11126 Repositories
Bare-bones WebTransport library in Rust.
Webtransport WebTransport is a protocol for client-server communication over QUIC. It's available in the browser as an alternative to HTTP and WebSock
This is a Order-preserving encryption (OPE) lib inspired by cryptdb's ope implementation.
Ope in rust This is an Order-preserving encryption (OPE) lib inspired by cryptdb's ope implementation. It is a pure rust implementation, no c dependen
A scrapper that abstracts the IQ Option API calls into a Rust package.
IQ Option API - In Rust An abstraction of IQ Options API calls in a Rust library. License Licensed under either of MIT license (LICENSE-MIT or https:/
Rust client for the huggingface hub aiming for minimal subset of features over `huggingface-hub` python package
This crates aims to emulate and be compatible with the huggingface_hub python package. compatible means the Api should reuse the same files skipping d
Code for blog post "{n} times faster than C, where n = 128"
Code for {n} times faster than C, where n = 128 Actually, n = 290 🤯 Benchmark Setup Rust version: rustc 1.70.0 (90c541806 2023-05-31) Run test: cargo
rublog /rʌblɑg/ is a static blog generator written in Rust
README README About rublog demo DEMO Install use Initialize from rublog-template rublog command Publishing the web page Development Plan TOML Front Ma
Execute SQL now and get the results later.
pg_later Execute SQL now and get the results later. A postgres extension to execute queries asynchronously. Installation Add pg_later to shared_preloa
A lightweight distributed message queue. Like AWS SQS and RSMQ but on Postgres.
Postgres Message Queue (PGMQ) A lightweight distributed message queue. Like AWS SQS and RSMQ but on Postgres. Features Lightweight - Built with Rust a
Compiler frontend for the PureScript programming language.
purescript-analyzer Goals Provide an independent frontend for providing information for IDE tooling, separate from the compiler. Implement a rich edit
Encode/Decode bytes as emoji base2048
mojibake Encode and decode arbitrary bytes as a sequence of emoji optimized to produce the smallest number of graphemes. Description This is not a spa
An interruption-free notification system for Linux
nofi A Rofi-driven notification manager rofi.mp4 nofi is a distraction-free notification center. While most notification daemons make immediate popups
Compile your WebAssembly programs into SPIR-V shaders
wasm2spirv - Compile your WebAssembly programs into SPIR-V shaders Warning wasm2spirv is still in early development, and not production ready. This re
A Rust implementation of OpenAI's Whisper model using the burn framework
Whisper Burn: Rust Implementation of OpenAI's Whisper Transcription Model Whisper Burn is a Rust implementation of OpenAI's Whisper transcription mode
A rust library to interact with the Vyper compiler!
vyper-rs A rust library to interact with the Vyper compiler! Dependencies Please ensure that the Vyper compiler is installed and added to PATH! To ins
A community improved version of the polycubes project!
Polycubes This code is associated with the Computerphile video on generating polycubes. The original repository may be found here. That version is unc
Rust in-memory dumper
combine Check your windows local security authority credential's safety with this awesome tool. Coupled dump decoder @ https://github.com/ruggi99/comb
Sample Artemis bot to fill UniswapX orders using on-chain liquidity
UniswapX Atomic Filler This is a sample Artemis bot that fills UniswapX orders atomically using Uniswap v2 and v3 liquidity. Feel free to fork and mod
A primitive DNS server written in Rust for fun.
vòdo A primitive DNS server written in Rust for fun. @lucavallin ➜ /workspaces/vodo (main) $ ./target/debug/vodo -h A primitive DNS server written in
Open source programming language written in Rust.
Tron Programming Language An open-source programming language written in Rust. Installation Before starting the installation, please make sure that yo
GitHub CLI extension to search some repos interactively.
gh activity GitHub CLI extension to search some repos interactively. It's wrapper to build gh command provided by GitHub CLI, it could search more eas
Programming language made by me to learn other people how to make programming languages :3
Spectra programming language Programming language made for my tutorial videos (my youtube channel): Syntax Declaring a variable: var a = 3; Function
Token De/Serializer for testing De/Serialize implementations
serde_test This crate provides a convenient concise way to write unit tests for implementations of Serialize and Deserialize. The Serialize impl for
Deep learning at the speed of light.
luminal Deep learning at the speed of light. use luminal::prelude::*; // Setup graph and tensors let mut cx = Graph::new(); let a = cx.new_tensor::R
A terminal-based companion program for ComfyUI.
Yara Yara is a companion tool for ComfyUI, based in the terminal. It can: Pause queue generations by saving/loading them to files Cancel queued genera
Harness the power of signify(1) to sign arbitrary git objects
git-signify A tool to sign arbitrary objects in a git repository. Generating keys Signing keys can be generated with signify, from the OpenBSD project
Create, manage and deploy p2panda schemas
fishy Create, manage and deploy p2panda schemas Releases | Contribute | Website Command-line-tool to easily create update and share your p2panda schem
rehype plugin to use tree-sitter to highlight code in pre code blocks
rehype-tree-sitter rehype plugin to use tree-sitter to highlight code in precode blocks Contents What is this? When should I use this? Install Use
📡Proxy HTTP/1.1 requests over a sensitive point-to-point link
ptproxy Motivation What's this? Why do I need this? What's a sensitive network link? What's wrong with a VPN? What's wrong with HTTP[S]? What's wrong