11126 Repositories
Convert perf.data files to the Firefox Profiler format
fxprof-perf-convert A converter from the Linux perf perf.data format into the Firefox Profiler format, specifically into the processed profile format.
Rust environment for Stellar Jump Cannon.
rs-stellar-contract-env Rust contract-environment interface and (optional) host implementation for Stellar Jump Cannon. This crate contains elements o
Map the Teenage Engineering OP-1 MIDI output to keyboard commands
OP1NPUT Maps the Teenage Engineering OP-1's MIDI output to keyboard keypresses so it may be used as a game controller. This exists because many of the
A Raspberry Pi Pico-based sequencer for Eurorack
A Raspberry Pi Pico-based sequencer for Eurorack.
Cryptle: a secure multi-party Wordle clone with Enarx
Cryptle: a secure multi-party Wordle clone with Enarx Wordle is a popular web-based game, where a single player has to guess a five-letter word in six
Notes and whatnot!
Noted CLI & TUI application to take and track notes. Generate Coverage (with cargo-llvm-cov): LCOV: cargo llvm-cov --all-features --workspace --lcov -
🦠 The Ultimate Gemini Toolkit.
Germ The Ultimate Gemini Toolkit. Germ is a toolkit for the Gemini protocol which aims to have a little something for everyone. At the moment, Germ ha
MAAS (Mutex-As-A-Service) I honestly don't know why I made this, but here it is. Here are some docs: Api docs Api docs were generated with this: https
A proof of concept file dropper utilizing PowerShell loosely based off
A proof of concept file dropper utilizing PowerShell loosely based off
Turns running Rust code into a serializable data structure.
WasmBox WasmBox turns running Rust code into a serializable data structure. It does this by compiling it to WebAssembly and running it in a sandbox. T
A library for loading and executing PE (Portable Executable) from memory without ever touching the disk
memexec A library for loading and executing PE (Portable Executable) from memory without ever touching the disk This is my own version for specific pr
An app which reads data from a serial port and serves it on a TCP port.
serial-to-tcp An app which reads data from a serial port and serves it on a TCP port. How to use Clone this repo and build the app as outlined below (
Flutter crossplatform audio playback library powered by golang beep & oto
Rowdy Pure Rust based Dart/Flutter audio playback library Installation $ flutter pub add rowdy Configuration You'll need the Rust toolchain installed
gpt3_rs is a rust library for interacting with OpenAi's gpt3
gpt3_rs is a rust library for interacting with OpenAi's gpt3
Dynamic csv reader, editor, writer
dcsv Dynamic csv reader, editor, and writer library. If you use structured csv data, use csv crate Feature Read csv which has undecided format Optiona
Tools that parsing Rust code into UML diagram (in dot format currently).
rudg Rust UML Diagram Generator Tools that parsing Rust code into UML diagram (in dot format currently). Usage $ rudg.exe --help rudg 0.1.0 USAGE:
The most fundamental type for async synchronization: an intrusive linked list of futures
wait-list This crate provides WaitList, the most fundamental type for async synchronization. WaitList is implemented as an intrusive linked list of fu
Learn programming with Rust as a first language (book)
Learn programming with Rust as first language This is a book to learn programming from scratch. Read the book here: https://deavid.github.io/lprfl/ LI
A tool to help with estimating NEAR gas spent by transactions on Aurora.
Aurora Gas Estimator A tool to help with estimating NEAR gas spent by transactions on Aurora. Building from source Prerequisites Rust GNU Make (3.81+)
A standard for fungible tokens on Move.
Move Program Kit (MPK) The Move Program Kit (MPK) is a collection of software written in the Move programming language for the Aptos blockchain. Modul
Reverse proxy for HTTP microservices and STDIO. Openfass watchdog which can run webassembly with wasmer-gpu written in rust.
The of-watchdog implements an HTTP server listening on port 8080, and acts as a reverse proxy for running functions and microservices. It can be used independently, or as the entrypoint for a container with OpenFaaS.
Renderer-agnostic toolkit for Indie Game Developers
Indie Toolkit Renderer-agnostic toolkit for Indie Game Developers Features Not yet implemented: app_kit debug_kit input_kit asset_kit audio_kit Implem
A HashMap/Vector hybrid: efficient, ordered key-value data storage in Rust.
hashvec A HashVec is a hash map / dictionary whose key-value pairs are stored (and can be iterated over) in a fixed order, by default the order in whi
Durudex Near Protocol Token.
Durudex Near Token 💡 Prerequisites Rust Near CLI ⚙️ Build To build a token you will need to use this: cargo build --all --target wasm32-unknown-unkno
YAML(ish) - Terminal UI framework based on templates focused on simplicity
A YAML(ish) based terminal GUI framework for- and by Rust, focussed on making it quick and easy to create a functional UI for an app or game. Based on Crossterm and inspired by Kivy.
Papercraft is a tool to unwrap 3D models.
Papercraft Introduction Papercraft is a tool to unwrap paper 3D models, so that you can cut and glue them together and get a real world paper model. T
😎 A custom invoke system for Tauri that leverages WebSockets
😎 tauri-awesome-rpc This is a crate provides a custom invoke system for Tauri using a localhost JSON RPC WebSocket. Each message is delivered through
Archeum - a minimalist text editor
Archeum About The Project Archeum is a minimalist text editor that is really usefull if you've been in the vim psychosis for to long. Reject plugins,