11126 Repositories
A SLAM algorithm for WebAssembly 🍔
🍔 Slamburger [in-progress] This repo is meant to be an extremely teachable codebase for how to do SLAM. It's also meant to provide a library in WebAs
ChatGPT CLI - A minimal assistant in the terminal
ChatGPT CLI A lightweight ChatGPT CLI - Chat completion. Interact with ChatGPT from your terminal and save the conversation in a text file. Get starte
A Rust library for interacting with OpenAI's ChatGPT API, providing an easy-to-use interface and strongly typed structures.
ChatGPT Rust Library A Rust library for interacting with OpenAI's ChatGPT API. This library simplifies the process of making requests to the ChatGPT A
An implementation of the classic arcade game Whac-A-Hole inside Discord, made in 12 hours, with no experience in Rust.
Whac-A-Hole A blazingly fast implementation of the classic arcade game What-A-Hole inside Discord, made in 12 hours, with no experience in Rust ( 🚀 ?
A simple CLI utility to add rounded borders, padding, and shadows to images.
shadower a simple command-line utility to add rounded corners and shadows to images Installation From AUR paru -S shadower-git From source cargo build
A fast rendezvous in rust where data can optionally be swapped between the two threads.
rendezvous_swap A rendezvous is an execution barrier between a pair of threads, but this crate also provides the option of swapping data at the synchr
Simple shared types for multi-threaded Rust programs
Keep Calm (and call Clone) Simple shared types for multi-threaded Rust programs: keepcalm gives you permission to simplify your synchronization code i
A modern alternative to fortune(1).
lot A modern alternative to fortune(1). Author Kees van Voorthuizen License Licensed under either of Apache License, Version 2.0 (LICENSE-APACHE or ht
A very simple synth with 3 waveforms and configurable oscillators.
simple-synth This is an experimental project that implements a basic software synthesizer in Rust using the CPAL library. The synthesizer can generate
💰 Midas is a free and open source Moving Average Trading backtest simulator.
Midas is a free and open source Moving Average Trading backtest simulator Bilibili Video: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV11o4y1B7fL ⚠️ Warning Inves
`ggllama` is a Rust port of ggerganov's llama.cpp.
Notice llama-rs beat me to the punch. I'll be contributing to that instead. The original README is preserved below. ggllama ggllama is a Rust port of
OpenAI's tiktoken but with node bindings
⏳ tiktoken-node tiktoken is a fast BPE tokeniser for use with OpenAI's models. const tiktoken = require('tiktoken-node') let enc = tiktoken.getEncodin
A blazing fast CLIP gRPC service in rust.
CLIP as service in Rust A blazing fast gRPC server for CLIP model, powered by ONNX. Only text model can be used now. Build cargo build --bin clip-as-s
Scaffold that provides a basic setup for a Yew app with DaisyUI for styling.
Yew and Tailwind CSS Scaffold This scaffold provides a basic setup for a Yew app with Tailwind CSS for styling. It also includes DaisyUI, a Tailwind C
A CLI tool to launch vscode projects, which supports devcontainers.
vscli A CLI tool to launch vscode projects, which supports devcontainers. Features A shorthand for launching vscode projects Detects whether a project
chatgpt from the command line 🤖💬
Talk to ChatGPT from your terminal. Quickstart First you'll need to install the CLI: cargo install chatgpt-cli Then, you'll need to make sure your ca
Neural Network implementation from scratch using Cairo 1.0
Neural Network for MNIST in Cairo 1.0 Implementation of a Neural Network from scratch using Cairo 1.0 for MNIST predictions. The NN has a simple two-l
Displays the latest statistics from the russian military.
Shoporusni CLI A CLI tool for displaying the latest statistics of the Russian military losses. This Rust application retrieves the latest statistics o
A Rust trait to convert numbers of any type and size to their English representation.
num2english This Rust crate provides the NumberToEnglish trait which can be used to convert any* number to its string representation in English. It us
Blazing fast Pedersen hash implementation for Node.JS
pedersen-fast Blazing fast Pedersen hash implementation for Node.JS Exposes starknet-crypto's implementation written in Rust as WASM package. Usage np
Summarize audio/video files
About A simple CLI tool to summarize audio files. Uses the OpenAI whisper API to transcribe the audio to text and then the OpenAI ChatGPT API to summa
Timestamp-orderable UUIDs for Python, written in Rust.
UUIDT Timestamp-orderable UUIDs for Python, written in Rust. Installation pip install uuidt Usage import uuidt # Create a new UUIDT u = uuidt.new('my
rust cli project.el clone for those leaving emacs
R-Ject I was a longtime Emacs user and really miss the project management that came with projectile.el and project.el at the same time I was looking f
Derive `clone_from` for `Clone` in Rust
Derive Clone including clone_from This crate offers a derive macro called CloneFrom to derive Clone with a specialized clone_from implementation. When
Stay on top of semver using your changelog.
semverlog - semantic versioning meets changelogs The semantic versioning specification (https://semver.org) gives us a tool sanely evolve software. Ho
Super-lightweight git manager
gmg - Super-lightweight git manager The idea The idea is simple: no extra server layer, no extra proxies. Just a pure git and ssh. Setup The setup scr
Core Lightning plugin for sending zap (NIP-57) notes
Core Lightning plugin for sending zap events You can add the plugin by copying it to CLN's plugin directory or by adding the following line to your co
A path-normalization pentesting tool.
pathbuster A path-normalization pentesting tool Todos • Installation • Usage • Examples • Contributing • License • Join Discord Todos Implement --filt