11126 Repositories
It's like Circus but totally different.
Read I do not know Rust. If you see something that is being done in a suboptimal way at a language-level, I'd love to hear it. If you want to argue ab
Core lightning (CLN) plugin to watch channel health, gossip health and ping amboss for online status
vitality Core lightning (CLN) plugin to watch channel health, gossip health and ping amboss for online status Installation Building Usage Telegram Opt
A library implementing GPU-accelerated zkSync prover.
zkSync Era: A ZK Rollup For Scaling Ethereum zkSync Era is a layer 2 rollup that uses zero-knowledge proofs to scale Ethereum without compromising on
Rust Open Source Login/Register API
Actix Web API with Rustls (OpenSSL available/Without SSL/TLS too) This API uses Actix Web to serve secure HTTP endpoints, utilizing Rustls for TLS enc
Create custom ID types that are guaranteed to be valid `RecordID` in SurrealDB
surreal-id The surreal-id crate offers a standardized way to create and validate IDs in your application for usage with SurrealDB. Using the NewId tra
put.io to sonarr/radarr proxy
putioarr Proxy that allows put.io to be used as a download client for sonarr/radarr/whisparr. The proxy uses the Transmission protocol. Installation T
Pollard's p - 1, in rust, with python bindings
Pollard's p - 1 algorithm for factorization Written in rust, using pyo3 to provide python bindings and primesieve for fast prime enumeration. libprime
Cross-architecture utilities for temporarily disabling interrupts and signals.
interrupts Cross-architecture utilities for temporarily disabling interrupts and signals. Use disable to disable interrupts with a guard: // interrupt
بو النوافذ is a personal Window manager
عربي؟ كمل قراءة بالعربي (لهجة سعودية). Bunnuafeth | بو النوافذ Bunnuafeth is a personal Window manager written in Rust General philosophy This window
Proof of concept implementation of Sigmabus
sigmabus-poc Proof of concept implementation of Sigmabus https://eprint.iacr.org/2023/1406, a cool idea by George Kadianakis and Mary Maller and Andri
INA219 and ESP32-C3 / bare-metal Rust
ESP32-C3 Current Sensing with INA219 Read the current measured by INA219 (Adafruit breakout board) on ESP32-C3 (bare-metal Rust) and print it to be vi
A monitor (service) for your monitor (display). Intercepts window behaviour when monitor configuration changes.
Mon-Mon A monitor (service) for your monitor (display). Listens for changes to display configuration (e.g. plugging in an additional screen) and allow
A direct ecs to low-level server implementation for Godot 4.1
godot_ecs What if Godot 4.1 and Bevy got married? Well, you'd get one interesting duo of data driven goodness. In Development This crate is not produc
It's like "docker stats" but with beautiful, real-time charts into your terminal. 📊
📊 ds - Real-time Stats with Terminal Charts Visualize container stats with beautiful, real-time charts directly in your terminal. Why ds? Missing Cha
Query is a Rust server for your remote SQLite databases and a CLI to manage them.
Query Query is a Rust server for your remote SQLite databases and a CLI to manage them. Table Of Contents Run A Query Server CLI Install Use The Insta
Work to enable a Classic Mac (24-bit 68000) with ~16MB of RAM.
Apple SE FDHD ROM analysis In order to build a Mac clone that doesn't fully emulate the hardware (which is possible because the ROM abstracts hardware
Ferrugem is Rust but in Portuguese-BR
ferrugem Aren't you pistola from writing Rust programs in English? Do you like saying "caralho" a lot? Would you like to try something different, in a
An (experimental) chess tactics trainer with spaced repetition
better-tactics A chess tactics trainer that with spaced repetition. New puzzles will be shown to you from the lichess puzzle db, according to your cal
An implementation of a library with the acronym for "Live In Beautiful Company"
libuwuc A libc implementation written in Rust. Layout libuwuc consists of two crates, libuwuc and rawc. libuwuc is a normal Rust library and can be un
A Zenoh plug-in for ROS2 with a DDS RMW.
zplugin-ros2dds A new Zenoh bridge for ROS2. ⚠️ Work in progress... ⚠️ How to install it No version has been released yet. Therefore only nightly buil
Winter is coming...
WinterJS The JavaScript server that runs Service Workers according to the Winter Community Group specification. Running WinterJS with Wasmer The Winte
Minecraft using Bevy and Bevy-Meshem
minecraft_bevy Minecraft_bevy was built to showcase bevy_meshem. After a week of developing it has: Chunk loading / unloading each chunk's mesh is bei
SlintDotnet is a C# bindings project to enable developers to use Slint UI with .NET C#
SlintDotnet (Alpha) Slint is a UI toolkit that supports different programming languages. SlintDotnet is the integration with .NET C#. ⚠️ This is exper
Rust executable packager, bundler and updater.
cargo-packager Rust executable packager, bundler and updater. A tool and library to generate installers or app bundles for your executables. It also h
Utilities for working with native solc and compiling projects.
foundry-compilers Utilities for working with native solc and compiling projects. To also compile contracts during cargo build (so that ethers abigen!
Delightfully simple delay-tolerant networking
Blizzard: Delightfully simple delay-tolerant networking NOTE: I am in the process of updating this implementation to match a new spec. If you found th
Assured Confidential Execution (ACE) for RISC-V
Assured Confidential Execution (ACE) for RISC-V ACE-RISCV is an open-source project, whose goal is to deliver a confidential computing framework with
A Pub/Sub library for Rust backed by Postgres
Unisub Unisub is a Pub/Sub library for Rust, using Postgres as the backend. It offers a convenient way to publish and subscribe to messages across dif