11126 Repositories
Ector is an open source async, no-alloc actor framework for embedded devices
Ector is an open source async, no-alloc actor framework for embedded devices. Ector is an open source async, no-alloc actor framework for embedded dev
Vulkan and Rust rendering~game engine which creation is covered with YouTube videos
Vulkan and Rust rendering~game engine which creation is covered with YouTube videos
Peekable iterator that allows to peek the next N elements without consuming them.
peekaboo docs - crates.io Peekable iterator that allows to peek the next N elements without consuming them. It's no_std compatible by default. It also
A demo of the Internet Computer's Bitcoin API
Bitcoin Integration Demo A demo of the bitcoin endpoints on the Internet Computer. This demo is already deployed to the IC, so you can already try it
Sampling profiler and tracer for Ruby (CRuby) which runs in BPF
rbperf rbperf is a low-overhead sampling profiler and tracer for Ruby (CRuby) which runs in BPF Build To build rbperf you would need a Linux machine w
A data compatibility project for Minecraft's assets
Data Compat MC Data tool for the Falcon MC project. Description DataCompatMC is a cli tool designed to help deal with the many different versions of M
A WIP minimal C Compiler written in Rust 🦀
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Kana - a small CLI program for transliterating romaji text to either hiragana (ひらがな) or katakana (カタカナ).
Kana About Kana is a small CLI program for transliterating romaji text to either hiragana (ひらがな) or katakana (カタカナ). How it works Internally, it uses
The Rust API client for KittyCAD.
kittycad.rs The Rust API client for KittyCAD. Rust docs KittyCAD API Docs Generating You can trigger a build with the GitHub action to generate the cl
Prometheus instrumentation service for the NGINX RTMP module.
nginx-rtmp-exporter Prometheus instrumentation service for the NGINX RTMP module. Usage nginx-rtmp-exporter [OPTIONS] --scrape-url SCRAPE_URL O
Project generator written in Rust :crab:
C.R.S. Create a new project from a template Why another project generator ? It's inspired of cookiecutter (#20). It's written in rust for safety and r
Rust wrapper for `os-release`
os-release-rs Rust wrapper for /etc/os-release file. Installation Add this to your Cargo.toml: [dependencies] os-release-rs = "0.1.0" Usage use os_rel
A simple web-app allowing you to batch archive groups of repositories from a given organization
ice-repos My goal here is to build a simple web-app allowing you to batch archive groups of repositories from a given organization, using Rust+Yew. As
Allows deploying modules to Aptos under resource accounts.
Aptos Deployer Module containing helpers for deploying resource accounts. Resource accounts allow the module to sign as itself on-chain, which is usef
A Brainf** interpreter written in rust 🦀
Brainf Interpreter An interpreter for the esoteric programming language Brainfuck written in rust 🦀 Compilation NOTE: To compile the project, you nee
A Rust crate to expressively declare bitfield-like structs
proc-bitfield A Rust crate to expressively declare bitfield-like structs, automatically ensuring their correctness at compile time and declaring acces
Ecstasy - a subjective experience of total involvement of the subject, with an object of their awareness.
Ecstasy (from Ancient Greek ἔκστασις ékstasis, meaning 'outside of oneself') is a subjective experience of total involvement of the subject, with an object of their awareness. In classical Greek literature it refers to removal of the mind or body "from its normal place of function."
A type-safe, high speed programming language for scalable systems
A type-safe, high speed programming language for scalable systems! (featuring a cheesy logo!) note: the compiler is unfinished and probably buggy. if
qsv: Ultra-fast CSV data-wrangling toolkit
qsv is a command line program for indexing, slicing, analyzing, splitting, enriching, validating & joining CSV files. Commands are simple, fast & composable
No-nonsense, elegant request framework
Note: this crate is in an experimental sketch state. Please be careful if using on production environments. nerf nerf stands for: No-nonsense: Correct
GUI for Grin Node + Wallet
Grin GUI This is a very Work-in-Progress implementation of the Grin Core Team's Integrated GUI for both Grin Wallet and Grin Node. Goals The Grin team
An html macro for dioxus applications.
dioxus html macro This crate offers an html! like macro for dioxus applications. It expands to the equivalent rsx! macro call you would have made othe
A simple rust-based tool for fetching system information
💐 azf a simple rust-based tool for fetching system information you need a patched nerd font and the material design icons font 🔨 compiling you can c
An API and test-app that exposes zcash functionality for app consumption
Zingolib This repo provides both a library for zingoproxyclient and zingo-mobile, as well as an included cli application to interact with zcashd via l
Python module implemented in Rust for counting the number of one bits in a numpy array.
bit-counter Package for counting the number of one bits in a numpy array of uint8 values. Implemented as a Python module using Rust, providing high pe
Decentralized stablecoin on Juno Network.
Decentralized stablecoin on Juno Network.
messloc is a drop in replacement for malloc that can transparently recover from memory fragmentation without any changes to application code.
messloc is a drop in replacement for malloc that can transparently recover from memory fragmentation without any changes to application code. Goals Al
The rust client for CeresDB. CeresDB is a high-performance, distributed, schema-less, cloud native time-series database that can handle both time-series and analytics workloads.
The rust client for CeresDB. CeresDB is a high-performance, distributed, schema-less, cloud native time-series database that can handle both time-series and analytics workloads.