11126 Repositories
Arduino Uno 9 axis acceleration sensor (BMX055) reader implemented in Rust.
Arduino Uno Accelaration reader in Rust Components Arduino Uno (Probably possible with other AVR microcontrollers) BMX055 (Japanese website) Datasheet
Rubik's cube made with bevy engine.
English Rubik's Cube 魔方 3阶魔方 随机打乱魔方 重置魔方 鼠标拖拽魔方旋转 游戏UI 相机视角控制(缩放、移动) WASM支持 在线游玩:点这里(电脑版Chrome/Firefox/Edge打开) 运行 本地运行 cargo run WASM运行 rustup target
Rust implementation for Wlroots (Sway, Wayfire, Hikari, River, etc.) of Gnome Screenshot and Idle DBUS Server, which Upwork uses to capture the screen as proof of work.
🚀 upwork-wlroots-bridge 🚀 Rust Implementation for Wlroots (Sway, Wayfire, Hikari, River, etc.) of Gnome Screenshot and Idle DBUS Server (with extra
Macro to customize the behavior of `?`
::custom-try Macro to customize the behavior of ? Examples use ::custom_try::custom_try; #[repr(transparent)] pub struct FfiResult { pub status_c
Procedural macro to derive Serde serializer-deserializer for Prost
prost-serde-derive prost-serde-derive is a procedural macro to generate Serde serializers and deserializers for Prost-generated structs. Rationale Cur
Yet another phigros chart player.
prpr - P hig R os P layer, written in R ust Usage To begin with, clone the repo: git clone https://github.com/Mivik/prpr.git && cd prpr For compactnes
Recipes for avoiding bounds checks in Rust, without unsafe!
Recipes for avoiding bounds checks in Rust This repository showcases various approaches to avoiding bounds checks in Rust code, without unsafe code. E
fork of erupt-bootstrap for ash
ash-bootstrap Vulkan Bootstrapping library for Rust, inspired by vk-bootstrap. ✅ Instance creation ✅ Physical Device selection ✅ Device creation ✅ Get
Horus is an open source tool for running forensic and administrative tasks at the kernel level using eBPF, a low-overhead in-kernel virtual machine, and the Rust programming language.
Horus Horus is an open-source tool for running forensic and administrative tasks at the kernel level using eBPF, a low-overhead in-kernel virtual mach
Formats output of Solana's cargo test-bpf/test-sbf command
solfmt Formats output of Solana's cargo test-bpf/test-sbf command. Installation cargo install solfmt Usage Run the your test command as usual (cargo t
✨ A simple and cute tool for exploring Wikipedia from the terminal ✨
Wikipe ✨ Wikipe ✨ is a tool to search Wikipedia from the command-line. Given a search query, it returns a list of matching Wikipedia articles, which c
Purplecoin Core integration/staging tree
ℙurplecoin Official implementation of Purplecoin, the first stateless cryptocurrency. Requires Rust Nightly =v1.63.0. WARNING The source code is stil
A list of Rust buffers that implements the bytes::Buf trait.
buf-list A list of bytes::Bytes chunks. Overview This crate provides a BufList type that is a list of Bytes chunks. The type implements bytes::Buf, so
A framework experience for Yew.
stackable A framework experience for Yew. Stackable provides a development stack with: Tooling around Server-side Rendering Support. An easy-to-use, S
🐙 Grams knows best. GPT3 Chat hot key enabled osx desktop app
grams Welcome to the grams repository! 🌈 What is grams? Grams desktop app and way to mainline chat.openai.com into you're day to day life. grams was
Stdto provides a set of functional traits for conversion between various data representations.
Stdto stdto provides a set of functional traits for conversion between various data representations. | Examples | Docs | Latest Note | stdto = "0.13.0
Koofr Vault is an open-source, client-side encrypted folder for your Koofr cloud storage offering an extra layer of security for your most sensitive files.
Koofr Vault https://vault.koofr.net Koofr Vault is an open-source, client-side encrypted folder for your Koofr cloud storage offering an extra layer o
A minimal and fast zero-copy parser for the PE32+ file format.
peview A minimal and fast zero-copy parser for the PE32+ file format. Goal This project aims to offer a more light weight and easier to use alternativ
high-level API for reaper-rs
rea-rs Easy to use ReaScript API. While reaper-rs is full-implemented at low-level, and, partially implemented at medium-level, on top of it (mostly,
Chargo is a tool for file encryption/decryption. It's based on Argon2 and ChaCha20Poly1305 algorithms.
| Documentation Chargo is a tool for file encryption/decryption with password. It's based on Argon2 and ChaCha20Poly1305 algorithms. From arg2u with ♥
When your network-sense tingles 🚨
HTTP Sense HTTP Sense is a reverse proxy and network monitoring tool that provides comprehensive network monitoring for your backend servers and micro
A candidate backend for the Telegram channel @KonachanPopular
Konachan Popular (Rust) This repository contains the source code of the backend program running the Telegram channel @KonachanPopular. Run in a Contai
`matchable` provides a convenient enum for checking if a piece of text is matching a string or a regex.
matchable matchable provides a convenient enum for checking if a piece of text is matching a string or a regex. The common usage of this crate is used
Generate PHP code from Rust using a fluent API 🐘 🦀
PHP-Codegen Generate PHP code from Rust using a fluent API 🐘 🦀 Rust PHP Usage To bring this crate into your repository, either add php_codegen to yo
Work-in-Progress, opinionated game framework built on Bevy.
Bones A work-in-progress, opinionated game meta-engine built on Bevy. Under development for future use in the Jumpy game, and possibly other FishFolk
Logging for text that should stay in the same place in a console.
console_static_text Crate for logging text that should stay in the same place in a console. This measures words to handle wrapping and has some consol
📦+🦀=♥️ A tool that helps wrap binary releases for easy distribution
Rustwrap A tool that helps wrap binary releases for easy distribution. Currently supporting: npm - npm install -g your-tool will make your binary your
a library for generating bevy_rapier2d colliders, for bevy apps, from images with transparency
bevy_rapier_collider_gen a library for generating bevy_rapier2d colliders, for bevy apps, from images with transparency example to see this in action