Rustato: A powerful, thread-safe global state management library for Rust applications, offering type-safe, reactive state handling with an easy-to-use macro-based API.


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Rustato State Manager

A generical thread-safe global state manager for Rust Version Total Downloads size License

IntroductionFeaturesInstallationUsageAdvanced UsageApi ReferenceContributing

This library is a global state management solution for Rust projects, inspired by state management concepts from various ecosystems. Our goal is to provide a robust and easy-to-use tool for Rust developers who need a centralized state management system in their applications.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Features
  3. Installation
  4. Usage
  5. Advanced Usage
  6. API Reference
  7. Best Practices
  8. Contributing
  9. License


The Rustato Library is a powerful and flexible solution for managing application state in Rust projects. It provides a simple and intuitive API for creating, accessing, and modifying states, as well as registering callbacks for state changes. This library is particularly useful for applications that require a centralized state management system, such as desktop applications, web servers, or complex CLI tools.


  • Global state management with a singleton pattern
  • Type-safe state creation and access
  • Automatic generation of getters and setters
  • Event system for state changes
  • Thread-safe state manipulation
  • Easy integration with existing Rust projects
  • Macro-based API for reduced boilerplate


To use the Rustato Library in your project, add the following to your Cargo.toml:

rustato = "0.1.1"

Then, add the following to your main Rust file:

use rustato::*;


Creating States

To create a new state, use the create_state! macro:

use rustato::*;

create_state!(struct AppState {
    status: String,
    window_visible: bool,
    user_count: u32,

This macro creates a new struct AppState with the specified fields and registers it with the global state manager.

Accessing States

To access a state for read-only operations, use the get_state! macro and call the read mode:

let app_state = get_state!(AppState).read();

println!("Current status: {}", app_state.status);
println!("Window visible: {}", app_state.window_visible);
println!("User count: {}", app_state.user_count);

Modifying States

To modify a state, use the get_state! macro and call the write mode:

let mut app_state = get_state!(AppState).write();

app_state.status = "Running".to_string();
app_state.window_visible = true;
app_state.user_count = 42;

Registering Callbacks

To register a callback that will be called when a state changes, use the on_state_change! macro:

on_state_change!(CounterState, |field_changed: &str, state: &CounterState| {
    println!("Field changed: {}", field_changed);
    println!("New counter value: {}", state.counter);

Advanced Usage

Using with Tauri

The Rustato Library can be easily integrated with Tauri applications. Here's an example of how to use it in a Tauri app:

use rustato::*;
use tauri::Manager;

fn increment_counter() -> i32 {
    let mut app_state = get_state!(AppState).write();
    let new_value = app_state.counter + 1;
    app_state.counter = new_value;

fn main() {
    create_state!(AppState {
        counter: i32,

        .setup(|app| {
            let app_handle = app.handle();
            on_state_change!(AppState, |field_changed: &str, state: &CounterState| {
                if field_changed == "counter" {
                    app_handle.emit_all("counter-changed", state.counter).unwrap();
        .expect("error while running tauri application");

In this example, we create an AppState with a counter field. We register a callback that emits a Tauri event whenever the counter changes. The increment_counter function is exposed as a Tauri command that increments the counter and returns the new value.

Using in Multithreaded Applications

The Rustato Library is designed to be thread-safe. Here's an example of using it in a multithreaded application:

use rustato::*;
use std::thread;

fn main() {
    create_state!(struct SharedState {
        value: i32,

    let handles: Vec<_> = (0..10).map(|i| {
        thread::spawn(move || {
            let mut state = get_state!(SharedState).write();
            state.value += i;

    for handle in handles {

    let final_state = get_state!(SharedState).read();
    println!("Final value: {}", final_state.value);

In this example, we create 10 threads that all modify the same shared state. The library ensures that these modifications are thread-safe.

Custom State Types

You can use custom types in your states as long as they implement the necessary traits. Here's an example:

use rustato::*;

#[derive(Clone, Default)]
struct User {
    id: u64,
    name: String,
    email: String,

create_state!(struct UserState {
    current_user: User,
    logged_in: bool,

fn main() {
        let mut state = get_state!(UserState).write();
        state.current_user = User {
            id: 1,
            name: "John Doe".to_string(),
            email: "[email protected]".to_string(),
        state.logged_in = true;

    let user_state = get_state!(UserState).read();
    println!("Current user: {:?}", user_state.current_user);
    println!("Logged in: {}", user_state.logged_in);

API Reference


  • create_state!(struct_definition): Creates a new state with the given ID and struct definition.
  • get_state!(struct_definition).read() -> &State: Returns a reference to the state with the given struct definition.
  • get_state!(struct_definition).write() -> &mut State: Returns a mutable reference to the state with the given struct definition.
  • on_state_change!(struct_definition, callback: Fn(&str, &State)): Registers a callback to be called when the state with the given struct definition changes.


  • StateManager::new() -> StateManager: Creates a new StateManager instance.
  • StateManager::register_state<T: 'static + Clone + Send + Sync>(&self, id: &str, state: T): Registers a new state with the given ID and initial value.
  • StateManager::get_state<T: 'static + Send + Sync>(&self, id: &str) -> Option<State<T>>: Returns the state with the given ID, if it exists.
  • StateManager::register_callback<T: 'static + Send + Sync>(&self, id: &str, callback: StateChangeCallback<T>): Registers a callback for the state with the given ID.
  • StateManager::notify_state_change<T: 'static + Send + Sync>(&self, id: &str, field: &str, state: &T): Notifies registered callbacks about a state change.

Best Practices

  1. State Granularity: Create separate states for different parts of your application to improve performance and reduce unnecessary updates.

  2. Immutable Access: Use get_state!(struct_definition).read() when you only need to read state values to prevent accidental modifications.

  3. Callback Efficiency: Keep callbacks lightweight and avoid performing heavy computations or I/O operations directly in the callback. Instead, use the callback to trigger other parts of your application.

  4. State Initialization: Initialize your states as early as possible in your application lifecycle, preferably during the setup phase.

  5. Error Handling: Always handle potential errors when accessing states, especially when using get_state!(struct_definition).read() or get_state!(struct_definition).write() with an unknown struct definition.

  6. Thread Safety: While the library is designed to be thread-safe, be cautious when sharing state across threads and consider using appropriate synchronization primitives when necessary.

  7. Testing: Create unit tests for your state management logic to ensure that state changes and callbacks work as expected.


Contributions to the Rustato Library are welcome! Please feel free to submit issues, fork the repository and send pull requests!

When contributing to this repository, please first discuss the change you wish to make via issue, email, or any other method with the owners of this repository before making a change.

Please note we have a code of conduct, please follow it in all your interactions with the project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

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