11126 Repositories
Reactive components in rust, designed to make GTK more manageable
gflux gflux is a tiny experimental reactive component system for rust, designed to make GTK more manageable. gflux: is about 300 lines of code contain
A performant but not-so-accurate time and capacity based cache for Rust.
fastcache A performant but not-so-accurate time and capacity based cache for Rust. This crate provides an implementation of a time-to-live (TTL) and c
Minimal self-contained crate to accept file descriptors from systemd
sd-listen-fds Exposes file descriptors passed in by systemd, the Linux init daemon, without dependencies, foreign or otherwise. Enables easy implement
June's standard rust library
Azalea June's standard libraries for rust projects. Has a lot of common code that is often important, or copied to many places in a project. Only work
A perfect smoother; A discrete time version of spline smoothing for equally spaced data
Whittaker Smoother Aka Whittaker-Henderson, Whittaker-Eilers Smoother is known as the perfect smoother. Its a discrete-time version of spline smoothin
Macro to print variable(s) with values nicely (stripped from release builds)
log_macro Macro to print variable(s) with values nicely (stripped from release builds) Install cargo add log_macro Use Add this to top of file: #[mac
🧮 Boolean expression evaluation engine. A Rust port of boolrule.
coolrule My blog post: Porting Boolrule to Rust Boolean expression evaluation engine (a port of boolrule to Rust). // Without context let expr = coolr
An open-source UCIe implementation developed at UC Berkeley.
UCIe An open-source UCIe implementation developed at UC Berkeley. This project is very early-stage. If you are interested in contributing, see below.
Twitch Bot Project (Rust)
This is a Twitch bot written in Rust that connects to the Twitch IRC server and allows users to interact with the bot via chat messages. The bot can join multiple Twitch channels and respond to commands.
Game Of Life using webgpu, written in Rust
Game of Life using webgpu ✨ Description This is the implementation of the tutorial Your first WebGPU app in Rust where we're using webgpu to implement
Rustle: a powerful download manager and accelerator written in Rust
Rustle Rustle: a powerful download manager and accelerator written in Rust. Preview Features Resumable Downloads: Allow interrupted downloads to be re
It's like monkeytype but from your terminal
DoggyType It's like monkeytype but from ur terminal (ik very unoriginal lmao) Preview doggytype-preview.mp4 Requirements: Rust Build: git clone https:
💫 This program allows you to do requests in Rust without reqwest !
Zapros 💫 This program allows you to do requests in Rust without reqwest ! Usage : Get use crate::http_client::HttpClient; use crate::http_client::Htt
Rust library for whisper.cpp compatible Mel spectrograms
Mel Spec A Rust implementation of mel spectrograms aligned to the results from the whisper.cpp, pytorch and librosa reference implementations and suit
User-space Wireguard gateway allowing sharing network connection from environment where usual routing rules are inaccessible.
wgslirpy A command line tool (and a Rust library) for accepting incoming connections within a Wireguard link and routing them to external network usin
Transform jsx/tsx files to reactive views in js/ts to use in Web Components, insert into DOM or integrate with other libraries/frameworks
viewmill Features | Installation | Getting Started | Notes | Examples viewmill is aimed to create complex UIs from a simple form of JSX. It statically
Fork of the Official Python3 API connector for Bybit's HTTP (bybit) and WebSockets APIs to rust
Fork of pybit python libary in Rust For the rust lovers and creators for bybit exchange version 5 Official Python3 API connector for Bybit's HTTP and
A Solr 8+ Client for Rust and Python
Solrstice: A Solr 8+ Client for Rust and Python Solrstice is a SolrCloud aware client library written in rust. It also provides a wrapper to python. U
Kuintessence - Open Source HPC Computing Orchestration System
Kuintessence is an advanced computing orchestration system designed to revolutionize HPC workload and cluster management, to empower HPC users by allowing them to concentrate on their scientific ideas rather than getting bogged down by HPC environment complications, and enhance research productivity to its fullest potential.
Convert Juniper configurations to 'set-style'
JCC: Juniper Config Converter Convert Juniper configurations. Takes a Juniper configuration as displayed using show configuration and transforms it to
🚀 Blazing fast and Powerful Discord Token Grabber, no popo made with python
Rusty-Grabber 🚀 a blazing fast Discord Token Grabber, no popo made with python Fastest Token Grabber ever : Rusty-Grabber time ./target/release/grab
Tiny CLI application in rust to scan ports from a given IP and find how many are open. You can also pass the amount of threads for that scan
Port Scanner A simple multi-threaded port scanner written in Rust. Usage Run the port scanner by providing the target IP address and optional flags. $
Holochain + ZKP usage experiment in the form of battleships
Battleships Circuits Circuits nabbed from https://github.com/kunalmodi/battlesnark/tree/master. Circuits require circom to compile. cd circuits sh bui
A Chess Engine written in Rust .
Kelp Kelp is a UCI compatible chess engine written in Rust Using standard chess algorithms. Kelp is work in progress. Currently, it can be used as a U
Indeed, an ORM library, not a framework, written in Rust
Ormlib Indeed, an ORM library, not a framework, written in Rust Features The main idea that I put into my ORM library is a minimum of stupid code and
SP3 Precise GNSS Orbit and Clock parser :artificial_satellite:
SP3 SP3 Precise GNSS Orbit files parser. SP3 is specifid by IGS. The parser only supports Revisions C & D at the moment and rejects revisions A & B. G
Drop-in replacement for the Actix Web HTTP Logger middleware
actix-contrib-logger Logger middleware for the Actix Web framework. Actually it's a copy & paste from the official Logger middleware (original source
Rust library for stability.ai
stabilityai Rust library for stability.ai Overview stabilityai is an unofficial Rust library for stability.ai It's based on OpenAPI spec Current featu