Formats output of Solana's cargo test-bpf/test-sbf command

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Cryptography solfmt


Formats output of Solana's cargo test-bpf/test-sbf command.



cargo install solfmt


  1. Run the your test command as usual (cargo test-sbf -- --test-threads=1)
  2. Pipe stderr into stdout (2>&1)
  3. Pipe the result to solfmt (| sofmt)
cargo test-sbf -- --test-threads=1 2>&1 | solfmt
  1. Enjoy more readable logs

Preserving Colorful Build Output

Since we're piping the output of cargo test-sbf into solfmt it doesn't print in colors by default.

We can fix that by setting the CARGO_TERM_COLOR env var appropriately.

CARGO_TERM_COLOR=always cargo test-sbf -- --nocapture --test-threads=1 2>&1 | solfmt

Since this is a lot to type you should add a reusable function to your bashrc.

The below defined in my dotfiles allows to focus on a simple test as well by providing it as an argument.

function cg-tsbf() {
  CARGO_TERM_COLOR=always cargo test-sbf $1 -- --nocapture --test-threads=1 2>&1 | solfmt



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