devil may cry
D:\BaiduYunDownload\DEVIL MAY CRY 5\Devil May Cry 5\Devil May Cry 5 Vergil>mhrice search-path --pak re_chunk_000.pak > 12345.list
thread 'thread 'thread 'thread '' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1' panicked at '' panicked at '' panicked at '', called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1src\main.rs', ', ', :src\main.rssrc\main.rssrc\main.rs508::::50850850849:::
494949note: run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1
environment variable to display a backtrace
thread '' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1', src\main.rs:508:49
thread 'thread 'thread '' panicked at '' panicked at '' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1', ', ', src\main.rssrc\main.rssrc\main.rs:::508508508:::494949
thread '' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1', src\main.rs:508thread ':49' panicked at '
thread 'called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1', ' panicked at 'src\main.rscalled Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1thread ':', 508src\main.rs' panicked at '::called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 149508',
src\main.rs:thread ':49508
:' panicked at 'thread '49called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1
', ' panicked at 'thread 'src\main.rscalled Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1:', ' panicked at '508src\main.rscalled Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1::', 49508src\main.rs
:49thread '
thread '' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1' panicked at '', called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1src\main.rs', :src\main.rs508::50849:
49thread '
' panicked at 'thread 'called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1', ' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1src\main.rs', src\main.rs::508508::4949
thread '' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1', src\main.rs:508:49
thread '' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1', src\main.rs:508:49
thread '' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1', src\main.rs:508:49
thread '' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1', src\main.rs:508:49
thread '' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1', src\main.rs:508:49
thread '' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1', src\main.rs:508:49
thread '' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1', src\main.rs:508:49
thread '' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1', src\main.rs:508:49
Ghosts 'n Goblins Resurrection
thread '' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1' panicked at '', called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1src\main.rs', :src\main.rs508::50849:
49thread '
thread '' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1' panicked at '', called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1src\main.rs', :src\main.rs508::50849:
49thread '
thread '' panicked at '' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1', ', src\main.rssrc\main.rs::508508::4949
thread 'thread '' panicked at '' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1', ', src\main.rssrc\main.rs::508508::4949
thread 'thread '' panicked at '' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1', ', src\main.rssrc\main.rs::508508::4949
thread '
thread '' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1' panicked at '', src\main.rscalled Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1:', 508src\main.rs::49508
thread ':49' panicked at '
called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1thread '', src\main.rs' panicked at ':called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1508:', 49src\main.rs
thread ':508' panicked at ':called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 149',
src\main.rsthread ':508' panicked at ':called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 149',
src\main.rs:thread '508:' panicked at '49called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1
', thread 'src\main.rs:508' panicked at ':called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 149',
thread 'src\main.rs:508:49' panicked at '
called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1thread '', src\main.rs' panicked at ':called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1508', :src\main.rs49:
thread '508:' panicked at '49called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1
', thread 'src\main.rs:' panicked at '508called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1:', 49src\main.rs
:thread '508:' panicked at '49called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1
', thread 'src\main.rs:' panicked at '508called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1:', 49src\main.rs
:thread '508:' panicked at '49called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1
', thread 'src\main.rs:' panicked at '508called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1:', 49src\main.rs
:thread '508:' panicked at '49called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1
', thread 'src\main.rs:' panicked at '508called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1:', 49src\main.rs
:thread '508' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1', :49
thread '' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1', src\main.rs:508:49src\main.rs:
508thread ':49
' panicked at 'thread 'called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1', ' panicked at 'src\main.rscalled Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1:', 508src\main.rs::49508
:thread '49
' panicked at 'thread 'called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1', ' panicked at 'src\main.rscalled Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1:', 508src\main.rs::49508
:thread '49
thread '' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1' panicked at '', src\main.rs:508:49called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1
', thread '' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1', src\main.rs:508:49src\main.rs
thread ':508' panicked at ':called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 149',
src\main.rsthread ':508' panicked at ':called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 149',
src\main.rsthread ':508' panicked at ':called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 149',
src\main.rsthread ':508' panicked at ':called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 149',
thread 'src\main.rs:' panicked at '508called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1:', src\main.rs49:
508thread ':49
thread '' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1', src\main.rs:', 508src\main.rs::49508
:thread '49
thread '' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1' panicked at '', called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1src\main.rs', :src\main.rs508::50849:
49thread '
thread '' panicked at '' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1', ', src\main.rssrc\main.rs::508508::4949
thread '
thread '' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1' panicked at '', called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1src\main.rs', :src\main.rs508::50849:
thread '49
thread '' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1' panicked at '', called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1src\main.rs:508:49
thread '', src\main.rs' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1', src\main.rs::508:508:4949
thread '' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1', src\main.rs:508:49
thread '' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1', src\main.rs:508:49
thread '' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1', src\main.rs:508:49
thread '' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1', src\main.rs:508:49
thread '' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1', src\main.rs:508:49
thread '' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1', src\main.rs:508:49
thread '' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1', src\main.rs:508:49
thread '' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1', src\main.rs:508:49
thread '' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1', src\main.rs:508:49
thread '' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Unsupported format: 1', src\main.rs:508:49