Private key finder based on the (Bitcoin) secp256k1 elliptic curve.



keyripper is a powerful tool developed in Rust to assist in the recovery of Bitcoin private keys by leveraging the Baby-Step Giant-Step (BSGS) algorithm to solve the discrete logarithm problem on the secp256k1 elliptic curve. This project underscores the importance of robust cryptographic practices and provides insights into the mathematical foundations that secure blockchain technologies.

Mathematical Background Summary:

  • Elliptic Curves: Key structures in cryptography, defined by the equation y² = x³ + ax + b with conditions to avoid singularities.

  • secp256k1: A specific elliptic curve used in Bitcoin, defined by y² = x³ + 7 over a 256-bit prime field.

  • Key Points:

    • Generator Point (G): Starting point for key generation.
    • Order (n): Number of distinct points generated from G, a large prime.
  • Discrete Logarithm Problem (DLP): Challenge of finding the integer k such that Q = k * G. Security of systems like Bitcoin relies on the difficulty of solving DLP.

  • Baby-Step Giant-Step (BSGS) Algorithm: Efficient method for solving DLP, reducing complexity from O(n) to O(sqrt(n)).

    • Baby Steps: Compute and store points G, 2G, 3G, ..., mG.
    • Giant Steps: Compute Q - j * mG and check against the baby steps table for matches.
  • Steps:

    • Initialization: Choose m = ceiling(n) and create a hash table.
    • Baby Steps Phase: Store points in the hash table.
    • Giant Steps Phase: Check for matches and calculate k.
  • Advantages of BSGS: Efficient and deterministic.

  • Limitations: High memory usage and scalability issues for large n.

  • Optimization Strategies: Use hash tables, parallelization, and subrange splitting to improve performance.


  • Efficient DLP Solver: Implements the Baby-Step Giant-Step algorithm optimized for the secp256k1 curve.
  • Multithreading Support: Leverages multiple CPU cores to accelerate the search process.
  • User-Friendly Configuration: Allows customization of search ranges and subrange sizes.
  • Integration with Google Colab: Facilitates running the tool in cloud environments.
  • Secure Key Handling: Ensures safe management of sensitive cryptographic materials.



  • Rust Programming Language: Ensure Rust is installed on your system. If not, follow the Installing Rust section.
  • Git: Required for cloning the repository.
  • Internet Connection: Necessary for downloading dependencies.

Installing Rust

Rust is the primary language used for developing keyripper. Follow these steps to install Rust on your system:

On Windows

  1. Download Rust Installer:

    Visit and click on the Windows button to download the installer.

  2. Run the Installer:

    Execute the downloaded .exe file and follow the on-screen instructions.

  3. Configure Your Current Shell:

    After installation, open a new Command Prompt or PowerShell window to ensure that the Rust binaries are in your PATH.

  4. Verify the Installation:

    rustc --version

    You should see output similar to:

    rustc 1.XX.X (commit hash)

On Linux

  1. Install Rust via rustup:

    Open your terminal and execute:

    curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
  2. Follow the On-Screen Instructions:

    The script will guide you through the installation process. By default, it installs the latest stable version of Rust.

  3. Configure Your Current Shell:

    After installation, configure your shell environment by running:

    source $HOME/.cargo/env
  4. Verify the Installation:

    rustc --version

    You should see output similar to:

    rustc 1.XX.X (commit hash)

Cloning the Repository

Clone the keyripper repository from GitHub:

git clone

Navigate to the project directory:

cd keyripper

Setting Up Configuration

keyripper uses a .env file to configure essential variables. Create a .env file in the root directory of the project with the following content:

  • NUM_THREADS: Number of threads to utilize for the search process.
  • SUBRANGE_SIZE: Size of each subrange for the search.
  • SERVER_URL: URL of the server to send the found key.
  • API_AUTH_TOKEN: Authentication token for the server.

Building and Running the Project

Build the project using Cargo, Rust's package manager and build system:

On Windows and Linux

cargo build --release
cargo run

This command compiles the project in release mode, optimizing for performance. The compiled binary will be located in the target/release/ directory.

Example Output:

Start scalar: 780778204189001025463454792048743977763, Maximum steps: 10001
[+] ThreadId(15) is processing the range: 780778204189001025463454792048743977763 - 780778204189001025463454792048743987763
[-] ThreadId(18) is processing the range: 680564733841876926926749214863536422911 - 680564733841876926926749214863536422911
Private Key Found! <1a2b3c4d5e6f...>
Data successfully sent to the server.
Elapsed time: 2m 35s
Total steps attempted: 20002

Running in Google Colab

Google Colab provides a cloud-based environment to run keyripper without local setup. Follow these steps to execute keyripper in Google Colab:

  1. Open the Code in Google Colab

    Click the badge below to open the project in Google Colab:

  2. Run the Kernel Installation Cell

    Execute the first cell to install the Rust compiler and necessary dependencies:

    !curl -sSf | sh -s -- -y
    !source $HOME/.cargo/env
  3. Wait for the Runtime to Restart

    After the installation, the runtime will automatically restart. Wait until the process completes.

  4. Clone the Repository

    Once the runtime has restarted, run the following cell to clone the keyripper repository:

    !git clone
    %cd keyripper

Target Address Structure

keyripper requires target addresses to be defined in a specific JSON format. Below is an example of the expected structure:

    "Address": 130,
    "BitRange": "2^129...2^130-1",
    "PrivateKeyRange": "200000000000000000000000000000000...3ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff",
    "PrivateKeyRangeStart": "200000000000000000000000000000000",
    "PrivateKeyRangeEnd": "3ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff",
    "PrivateKey(HEX)": "Unknown",
    "PublicKey(HEX)": "03633cbe3ec02b9401c5effa144c5b4d22f87940259634858fc7e59b1c09937852",
    "BitcoinAddress": "1Fo65aKq8s8iquMt6weF1rku1moWVEd5Ua",
    "PercentOfRange": 0.0,
    "ResolutionDate": "Unknown",
    "Solver": "Unknown",
    "Solved": false

Field Descriptions:

  • Address: Identifier for the puzzle (e.g., 130).
  • BitRange: The range of bits for the private key search.
  • PrivateKeyRange: The hexadecimal range of private keys to search within.
  • PrivateKeyRangeStart: Starting point of the private key search range (hexadecimal).
  • PrivateKeyRangeEnd: Ending point of the private key search range (hexadecimal).
  • PrivateKey(HEX): The discovered private key in hexadecimal format (initially "Unknown").
  • PublicKey(HEX): The public key corresponding to the target Bitcoin address.
  • BitcoinAddress: The target Bitcoin address.
  • PercentOfRange: Percentage of the range that has been searched.
  • ResolutionDate: Date when the puzzle was solved (initially "Unknown").
  • Solver: Entity that solved the puzzle (initially "Unknown").
  • Solved: Boolean indicating whether the puzzle has been solved.

Puzzle Context

keyripper is designed to assist in solving cryptographic puzzles such as those found on These puzzles involve finding specific private keys within defined ranges that control significant amounts of Bitcoin.

~1000 BTC Bitcoin Challenge Transaction

  • Prize: 988.498 BTC (total), 51.598 BTC (won), 936.9 BTC (remaining)
  • Creator: Unknown
  • Start Date: 2015-01-15
  • Address: 1BY8GQbnueYofwSuFAT3USAhGjPrkxDdW9


In 2015, to demonstrate the vastness of the private key space (or perhaps for entertainment), someone created a "puzzle" where private keys within a specific, smaller space were chosen, and increasing amounts of Bitcoin were sent to each of those keys as follows:


  • 2015-01-15: A transaction was created containing transfers to 256 different Bitcoin addresses.
  • 2017-07-11: Funds from addresses #161–256 were moved to corresponding lower-range addresses, increasing their balances.
  • 2019-05-31: Outgoing transactions with 1000 satoshi were created for specific addresses to compare the difficulty of finding private keys.
  • 2023-04-16: Puzzle #66 was solved, but the prize was split between two addresses.


To solve these puzzles, one must iterate over the specific private key space and check each private key for a balance. The narrower the key space, the higher the chance of success. Utilizing algorithms like Baby-Step Giant-Step or Pollard's kangaroo can optimize this search process.


Contributions are welcome! Follow these steps to contribute to keyripper:

  1. Fork the Repository

    Click the "Fork" button at the top-right corner of the repository page.

  2. Clone Your Fork

    git clone
    cd keyripper
  3. Create a New Branch

    git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name
  4. Make Your Changes

    Implement your feature or bug fix.

  5. Commit Your Changes

    git commit -m "Add feature: your feature description"
  6. Push to Your Fork

    git push origin feature/your-feature-name
  7. Create a Pull Request

    Navigate to your fork on GitHub and click "New pull request".


This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.


For any questions or support, please open an issue on the GitHub repository or contact the maintainer at

Disclaimer: This tool is intended for educational and authorized security testing purposes only. Unauthorized use of this tool to compromise private keys is illegal and unethical. The authors are not responsible for any misuse of this software.

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