11126 Repositories
Ethereum transaction simulator leveraging Foundry's codebase
Enso Transaction 🧐 Simulator 🧐 A simple API which simulates a given transaction request. 📫 API 📫 POST /api/v1/simulate Simulates a single transact
A tiny embedded database built in Rust.
TinyBase TinyBase is an in-memory database built with Rust, based on the sled embedded key-value store. It supports indexing and constraints, allowing
Vemcache is an in-memory vector database.
Vemcache Vemcache is an in-memory vector database. Vemcache can be thought of as the Redis equivalent for vector databases. Getting Started Prerequisi
Grimsby is an Erlang Port written in Rust that can close its standard input while retaining standard output (and error)
Grimsby An Erlang Port provides the basic mechanism for communication from Erlang with the external world. From the Ports and Port Drivers: Erlang Ref
a simple rust service for Scheduling commands execution on time basis, an easy alternative to cron
Tasker A Simple crate which provides a service and a configuration API for genrating commands based tasks ,on time basis. Installation build from sour
A demo for a cross-chain lending using chainsight
demo-crosschain-lending A demo of crosschain lending, using chainsight. Overview This demo shows how to use the chainsight protocol to deposit assets
Fast(er) AES-based constructions for WebAssembly and Rust.
Fast(er) AES-based constructions for Rust and WebAssembly AEGIS-128L AEGIS-256 AES-128-CTR AES-256-CTR AES-128-OCB AES-256-OCB AES-128-GCM AES-256-GCM
Idiomatic Rust implementations for various Windows string types (like UNICODE_STRING)
nt-string by Colin Finck [email protected] Provides idiomatic Rust implementations for various Windows string types: NtUnicodeString (with NtUnicode
An opinionated Rust library for interacting with AWS DynamoDB single-table designs.
Modyne An opinionated library for interacting with AWS DynamoDB single-table designs. † Motive Modyne follows the precepts laid out for effective sing
Fast tool to scan for valid 7-long imgur ids for the ArchiveTeam imgur efforts (not affiliated or endorsed)
imgur_id7 Fast tool to scan for valid 7-long imgur ids for the ArchiveTeam imgur efforts (not affiliated or endorsed) Optionally uses supplied http pr
A monorepo containing all the custom components of the Astria network
A monorepo containing all the custom components of the Astria network, a decentralized system that replaces traditional sequencers, offering a shared, permissionless sequencer network.
String OS from User Space!
... from User Space! Introduction Did you read about the amazing String OS? Did you find yourself longing for its amazingly simple and elegant API? Ar
A quick-and-dirty attempt to get scoped tasks in Rust.
scoped_tasks_prototype A quick-and-dirty attempt to get scoped tasks in Rust. This library tries to provide an interface similar to scoped threads, ac
WIP: Rust implementation of packs for ruby
packs WIP: Rust implementation of packs and packwerk for ruby Features It's entirely built in Rust, so it's really fast, and doesn't require any exter
High-performance, lock-free local and concurrent object memory pool with automated allocation, cleanup, and verification.
Opool: Fast lock-free concurrent and local object pool Opool is a high-performance Rust library that offers a concurrent and local object pool impleme
A fantastic crate for fmting numbers using the appropriate unciode characters.
fmtastic ✨ A fantastic crate for fmting numbers using the appropriate unicode characters via the Display trait. ✨ Supports vulgar fractions, super- an
A CLI tool to copy-paste different Ipsums from your terminal
Lorem clipsum Explore the docs » View Demo · Report Bug · Request Feature Table of Contents About The Project Built With Usage Contributing Contact Ab
Read specialized NGS formats as data frames in R, Python, and more.
oxbow Read specialized bioinformatic file formats as data frames in R, Python, and more. File formats create a lot of friction for computational biolo
A small program that converts midi files to RPE (Re: Phigros Edit) Charts
Midi to RPE(Re: Phigros Edit) chart converter $ mid2json --help Usage: mid2json [OPTIONS] MIDI_PATH Arguments: MIDI_PATH Name of the input fil
TI-89-style calculator, maybe turing complete
I will make a fully capable graphing calculator in Rust and you can't stop me. As always, I'm not using libraries or any of that. Everything here is h
gRPC client/server for zero-knowledge proof authentication Chaum Pederson Zero-Knowledge Proof in Rust
gRPC client/server for zero-knowledge proof authentication Chaum Pederson Zero-Knowledge Proof in Rust. Chaum Pederson is a zero-knowledge proof proto
AlterWare game modification updater & launcher
alterware-launcher Download latest release Unpack the archive and place alterware-launcher.exe in the game directory Run alterware-launcher.exe, after
RuTTY - Rust TTY Server
RuTTY - Rust TTY Server Demo RuTTY (aka Ruthie) is a CLI-powered websocket server written in Rust that allows you to expose your commands via browser.
Continuous runtime observablity SDKs to monitor WebAssembly code.
Observe Observe is an observability SDK for WebAssembly. At the moment we support wasmtime hosts and we output opentelemetry data to stdout. We plan t
A simple command-line tool for conversing with ChatGPT
daberu A simple command-line tool for conversing with ChatGPT. "daberu" is a Japanese translation of "chatting". $ daberu -h ChatGPT client tool that
Shell Escape for Typst typesetting system. Linux Only.
Shell Escape for Typst This is a simple shell escape for Typst. It allows you to run shell commands directly from Typst compiler. That said, it does n
Lightweight, Strongly Typed Xata Client written in Rust
xata-rs: Lightweight, Strongly Typed Xata Client xata-rs is a third party Xata client, allowing interaction with Xata's REST API. Adding xata-rs (WIP)
A file management automation tool.
organize A file management automation tool. Current Status This is in really early development. Please come back later! Background The Python organize