Implementation of the Jubjub elliptic curve group



This is a pure Rust implementation of the Jubjub elliptic curve group and its associated fields.

  • This implementation has not been reviewed or audited. Use at your own risk.
  • This implementation targets Rust 1.47 or later.
  • All operations are constant time unless explicitly noted.
  • This implementation does not require the Rust standard library.


Curve Description

Jubjub is the twisted Edwards curve -u^2 + v^2 = 1 + d.u^2.v^2 of rational points over GF(q) with a subgroup of prime order r and cofactor 8.

q = 0x73eda753299d7d483339d80809a1d80553bda402fffe5bfeffffffff00000001
r = 0x0e7db4ea6533afa906673b0101343b00a6682093ccc81082d0970e5ed6f72cb7
d = -(10240/10241)

The choice of GF(q) is made to be the scalar field of the BLS12-381 elliptic curve construction.

Jubjub is birationally equivalent to a Montgomery curve y^2 = x^3 + Ax^2 + x over the same field with A = 40962. This value of A is the smallest integer such that (A - 2) / 4 is a small integer, A^2 - 4 is nonsquare in GF(q), and the Montgomery curve and its quadratic twist have small cofactors 8 and 4, respectively. This is identical to the relationship between Curve25519 and ed25519.

Please see ./doc/evidence/ for supporting evidence that Jubjub meets the SafeCurves criteria. The tool in ./doc/derive/ will derive the curve parameters via the above criteria to demonstrate rigidity.


Jubjub was designed by Sean Bowe. Daira Hopwood is responsible for its name and specification. The security evidence in ./doc/evidence/ is the product of Daira Hopwood and based on SafeCurves by Daniel J. Bernstein and Tanja Lange. Peter Newell and Daira Hopwood are responsible for the Jubjub bird image.

Please see Cargo.toml for a list of primary authors of this codebase.


Licensed under either of

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.

  • Why is the Jubjub base field exposed?

    Why is the Jubjub base field exposed?

    Is there a use-case for exposing the base field of Jubjub? From the perspective of a user of the elliptic curve library, the base field of the curve is an implementation detail. From looking through the API it seemed like the only place that it's used in the public API is in functions like from_raw_unchecked for unsafely constructing points, but it's not clear why someone would need to do that.

    opened by hdevalence 9
  • Expose Fr::MODULUS

    Expose Fr::MODULUS

    As jubjub::MODULUS:

    use jubjub::{Fr, MODULUS};
    let modulus: Fr = MODULUS;
    // do something with it

    IMO the current docs ("Constant representing the modulus r = 0x...") are okay, and it doesn't need a rename or anything.

    I found this useful, not sure if others will.

    opened by znewman01 6
  • Fix ZIP 216 bug

    Fix ZIP 216 bug

    See ZIP 216 for more details.

    A new API jubjub::AffinePoint::from_bytes_pre_zip216_compatibility has been added for consensus compatibility. We will use this API in Zcash code until NU5 activates.

    opened by str4d 5
  • Fq inverse (addition chain for fq)

    Fq inverse (addition chain for fq)

    This PR is to add an addition chain for performing faster inversion over Fq. According to the benchmark it takes about half the time that the naive way does.

    This is using the baseline addition presented by @ValarDragon in

    I wrote a simple program in Java to convert the output in to rust code. I can share that tool if it useful or when we do teh same for Fr.

    opened by Eirik0 5
  • Constant time everything

    Constant time everything

    This changes virtually everything to be constant time, by introducing a new Maybe abstraction that can later be upstream'd to subtle. This borrows from #18's constant time Tonelli-Shanks, adapted to match the current implementation that is more efficient and more closely based on the paper.

    TODO: tests for Maybe::and_then and Maybe::map

    opened by ebfull 2
  • Point arithmetic (addition/doubling)

    Point arithmetic (addition/doubling)

    This is all of the point arithmetic we could possibly need; though we have to consider what is and isn't necessary downstream, and expose a simpler interface. ~This is mostly based on what curve25519-dalek does.~ I've modified my proposed API based on Mike Hamburg's paper.

    • [ ] AffinePoint represents a (u, v) coordinate in memory.
      • [ ] ::identity() -> Self (forward from Default::default())
      • [ ] ::compress(&self) -> [u8; 32]
      • [ ] ::decompress_vartime([u8; 32]) -> Self
      • [ ] ::get_u(&self) -> Fq
      • [ ] ::get_v(&self) -> Fq
      • [ ] ::to_affine_niels(&self) -> AffineNielsPoint
      • [ ] ::double(&self) -> ExtendedPoint
      • [ ] (private) ::is_on_curve_var(&self) -> bool
    • [ ] ExtendedPoint represents a (U, V, T1, T2, Z) coordinate in memory. (u:Z, v:Z with T1*T2 = uv/Z)
      • [ ] ::to_affine(&self) -> AffinePoint
      • [ ] ::double(&self) -> CompletedPoint
    • [ ] AffineNielsPoint represents an affine point in Niels coordinates (v+u, v-u, uv2d)
    • [ ] ProjectiveNielsPoint represents a projective point in Niels coordinates (V+U, V-U, Z, 2dUV)


    • [ ] impl Add<&ExtendedNielsPoint> for &ExtendedPoint
    • [ ] impl Add<&AffineNielsPoint> for &ExtendedPoint
    • [ ] impl Sub<&ExtendedNielsPoint> for &AffinePoint
    • [ ] impl Sub<&AffineNielsPoint> for &AffinePoint
    • [ ] impl Neg for &AffineNielsPoint
    • [ ] impl Neg for &ProjectiveNielsPoint
    • [ ] impl Neg for &AffinePoint
    • [ ] impl Neg for &ExtendedPoint
    opened by ebfull 1
  • Fq square assign

    Fq square assign

    This PR is to incorporate the squaring algorithm from

    I've also added some benchmarks and refactored some of the helper functions to return pairs rather than update one value by reference.

    opened by Eirik0 1
  • Optimize square root implementation for Fq

    Optimize square root implementation for Fq

    Suggested by @str4d:

    The Sarkar algorithm used in the Pasta implementation is applicable to Fq since it is highly 2-adic. (Fr is not, but optimizing Fq square roots is more important for Jubjub curve point decompression, and therefore for Sapling trial decryption; see ).

    opened by daira 0
  • Will be good to add a tag on each release ?

    Will be good to add a tag on each release ?

    In jubjub version is at 0.7.0 ( but here in github is 0.3.0 which is a bit confusing. Will it worth to tag 0.7.0 here now ?

    opened by oxarbitrage 0
  • Recalculate w-NAF recommendations

    Recalculate w-NAF recommendations

    The implementation of WnafGroup::recommended_wnaf_for_num_scalars copies the empirical recommendations from the old pairing::bls12_381 implementation of G1. We should recalculate them for this implementation.

    opened by str4d 0
  • Serde support

    Serde support

    We'd like to have Serde support for use implementing FROST for redjubjub (tracking issue: I'd be happy to implement this (probably feature-gated behind a serde feature?) if it would fit with the library.

    opened by hdevalence 0
  • Request for Addition Chains

    Request for Addition Chains

    Jubjub needs you!

    ... to make efficient addition chains.

    • 0x73eda753299d7d483339d80809a1d80553bda402fffe5bfefffffffeffffffff (for inversion in Fq)
    • 0x39f6d3a994cebea4199cec0404d0ec02a9ded2017fff2dff7fffffff80000000 (for Legendre symbol in Fq)
    • 0x39f6d3a994cebea4199cec0404d0ec02a9ded2017fff2dff80000000 (for sqrt in Fq)
    • 0x73eda753299d7d483339d80809a1d80553bda402fffe5bfeffffffff (also for sqrt in Fq)

    • 0x0e7db4ea6533afa906673b0101343b00a6682093ccc81082d0970e5ed6f72cb5 (for inversion in Fr)
    opened by ebfull 6
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