Projects Answers
Projects repository.
Projects Answers is a collection of various code answers from different contributors in relation to theWe encourage code creativity on any answer. Certain challenges may be easy depending on the language, so how creative can you make those solutions?
This project is completely open source and available to anyone who wishes to contribute. The contribution guidelines are as follows.
- Be familiar with Git and GitHub.
- When adding a code solution, place it in a folder in correspondence to the solution type and section. The name of the folder should be the same as the project.
- When creating a folder follow a snake case format, if it contains only 1 word, keep it lowercase. Files follow the same format, either call it by the project name + extention, or main.extention. Only top level folders are allowed to have PascalCase names.
- Have somewhat descriptive commit and PR messages.
- If you have a different implimentation for something but do not want to build upon a previous answer, add a comment at EOF and your implimentation below that to let people know there are multiple implimentations.