostgreSQL, written in Rust A simple background job server (database) on top of PostgreSQL, that ca
Putting a brain behind `cat`🐈⬛ Integrating language models in the Unix commands ecosystem through text streams.
smartcat (sc) Puts a brain behind cat! CLI interface to bring language models in the Unix ecosystem and allow power users to make the most out of llms
Log-structured, transactional virtual block device backed by S3
mvps Log-structured, transactional virtual block device compatible with the NBD protocol. mvps stands for "multi-versioned page store". MVPS can store
Cross-platform GameMaker extension for getting system information and resource usage
GM Sysinfo Cross-platform GameMaker extension for getting system information and resource usage Table of Contents Table of Contents Examples Display m
An implementation of the SMP protocol as used in zephyr, mcuboot, mcumgr, and more.
SMP An implementation of the SMP protocol in pure Rust. This repository contains: ./mcumgr-smp: A SMP library implementation to be used in your own pr
Typing accuracy practice app.
booktyping booktyping is a simple commandline tool for practicing typing accuracy while reading a book. installation booktyping has only been tested o
Rust/Axum server implementation with PCR(Prisma Client Rust)
Realworld Rust Axum Prisma This project utilizes Rust with the Axum v0.7 framework along with the Prisma Client Rust to build a realworld application.
Axum + JWT authentication Middleware that allows you to start building your application fast
axum_jwt_ware Integration Guide Simple Axum + JWT authentication middleware with implemented Login and refresh token. Goal I aim to simplify the proce
A collection of example project using Njord.
Example Projects A collection of example project using Njord. Contributors The following contributors have either helped to start this project, have c
🎄Solutions for Advent of Code 2023
🎄 Advent of Code 2023 Solutions for Advent of Code in Rust. 2023 Results Day Part 1 Part 2 Day 1 ⭐ ⭐ Day 2 ⭐ ⭐ Day 3 ⭐ ⭐ Day 4 ⭐ ⭐ Day 5 ⭐ ⭐ Day 6 ⭐
My solutions for the Advent of Code 2023.
🎄 Advent Of Code 2023 Hi! These are my Rust solutions for the Advent of Code 2023. Day Name Source Part 1 Part 2 Time 1 Time 2 1 Trebuchet?! 01.rs ⭐
Proxy copilot api to openai's gpt-4 api
Proxying Copilot API to OpenAI's GPT-4 API Usage Start the Server export GHU_TOKEN=ghu_xxxx; ./copilot2chat Or sh start.sh start # start the server th
Embedded demo based on esp32-c3
wot-esp-demo Demo Hygro-Thermometer based on the esp-rust-board. http version based on std-training Deploy Rust prerequisites Install espflash, ldprox
Simple, cross-platform GameMaker lib for getting file metadata
File Metadata Tiny baby library for getting file metadata. Originally written to work for a GameMaker game a friend is creating. Table of Contents Ins
cargo-crev to cargo-vet code review exporter
cargo-crev to cargo-vet converter Crev and Vet are supply-chain security tools for auditing Rust/Cargo dependencies. This tool (crevette) is a helper
Building blocks for handling potentially unsafe statics.
Grounded Building blocks for handling potentially unsafe statics. This crate aims to provide useful and sound components that serve as building blocks
Expose various non-cryptographic hashing functions with Digest traits
noncrypto-digests Expose various non-cryptographic hashing functions with Digest traits. This allows users to use any hashing function with the same t
Adapter plugin to use Ruff in dprint's CLI and with JavaScript via Wasm
dprint-plugin-ruff Adapter for Ruff for use as a formatting plugin in dprint. Formats .py and .pyi files. Note: For formatting .ipynb files, use the J