The rust client for CeresDB. CeresDB is a high-performance, distributed, schema-less, cloud native time-series database that can handle both time-series and analytics workloads.


CeresDB Rust Client



The rust client for CeresDB. CeresDB is a high-performance, distributed, schema-less, cloud native time-series database that can handle both time-series and analytics workloads.

Support features

  • Query
  • Write


Any contribution is welcome!

Read our Contributing Guide and make your first contribution!


Under Apache License 2.0.

Community and support

  • Join the user group on Slack
  • Join the user group on WeChat WeChat QR code
  • Join the user group on DingTalk: 44602802
  • Please add std::error::Error trait impl for ceresdb-client-rs::Error

    Please add std::error::Error trait impl for ceresdb-client-rs::Error

    It can't work because of not satisfied std::error::Error trait, when I use thiserror (#[from] ceresdb-client-rs::Error), I have to impl From<ceresdb_client_rs::Error> for ExbotError

    use thiserror::Error;
    pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, ExbotError>;
    #[derive(Error, Debug)]
    pub enum ExbotError {
        #[error("ceresdb client error: {0:?}")]
        CeresDb(#[from] ceresdb_client_rs::Error),
    //impl From<ceresdb_client_rs::Error> for ExbotError {
    //fn from(err: ceresdb_client_rs::Error) -> Self {


    opened by wisarmy 3
  • feat: display rows in csv format

    feat: display rows in csv format

    Signed-off-by: Ruihang Xia [email protected]

    Display QueriedRows in csv format. An example:

    opened by waynexia 3
  • feat: client for cluster

    feat: client for cluster

    Rationale for this change

    Now, the rust client can only be used for ceresdb of standalone mode. We should modify it for serving ceresdb of cluster mode.

    What changes are included in this PR?

    • Refactor project's directory organization for clearer structure.
    • Add router to fetch endpoint for metrics.
    • Add cluster implementation for client.

    Are there any user-facing changes?

    Users can now use client to access ceresdb of cluster mode.

    How does this change test

    CI itself.

    opened by Rachelint 2
  • refactor: upgrade implementation of GRPC (from grpcio to tonic)

    refactor: upgrade implementation of GRPC (from grpcio to tonic)

    Which issue does this PR close?

    Closes issue 240 in the main repo. Closes #16

    Rationale for this change

    Tonic is a native gRPC implementation with these pros:

    • Native, and safety.
    • More users (compare to grpcio)
    • Lower memory consumption

    What changes are included in this PR?

    1. Remove the dependency: grpcio.
    2. Reimplement the RpcClientImpl.
    3. Refactor RpcClientImplBuilder and renamed to RpcClientImplFactory.
    4. Refactor the hierarchy of the codes. DbClient Implementations for both the standalone mode and cluster mode was made to depend on the underlying InnerClient.

    Are there any user-facing changes?

    This PR just restructures the source code so as to improve maintainability without altering functionality.

    How does this change test

    Pass the existing CI.

    opened by archerny 1
  • Query may fail if response is empty

    Query may fail if response is empty


    Currently, the query response won't contain schema information if no data is found, which will lead to failure in parsing schema.


    Avoid parsing schema if no data is found.

    opened by ShiKaiWi 1
  • refactor: Refactor client interface to remove the explicit dependency on ceresdbproto

    refactor: Refactor client interface to remove the explicit dependency on ceresdbproto

    Rationale for this change

    Refactor client interface to Improve usability.

    What changes are included in this PR?

    Change req's type in DbClient::query from ceresdbproto::QueryRequest to QueryRequest, and impl From for ceresdbproto::QueryRequest.

    Are there any user-facing changes?

    Users can use this client independently without explicitly introducing ceresdbproto crate.

    How does this change test

    By existing UT

    opened by Rachelint 1
  • feat: standardize error

    feat: standardize error

    Which issue does this PR close?

    Closes #25

    Rationale for this change

    Now, error in our client doesn't implement std::error::Error. It may lead to problem while interact some error handling crates such thiserror(see #25 ).

    What changes are included in this PR?

    Use thiserror to standardize our error type.

    Are there any user-facing changes?


    How does this change test

    Test by ut.

    opened by Rachelint 0
  • fix: error while quried result is empty.

    fix: error while quried result is empty.

    Rationale for this change

    Now, fix the error mentioned in title.

    What changes are included in this PR?

    • fix error.

    Are there any user-facing changes?


    How does this change test

    Check by manual test with CeresDB.

    opened by Rachelint 0
  • Upgrade ceresdbproto to replace grpcio with tonic

    Upgrade ceresdbproto to replace grpcio with tonic

    After the ceresdbproto has been migrated to tonic toolchain, we hope the client should follow such a migration to avoid use of grpcio.

    More information can be found in:

    opened by ShiKaiWi 0
  • Support routing requests

    Support routing requests


    Now the CeresDB server provides routing information by route gRPC method but the client has not supported this api yet, that is to say, the client can't be used for a CeresDB cluster.


    • Retreive routing information about the query/write requests;
    • Cache the routing inforamtion in the client;
    • Able to evict the invalid routing entries;

    Additional Context

    Java client can provide a good example about the propasal.

    opened by ShiKaiWi 0
  • Re-export types from `common_types` dependency

    Re-export types from `common_types` dependency

    This way downstream consumer like ceresdb-client-py only have to depend on ceresdb-client-rs, never gonna mix up different versions of common_types crate.

    opened by messense 0
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