11126 Repositories
A chat to help users understand lessons from St. Josemaria Escriva's works
A chat to help users understand lessons from St. Josemaria Escriva's works. I'll be using Rust, OpenAI API, and qdrant vector database. Non-profit code, only looking forward to enlightening minds.
Decryptor for Steam app: 2378900
IelmenDecryptor A batch decryption program for the files of a game on Steam that has the app ID: 2378900 It will process all encrypted .png, .json, an
Just set of functions to utilize YOLO v3, v4, v7 and v8 version with OpenCV's DNN module
Object detection utilities in Rust programming language for YOLO-based neural networks in OpenCV ecosystem This crate provides some basic structures a
Minimal, blazing fast Node.js script runner
nrr Minimal, blazing fast Node.js script runner. Why? nrr initializes and resolves scripts way faster than package managers. It achieves this by provi
Go to Rust calls with Apache Arrow datatypes.
🔎 Overview alloy is a standalone Go module that enables calls to Rust code with Apache Arrow datatypes through its defined C data interface. The over
A* Pathfinding Visualisation in Rust
astar.rs A blazingly-fast A-Star search algorithm and visualisation written in Rust. GUI powered by egui. Allows for dynamic grid sizes and user-chose
Calc: A fully-featured minimalistic configurable calculator written in Rust
Calc Calc: A fully-featured minimalistic configurable rust calculator Install You can install the latest version from source git clone https://github.
Training material for the KDAB training day 2023
Rust & Qt workshop This workbook contains the material for a Rust & Qt workshop held by Ferrous Systems, developed and held together with KDAB. It is
Rust flavor of the popular cron scheduler croner.
Croner Croner is a fully featured, lightweight, efficient Rust library for parsing and evaluating cron patterns. Designed with simplicity and performa
A tool for adding new lines to files, skipping duplicates and write in Rust!
anew A tool for adding new lines to files written in Rust. The tool aids in appending lines from stdin to a file, but only if they don't already appea
Toolkit for simple calculations related to Data Comunication and Networks (only available in Spanish temporary)
CDR Toolkit Un toolkit creado para la asignatura Comunicación de Datos y Redes, cursada en la UIB. Es una potente y rápida CLI que ayuda a realizar lo
Automatically replace Discord CDN links with local file links, by downloading the images to the public folder
Auto Undiscord Did you hear that Discord will be blocking external websites from using images hosted on their servers? Did you host every image on you
Node.js bindings for feed_rs
Description Node.js bindings for feed_rs. Installation npm install @nooptoday/feed-rs Usage import { parse } from '@nooptoday/feed-rs' const response
Cross-platform file sharig application for desktop and mobile devices
Skylite Description Getting Started Dependencies Installing Executing program License Acknowledgments Description Cross platform file sharing applicat
Signed distance functions + Rust (CPU & GPU) = ❤️❤️
sdf-playground Signed distance functions + Rust (CPU & GPU) = ❤️❤️ Platforms: Windows, Mac & Linux. About sdf-playground is a demo showcasing how you
A more compact and intuitive ASCII table in your terminal: an alternative to "man 7 ascii" and "ascii"
asciit A more compact and intuitive ASCII table in your terminal: an alternative to man 7 ascii and ascii. Colored numbers and letters are much more e
Rust bindings to the tg geometry library
tg-sys tg-sys provides unsafe bindings to the tg library. See the documentation at https://github.com/tidwall/tg/blob/main/docs/API.md for details. Us
PyO3's PyAny as a serde data format
serde-pyobject PyO3's PyAny as a serde data format Usage Serialize T: Serialize into &'py PyAny: use serde::Serialize; use pyo3::{Python, types::{PyAn
A peer-to-peer database in Rust
rustp2p A simple yet powerful Peer-to-Peer key-value database implemented in Rust. This project also includes a CLI (Command Line Interface) that enab
An serverless framework based on wasm runtime.
wasm_serverless An distributed serverless framework based on wasm runtime. Feishu doc https://fvd360f8oos.feishu.cn/docx/XSxcdONk2oVJD5xtZuicxftqn3f?f
Pet project to get acquainted with Rust, and mess around with symbolic expressions.
Symba Pet project to get acquainted with Rust, and to mess around with symbolic expressions, hence the name 'Symba'. Example: use asg::{deftree, r
🔨 A JSON parser that will return span informations
Spanned Json Parser This crate is a json parser that will return span information for values, which mean lines and column number. It is also compati
A CHIP-8 emulator
Ruschip - A CHIP-8 Emulator written in Rust Features Supports multiple CHIP-8 variants (planned not added) Supports most--if not all--of the quirks, a
A spicy little heatmap tile server.
hotpot Render customizable activity heatmap images from GPS tracks extracted from GPX, TCX, and FIT files. There's also a built-in web server to serve
🛠️ An experimental functional systems programming language, written in Rust and powered by LLVM as a backend.
An experimental functional systems programming language, written in Rust, and powered by LLVM as a backend. 🎯 Goal: The intent is to create a program
A web-based streaming service with improved privacy, performance, and simplicity.
Majiix Majiix is a web-based open-source streaming service. The backend that handles the core streaming logic is written in Rust and makes use of cutt
Personal experiments with genetic algorithms and neuroevolution, in Rust, with the Bevy engine.
The Tango Problem Personal experiments with genetic algorithms and neuroevolution, in Rust, with the Bevy engine. A number of "Psychics" are placed in
A light-weight Anchor-Offset based 2D sprite rendering system for the bevy engine.
Bevy AoUI A light-weight anchor-offset based 2D sprite layout system for the bevy engine. Bevy AoUI provides a light-weight rectangular anchor-offset