A tool that switch default audio playback device on windows.



A tool built by Rust that can switch default audio playback device on windows.

How to use

specify which device you want to use

Execute it directly will list the active audio playback devices and you can input an index to switch to a the specified device. PS D:\code\AudioSwitch\target\debug> .\audio_switch.exe

* 0 - Speakers (High Definition Audio Device)
  1 - Headset Earphone (Sennheiser BTD 800 USB)
Please input the index of above devices which you want to switch to:
Switched to your selected device:
  0 - Speakers (High Definition Audio Device)
* 1 - Headset Earphone (Sennheiser BTD 800 USB)

Switch to next device

Execute it with a argument switch. It will switch to next device.

PS D:\code\AudioSwitch\target\debug> .\audio_switch.exe switch
  0 - Speakers (High Definition Audio Device)
* 1 - Headset Earphone (Sennheiser BTD 800 USB)
PS D:\code\AudioSwitch\target\debug> .\audio_switch.exe switch
* 0 - Speakers (High Definition Audio Device)
  1 - Headset Earphone (Sennheiser BTD 800 USB)


You can also create a shortcut to the command and pin it to your start menu or taskbar for easily switch. Or bind the command to some hotkey tool.

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