Turn your keyboard into a typewriter! 📇


daktilo ("typewriter" in Turkish, pronounced "duck-til-oh", derived from the Ancient Greek word δάκτυλος for "finger") is a small command-line program that plays typewriter sounds every time you press a key. It also offers the flexibility to customize keypress sounds to your liking. You can use the built-in sound presets to create an enjoyable typing experience, whether you're crafting emails or up to some prank on your boss.

✨ Inspiration: "Taking notes in class with my typewriter"

Now you can recreate this moment without the actual need for a physical typewriter!

Table of Contents

Getting Started

Simply run daktilo for the classic typewriter effect.

There are also different presets available:

Preset Name Description
default the classic typewriter effect
basic an alternative and more basic typewriter effect
musicbox plays random notes like a music box
ducktilo quack quack 🦆
drumkit dum, tss, cha! 🥁

To list the presets:

daktilo --list-presets

To use a preset:

daktilo --preset musicbox

To use a different output device:

daktilo --device pipewire

Also, you can use --list-devices to list the available output devices.

Supported Platforms

  • Linux
    • X11
    • Wayland*
  • Windows
  • MacOS


Packaging status

Packaging status


daktilo can be installed from crates.io using cargo if Rust is installed.

cargo install daktilo

The minimum supported Rust version is 1.70.0.

On Linux, the following packages should be installed:

  • Arch Linux: alsa-lib libxtst libxi
  • Alpine Linux: alsa-lib-dev libxi-dev libxtst-dev
  • Debian/Ubuntu: libasound2-dev libxi-dev libxtst-dev

Arch Linux

daktilo can be installed from the official repositories using pacman:

pacman -S daktilo

Alpine Linux

daktilo is available for Alpine Edge. It can be installed via apk after enabling the testing repository.

apk add daktilo

Binary releases

See the available binaries for different targets from the releases page.

Build from source

  1. Clone the repository.
git clone https://github.com/orhun/daktilo && cd daktilo/
  1. Build.
CARGO_TARGET_DIR=target cargo build --release

Binary will be located at target/release/daktilo.


daktilo [OPTIONS]


-v, --verbose          Enables verbose logging [env: VERBOSE=]
-p, --preset <PRESET>  Sets the name of the sound preset to use [env: PRESET=]
-l, --list-presets     Lists the available presets
    --list-devices     Lists the available output devices
-d, --device <DEVICE>  Sets the device for playback [env: DAKTILO_DEVICE=]
-c, --config <PATH>    Sets the configuration file [env: DAKTILO_CONFIG=]
-i, --init             Writes the default configuration file
-h, --help             Print help
-V, --version          Print version


daktilo can be configured with a configuration file using the TOML format.

The path of the configuration file can be specified via --config argument or DAKTILO_CONFIG environment variable.

It can also be placed in one of the following global locations:

  • <config_dir> / daktilo.toml
  • <config_dir> / daktilo/daktilo.toml
  • <config_dir> / daktilo/config

<config_dir> depends on the platform as shown in the following table:

Platform Value Example
Linux $XDG_CONFIG_HOME or $HOME/.config /home/orhun/.config
macOS $HOME/Library/Application Support /Users/Orhun/Library/Application Support
Windows {FOLDERID_RoamingAppData} C:\Users\Orhun\AppData\Roaming

See daktilo.toml for the default configuration options.

You can also create the default configuration file in the current directory with --init flag:

daktilo --init

Adding custom presets

The configuration file consists of an array of sound_preset entries.

To define an array in TOML, you can create different sections as follows:

name = "custom"
key_config = []

name = "another_custom"
key_config = []
disabled_keys = []

As shown above, sound_preset consists of 2 entries:

  • name: The name of the preset. It will be used in conjunction with --preset flag. e.g. --preset custom
  • key_config: An array of key press/release events for assigning audio files to the specified keys. It can also be used to control the volume etc.
  • disabled_keys: An array of keys that will not be used for playback.
Click for the list of available keys.

Alt, AltGr, Backspace, CapsLock, ControlLeft, ControlRight, Delete, DownArrow, End, Escape, F1, F10, F11, F12, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, Home, LeftArrow, MetaLeft, MetaRight, PageDown, PageUp, Return, RightArrow, ShiftLeft, ShiftRight, Space, Tab, UpArrow, PrintScreen, ScrollLock, Pause, NumLock, BackQuote, Num1, Num2, Num3, Num4, Num5, Num6, Num7, Num8, Num9, Num0, Minus, Equal, KeyQ, KeyW, KeyE, KeyR, KeyT, KeyY, KeyU, KeyI, KeyO, KeyP, LeftBracket, RightBracket, KeyA, KeyS, KeyD, KeyF, KeyG, KeyH, KeyJ, KeyK, KeyL, SemiColon, Quote, BackSlash, IntlBackslash, KeyZ, KeyX, KeyC, KeyV, KeyB, KeyN, KeyM, Comma, Dot, Slash, Insert, KpReturn, KpMinus, KpPlus, KpMultiply, KpDivide, Kp0, Kp1, Kp2, Kp3, Kp4, Kp5, Kp6, Kp7, Kp8, Kp9, KpDelete, Function, Unknown

As an example, here is how you can configure key_config:

key_config = [
  { event = "press", keys = "Return", files = [{ path = "ding.mp3", volume = 1.0 }] },
  • event: "press" or "release"
  • keys: A regular expression (regex) for matching the keys.
  • files: An array of files.
    • path: The absolute path of the file. If the file is embedded in the binary (i.e. if it is inside sounds/ directory) then it is the name of the file without full path.
    • volume: The volume of the sound. The value 1.0 is the "normal" volume (unfiltered input). Any value other than 1.0 will multiply each sample by this value.

If you have defined multiple files for a key event, you can also specify a strategy for how to play them:

key_config = [
  { event = "press", keys = ".*", files = [{ path = "1.mp3" }, { path = "2.mp3" }], strategy = "random" },

Currently supported strategies are:

  • strategy = "random": pick a random file from the list and play it.
  • strategy = "sequential": play the files sequentially.

Here is how you can combine everything together:

# Custom sound preset named "custom"
name = "custom"

# Key configurations for various events
key_config = [
  # When a key starting with "Key" is pressed, play 1.mp3, 2.mp3, and 3.mp3 sequentially
  { event = "press", keys = "Key*", files = [
    { path = "1.mp3" },
    { path = "2.mp3" },
    { path = "3.mp3" },
  ], strategy = "sequential" },

  # When a key starting with "Key" is released, play 4.mp3
  { event = "release", keys = "Key*", files = [
    { path = "4.mp3" },
  ] },

  # When a key starting with "Num" is pressed, play num.mp3 at a very high volume (10.0)
  { event = "press", keys = "Num*", files = [
    { path = "num.mp3", volume = 10.0 },
  ] },

  # When any key is pressed, play a random sound from cat.mp3, dog.mp3, or bird.mp3
  { event = "press", keys = ".*", files = [
    { path = "cat.mp3" },
    { path = "dog.mp3" },
    { path = "bird.mp3" },
  ], strategy = "random" },

# Disabled keys that won't trigger any sound events
disabled_keys = ["CapsLock", "NumLock"]

Similar Projects


Huge thanks to H. Arda Güler for giving me the idea for this project, sharing the inspiration behind it and implementing the first iteration in Python.

Kudos! 👾


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If you find daktilo and/or other projects on my GitHub useful, consider supporting me on GitHub Sponsors or becoming a patron!


See our Contribution Guide and please follow the Code of Conduct in all your interactions with the project.

Also, see how you can add new presets here.


License: MIT License: Apache 2.0

Licensed under either of Apache License Version 2.0 or The MIT License at your option.

🦀 ノ( º _ º ノ) - respect crables!

Copyright © 2023, Orhun Parmaksız

  • [Panic] Can not start if use event release

    [Panic] Can not start if use event release

    Describe the bug

    To reproduce

    name = "holy_panda"
    key_config = [
      { event = "press", keys = "Return", files = [
        { path = "/Users/XXX/go/src/github.com/nathan-fiscaletti/keyboardsounds/keyboardsounds/profiles/holy-panda/press_enter.mp3", volume = 2.0 },
      ] },
      { event = "press", keys = "Backspace", files = [
        { path = "/Users/XXX(/go/src/github.com/nathan-fiscaletti/keyboardsounds/keyboardsounds/profiles/holy-panda/press_back.mp3", volume = 2.0 },
      ] },
      { event = "press", keys = "Space", files = [
        { path = "/Users/XXX/go/src/github.com/nathan-fiscaletti/keyboardsounds/keyboardsounds/profiles/holy-panda/press_space.mp3", volume = 2.0 },
      ] },
      { event = "press", keys = ".*", files = [
        { path = "/Users/XXX/go/src/github.com/nathan-fiscaletti/keyboardsounds/keyboardsounds/profiles/holy-panda/press_key1.mp3", volume = 2.0 },
        { path = "/Users/XXX/go/src/github.com/nathan-fiscaletti/keyboardsounds/keyboardsounds/profiles/holy-panda/press_key2.mp3", volume = 2.0 },
        { path = "/Users/XXX/go/src/github.com/nathan-fiscaletti/keyboardsounds/keyboardsounds/profiles/holy-panda/press_key3.mp3", volume = 2.0 },
        { path = "/Users/XXX/go/src/github.com/nathan-fiscaletti/keyboardsounds/keyboardsounds/profiles/holy-panda/press_key4.mp3", volume = 2.0 },
        { path = "/Users/XXX/go/src/github.com/nathan-fiscaletti/keyboardsounds/keyboardsounds/profiles/holy-panda/press_key5.mp3", volume = 2.0 },
      ], strategy = "random" },
      { event = "release", keys = ".*", files = [
        { path = "/Users/XXX/go/src/github.com/nathan-fiscaletti/keyboardsounds/keyboardsounds/profiles/holy-panda/release_key.mp3", volume = 1.0 },
      ] },

    Expected behavior

    It starts nomarlly

    Screenshots / Logs

    ➜  ~ RUST_BACKTRACE=full daktilo --preset holy_panda
    2023-10-05T02:44:44.555053Z  INFO daktilo: Starting...
    thread '<unnamed>' panicked at 'index out of bounds: the len is 0 but the index is 0', /Users/XXX/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f/rodio-0.17.1/src/decoder/symphonia.rs:175:22
    stack backtrace:
       0:        0x102ff89a8 - __mh_execute_header
       1:        0x102ec811c - __mh_execute_header
       2:        0x102fd92a0 - __mh_execute_header
       3:        0x102ffc144 - __mh_execute_header
       4:        0x102ffbd7c - __mh_execute_header
       5:        0x102ffcc68 - __mh_execute_header
       6:        0x102ffc7e0 - __mh_execute_header
       7:        0x102ffc754 - __mh_execute_header
       8:        0x102ffc748 - __mh_execute_header
       9:        0x103062638 - __mh_execute_header
      10:        0x103062688 - __mh_execute_header
      11:        0x102f07180 - __mh_execute_header
      12:        0x102f05e44 - __mh_execute_header
      13:        0x102f00040 - __mh_execute_header
      14:        0x102effc84 - __mh_execute_header
      15:        0x102eff4d4 - __mh_execute_header
      16:        0x102fcb5d4 - __mh_execute_header
      17:        0x102fcbb40 - __mh_execute_header
      18:        0x10339a7ac - _DefaultOutputAUFactory
      19:        0x1034999dc - _AUNotQuiteSoSimpleTimeFactory
      20:        0x10339eb58 - _AUGenericOutputFactory
      21:        0x183a110b0 - <unknown>
      22:        0x183a0e4e0 - <unknown>
      23:        0x183b97cb8 - <unknown>
      24:        0x1811f7034 - __pthread_joiner_wake
    fatal runtime error: Rust panics must be rethrown
    [1]    92809 abort      RUST_BACKTRACE=full daktilo --preset holy_panda

    Software information

    • Operating system: macOS 14.0
    • Rust version: rustc 1.72.1 (d5c2e9c34 2023-09-13)
    • Project version: 0.2.0

    Additional context

    Only this mp3 is error, another mp3 plays fine. I don't use Rust but as I read logs, it seems the panic in the lib rodio 0.17.1.

    opened by haunt98 2
  • Virustotal found trojan in daktilo-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc.zip

    Virustotal found trojan in daktilo-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc.zip

    I decided to check the zip file daktilo-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc.zip on the Virustotal service. Found a Trojan in the files. Popular threat label

    • trojan.xegumumune

    Threat categories

    • trojan

    Family labels

    • xegumumune

    Kaspersky - Trojan-Spy.Win64.Xegumumune.lx ZoneAlarm by Check Point - Trojan-Spy.Win64.Xegumumune.lx

    Details: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/898dd117df213511c423f003d8575b743fe92f08f8354b89ee427af4c5d8f76c/detection

    opened by 4uku 2
  • chore: release v0.3.0

    chore: release v0.3.0

    🤖 New release

    • daktilo: 0.2.1 -> 0.2.2

    [0.2.2] - 2023-10-06

    📇 Features

    • (playback) Support selecting the output device - (6bd8269)

    This PR was generated with release-plz.

    opened by orhun 1
  • Failed to install with Cargo on Ubuntu 22.04

    Failed to install with Cargo on Ubuntu 22.04

    Failed to install with Cargo on Ubuntu 22.04

    Freshly installed Rust and Cargo via curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh. Then tried to install daktilo with the recommended command cargo install daktilo and failed.

    Software information

    • Operating system: Ubuntu 22.04 (6.2.0-34-generic) operating with x11 (Waylad is disabled)
    • Rust version: rustc 1.72.1 (d5c2e9c34 2023-09-13)
    • Project version: daktilo v 0.2.0

    Additional context

    See full shell log
        Updating crates.io index
      Downloaded daktilo v0.2.0ning bytes: 268.1 KB                                                                                           
      Downloaded 1 crate (2.4 MB) in 1.23silo ...                                                                                             
      Installing daktilo v0.2.0
        Updating crates.io index
      Downloaded libflate_lz77 v1.2.0g bytes: 182.8 KB                                                                                        
      Downloaded dirs-sys v0.4.1aining bytes: 1.9 MB                                                                                          
      Downloaded dasp_sample v0.11.0ng bytes: 1.9 MB                                                                                          
      Downloaded equivalent v1.0.1ning bytes: 1.9 MB                                                                                          
      Downloaded nu-ansi-term v0.46.0g bytes: 1.8 MB                                                                                          
      Downloaded cfg-if v1.0.0emaining bytes: 1.8 MB                                                                                          
      Downloaded block-buffer v0.10.4g bytes: 1.8 MB                                                                                          
      Downloaded tokio-macros v2.1.0ng bytes: 5.9 MB                                                                                          
      Downloaded thiserror-impl v1.0.49bytes: 5.8 MB                                                                                          
      Downloaded roff v0.2.1 remaining bytes: 5.7 MB                                                                                          
      Downloaded num_cpus v1.16.0ining bytes: 5.6 MB                                                                                          
      Downloaded matchers v0.1.0aining bytes: 5.6 MB                                                                                          
      Downloaded cpufeatures v0.2.9ing bytes: 5.6 MB                                                                                          
      Downloaded bytes v1.5.0remaining bytes: 5.6 MB                                                                                          
      Downloaded parking_lot_core v0.9.8ytes: 5.6 MB                                                                                          
      Downloaded once_cell v1.18.0ning bytes: 7.0 MB                                                                                          
      Downloaded same-file v1.0.6ining bytes: 6.9 MB                                                                                          
      Downloaded proc-macro2 v1.0.67ng bytes: 6.9 MB                                                                                          
      Downloaded toml v0.8.2 remaining bytes: 8.1 MB                                                                                          
      Downloaded strsim v0.10.0maining bytes: 7.9 MB                                                                                          
      Downloaded lazy_static v1.4.0ng bytes: 7.9 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded include-flate-codegen-exports v0.1.4                                                                                         
      Downloaded serde_spanned v0.6.3 bytes: 7.9 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded option-ext v0.2.0ing bytes: 10.9 MB                                                                                          
      Downloaded toml_edit v0.20.2ing bytes: 10.9 MB                                                                                          
      Downloaded tracing v0.1.37ining bytes: 10.7 MB                                                                                          
      Downloaded thread_local v1.1.7g bytes: 10.6 MB                                                                                          
      Downloaded symphonia v0.5.3ning bytes: 10.6 MB                                                                                          
      Downloaded terminal_size v0.3.0 bytes: 10.6 MB                                                                                          
      Downloaded rust-embed-impl v8.0.0ytes: 10.6 MB                                                                                          
      Downloaded regex-automata v0.1.10ytes: 10.6 MB                                                                                          
      Downloaded anstyle v1.0.4aining bytes: 10.4 MB                                                                                          
      Downloaded clap_mangen v0.2.14g bytes: 10.2 MB                                                                                          
      Downloaded anstyle-query v1.0.0 bytes: 10.1 MB                                                                                          
      Downloaded toml_datetime v0.6.3 bytes: 10.1 MB                                                                                          
      Downloaded nix v0.24.3remaining bytes: 10.1 MB                                                                                          
      Downloaded rust-embed-utils v8.0.0tes: 9.7 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded include-flate-codegen v0.1.49.6 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded colorchoice v1.0.0ng bytes: 9.5 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded is-terminal v0.4.9ng bytes: 9.3 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded adler32 v1.2.0aining bytes: 9.2 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded regex v1.9.6emaining bytes: 9.2 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded heck v0.4.1remaining bytes: 8.9 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded signal-hook-registry v1.4.1 8.7 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded scopeguard v1.2.0ing bytes: 8.7 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded quote v1.0.33maining bytes: 8.7 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded pkg-config v0.3.27ng bytes: 8.7 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded log v0.4.20remaining bytes: 8.7 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded pin-project-lite v0.2.13es: 8.7 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded rustix v0.38.17ining bytes: 8.6 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded fastrand v2.0.1ining bytes: 8.5 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded proc-macro-hack v0.5.20+deprecated                                                                                           
      Downloaded colored v2.0.4aining bytes: 8.4 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded thiserror v1.0.49ing bytes: 8.3 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded utf8parse v0.2.1ning bytes: 8.1 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded serde_regex v1.1.0ng bytes: 8.1 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded generic-array v0.14.7bytes: 8.1 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded digest v0.10.7aining bytes: 8.0 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded dirs v5.0.1remaining bytes: 7.9 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded walkdir v2.4.0aining bytes: 7.7 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded autocfg v1.1.0aining bytes: 7.7 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded clap_lex v0.5.1ining bytes: 7.7 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded anstream v0.6.4ining bytes: 7.7 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded bitflags v1.3.2ining bytes: 7.7 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded tracing-log v0.1.3ng bytes: 7.6 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded version_check v0.9.4 bytes: 7.6 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded clap_derive v4.4.2ng bytes: 7.6 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded arrayvec v0.7.4ining bytes: 7.5 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded tokio v1.32.0maining bytes: 7.4 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded smallvec v1.11.1cting tokio ...                                                                                              
      Downloaded sha2 v0.10.8emaining bytes: 7.0 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded rdev v0.5.3remaining bytes: 7.0 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded overload v0.1.1ining bytes: 7.0 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded rodio v0.17.1maining bytes: 7.0 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded alsa-sys v0.3.1ining bytes: 7.0 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded symphonia-metadata v0.5.3s: 6.7 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded lock_api v0.4.10ning bytes: 6.7 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded aho-corasick v1.1.1g bytes: 6.7 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded errno v0.3.4emaining bytes: 6.7 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded bitflags v2.4.0ining bytes: 6.5 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded crc32fast v1.3.2ning bytes: 6.5 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded bytemuck v1.14.0ning bytes: 6.3 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded crypto-common v0.1.6 bytes: 6.2 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded anstyle-parse v0.2.2 bytes: 6.2 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded parking_lot v0.12.1g bytes: 6.2 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded sharded-slab v0.1.6g bytes: 6.2 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded unicode-ident v1.0.12bytes: 6.2 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded linux-raw-sys v0.4.8 bytes: 6.0 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded clap_complete v4.4.3g linux-raw-sys ...                                                                                      
      Downloaded tracing-core v0.1.31 bytes: 5.8 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded clap v4.4.6remaining bytes: 5.8 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded tracing-attributes v0.1.26: 5.7 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded libflate v1.4.0ining bytes: 5.7 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded indexmap v2.0.2ining bytes: 5.6 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded typenum v1.17.0ining bytes: 5.6 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded symphonia-bundle-mp3 v0.5.3 5.6 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded serde_derive v1.0.188bytes: 5.6 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded rle-decode-fast v1.0.3ytes: 5.5 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded serde v1.0.188aining bytes: 5.5 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded x11 v2.21.0remaining bytes: 5.5 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded socket2 v0.5.4aining bytes: 5.4 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded alsa v0.7.1remaining bytes: 5.4 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded memchr v2.6.4maining bytes: 5.2 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded mio v0.8.8 remaining bytes: 4.7 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded cpal v0.15.2emaining bytes: 4.7 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded symphonia-core v0.5.3bytes: 4.6 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded hashbrown v0.14.1ing bytes: 4.6 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded winnow v0.5.15aining bytes: 4.2 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded clap_builder v4.4.6g bytes: 4.0 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded tracing-subscriber v0.3.17: 3.8 MB                                                                                           
      Downloaded syn v1.0.109maining bytes: 3.4 MB                                                                                            
      Downloaded syn v2.0.37emaining bytes: 3.1 MB                                                                                            
      Downloaded regex-syntax v0.6.29bytes: 3.1 MB                                                                                            
      Downloaded regex-syntax v0.7.5 bytes: 2.8 MB                                                                                            
      Downloaded regex-automata v0.3.9ytes: 1.8 MB                                                                                            
      Downloaded libc v0.2.148aining bytes: 953.9 KB                                                                                          
      Downloaded rust-embed v8.0.0ng bytes: 648.0 KB                                                                                          
      Downloaded include-flate v0.2.0 rust-embed ...                                                                                          
      Downloaded encoding_rs v0.8.33 include-flate ...                                                                                        
      Downloaded 119 crates (12.6 MB) in 4.19s (largest was `linux-raw-sys` at 1.4 MB)                                                        
       Compiling proc-macro2 v1.0.67
       Compiling unicode-ident v1.0.12
       Compiling cfg-if v1.0.0
       Compiling typenum v1.17.0
       Compiling libc v0.2.148
       Compiling version_check v0.9.4
       Compiling lazy_static v1.4.0
       Compiling crc32fast v1.3.2
       Compiling pkg-config v0.3.27          ] 0/171: crc32fast(build.rs), libc(build.rs), proc-macro2(build.rs), version_check, typenum(bu...
       Compiling rustix v0.38.17             ] 2/171: crc32fast(build.rs), libc(build.rs), proc-macro2(build.rs), version_check, typenum(bu...
       Compiling bitflags v1.3.2             ] 3/171: crc32fast(build.rs), libc(build.rs), proc-macro2(build.rs), version_check, typenum(bu...
       Compiling bitflags v2.4.0             ] 4/171: crc32fast(build.rs), libc(build.rs), proc-macro2(build.rs), version_check, typenum(bu...
       Compiling generic-array v0.14.7       ] 5/171: crc32fast(build.rs), libc(build.rs), proc-macro2(build.rs), version_check, typenum(bu...
       Compiling linux-raw-sys v0.4.8        ] 6/171: crc32fast(build.rs), libc(build.rs), proc-macro2(build.rs), typenum(build.rs), rustix...
       Compiling serde v1.0.188              ] 7/171: crc32fast(build.rs), libc(build.rs), proc-macro2(build.rs), typenum(build.rs), rustix...
       Compiling log v0.4.20                ] 17/171: libc, typenum(build), typenum(build), serde(build.rs), generic-array(build), proc-mac...
       Compiling autocfg v1.1.0             ] 19/171: libc, typenum, typenum(build), serde(build.rs), proc-macro2, pkg-config, linux-raw-sy...
       Compiling rle-decode-fast v1.0.3     ] 23/171: libc, typenum, crc32fast(build), proc-macro2, typenum, autocfg, linux-raw-sys, log      
       Compiling utf8parse v0.2.1           ] 24/171: libc, typenum, rle-decode-fast, proc-macro2, typenum, autocfg, linux-raw-sys, log       
       Compiling proc-macro-hack v0.5.20+deprecated1: libc, typenum, utf8parse, proc-macro2, rustix, typenum, autocfg, linux-raw-sys          
       Compiling quote v1.0.33              ] 27/171: libc, typenum, proc-macro-hack(build.rs), proc-macro2, rustix, typenum, autocfg, linu...
       Compiling lock_api v0.4.10           ] 28/171: libc, typenum, proc-macro-hack(build.rs), proc-macro2, rustix, typenum, autocfg, quote  
       Compiling syn v2.0.37                ] 29/171: libc, typenum, proc-macro-hack(build.rs), proc-macro2, rustix, typenum, lock_api(buil...
       Compiling syn v1.0.109               ] 30/171: libc, typenum, proc-macro2, rustix, syn, typenum, lock_api(build.rs), quote             
       Compiling smallvec v1.11.1           ] 31/171: libc, typenum, proc-macro2, rustix, syn, typenum, quote, syn(build.rs)                  
       Compiling parking_lot_core v0.9.8    ] 32/171: libc, typenum, smallvec, rustix, syn, typenum, quote, syn(build.rs)                     
       Compiling anstyle-parse v0.2.2       ] 37/171: libc, proc-macro-hack(build), generic-array, rustix, syn, generic-array, parking_lot_...
       Compiling libflate_lz77 v1.2.0       ] 39/171: libc, parking_lot_core(build), generic-array, anstyle-parse, rustix, syn, generic-arr...
       Compiling alsa-sys v0.3.1            ] 42/171: libc, generic-array, anstyle-parse, libflate_lz77, crc32fast, rustix, syn, generic-array
       Compiling arrayvec v0.7.4            ] 43/171: libc, generic-array, alsa-sys(build.rs), libflate_lz77, crc32fast, rustix, syn, gener...
       Compiling anstyle-query v1.0.0       ] 44/171: libc, generic-array, alsa-sys(build.rs), libflate_lz77, rustix, syn, generic-array, a...
       Compiling memchr v2.6.4              ] 45/171: libc, anstyle-query, generic-array, alsa-sys(build.rs), rustix, syn, generic-array, a...
       Compiling bytemuck v1.14.0           ] 46/171: libc, generic-array, alsa-sys(build.rs), memchr, rustix, syn, generic-array, arrayvec   
       Compiling block-buffer v0.10.4       ] 47/171: libc, generic-array, memchr, rustix, syn, bytemuck, generic-array, arrayvec             
       Compiling crypto-common v0.1.6       ] 48/171: libc, generic-array, block-buffer, memchr, rustix, syn, bytemuck, generic-array         
       Compiling colorchoice v1.0.0         ] 49/171: libc, generic-array, block-buffer, crypto-common, memchr, syn, bytemuck, generic-array  
       Compiling anstyle v1.0.4             ] 50/171: libc, generic-array, block-buffer, crypto-common, memchr, syn, bytemuck, colorchoice    
       Compiling scopeguard v1.2.0          ] 51/171: libc, anstyle, generic-array, block-buffer, crypto-common, memchr, syn, bytemuck        
       Compiling adler32 v1.2.0             ] 52/171: libc, anstyle, scopeguard, block-buffer, crypto-common, memchr, syn, bytemuck           
       Compiling once_cell v1.18.0          ] 53/171: libc, anstyle, scopeguard, block-buffer, adler32, memchr, syn, bytemuck                 
       Compiling symphonia-core v0.5.3      ] 55/171: libc, anstyle, lock_api, adler32, memchr, syn, bytemuck, once_cell                      
       Compiling libflate v1.4.0            ] 56/171: libc, anstyle, lock_api, adler32, memchr, syn, once_cell, symphonia-core                
       Compiling anstream v0.6.4            ] 57/171: libc, anstyle, lock_api, libflate, memchr, syn, once_cell, symphonia-core               
       Compiling digest v0.10.7             ] 58/171: libc, anstyle, lock_api, libflate, anstream, memchr, syn, symphonia-core                
       Compiling aho-corasick v1.1.1        ] 61/171: libflate, anstream, crypto-common, memchr, digest, syn, block-buffer, symphonia-core    
    error: failed to run custom build command for `alsa-sys v0.3.1`d), libflate, anstream, parking_lot_core, memchr, syn, aho-corasick, sym...
    Caused by:
      process didn't exit successfully: `/tmp/cargo-install0p32LC/release/build/alsa-sys-d0be25b49ac25f37/build-script-build` (exit status: 101)
      --- stdout
      --- stderr
      thread 'main' panicked at '`PKG_CONFIG_ALLOW_SYSTEM_CFLAGS="1" PKG_CONFIG_ALLOW_SYSTEM_LIBS="1" "pkg-config" "--libs" "--cflags" "alsa"` did not exit successfully: exit status: 1
      error: could not find system library 'alsa' required by the 'alsa-sys' crate
      --- stderr
      Package alsa was not found in the pkg-config search path.
      Perhaps you should add the directory containing `alsa.pc'
      to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
      No package 'alsa' found
      ', ~/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f/alsa-sys-0.3.1/build.rs:13:18
      note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
    warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
    error: failed to compile `daktilo v0.2.0`, intermediate artifacts can be found at `/tmp/cargo-install0p32LC`.                             
    To reuse those artifacts with a future compilation, set the environment variable `CARGO_TARGET_DIR` to that path.
    opened by saeedghsh 1
  • Incomplete readme.md

    Incomplete readme.md

    The readme falls down here, leaving the user guessing:

    Installation Cargo daktilo can be installed from crates.io cargo install daktilo The minimum supported Rust version is 1.70.0.

    Cargo is never defined and there's no link to the app. The link to install daktilo, crates.io, targets itself (the current page). Rust is never defined and there's no link to the app.

    Every potential user unfamiliar with these apps has to investigate them.

    opened by Jefferydo 1
  • Considerations for latency

    Considerations for latency

    Firstly, thanks!

    This tool has increased my programming proficiency by 10% 😉😉😄 Ps. Lower latency would for sure boost this to, like, 15% 😁

    Have you considered lower level libs for handling playback? I made some GPT-4 queries about that and here's what I was able to come up with: https://chat.openai.com/share/d1a243c7-05cf-43a8-b6ef-a1a46bfca668

    I haven't worked with low-level audio libraries before, but it seems promising - if that interests you!

    Best, -Rich

    opened by richdrummer33 1
  • chore: release v0.2.1

    chore: release v0.2.1

    🤖 New release

    • daktilo: 0.2.0 -> 0.2.1

    [0.2.1] - 2023-10-05

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • (cd) Use a custom token for triggering release workflow - (0f8dcdc)

    🚜 Refactor

    • (config) Refactor preset selection logic - (7f1e055)

    📚 Documentation

    • (readme) Give more details about cargo (#30) - (91c8e94)
    • (release) Update release instructions - (59101b5)
    • (security) Update security policy for the new versions - (73b12dc)

    This PR was generated with release-plz.

    opened by orhun 1
  • chore: release v0.2.0

    chore: release v0.2.0

    🤖 New release

    • daktilo: 0.1.0 -> 0.2.0

    [0.2.0] - 2023-10-04

    📇 Features

    • (cd) Add continuous deployment workflow - (eced001)
    • (config) Add drumkit preset (#18) - (6899c65)

    📚 Documentation

    • (contributing) Add 'how to add new presets' guide - (00bc615)
    • (readme) Document linux dependencies (#17) - (928f6ee)
    • (readme) Use case sensitive regex in example (#21) - (b296348)
    • (readme) Add installation instructions for Alpine Linux - (6935762)
    • (readme) Add supported platforms section - (064c8ed)
    • (readme) Add similar projects section - (84e5db1)
    • (readme) Add auxiliary explanation for the name of the app (#13) - (187d616)
    • (readme) Add instructions for installing on Arch Linux - (02afb8a)

    ⚙️ Miscellaneous Tasks

    • (typos) Add typos config - (4de968d)

    This PR was generated with release-plz.

    opened by github-actions[bot] 1
  • feat(config): add drumkit preset

    feat(config): add drumkit preset

    Description of change

    It adds a drumkit preset that goes "dum, tss, cha, dum, tss, dum, cha, tss" when you press keys.

    How has this been tested? (if applicable)

    I press keys and it plays the beat.

    opened by arda-guler 1
  • Document dependency on Xtst

    Document dependency on Xtst

    cargo install daktilo fails if the pkg-config data for libXtst are not present. For example, on Debian, one needs to run apt install libxtst-dev prior to installation.

    For users of distros which package development headers separately from libraries, it may be useful to add a note to the install instructions.

    Example output on a system without libxtst-dev:

    thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: `PKG_CONFIG_ALLOW_SYSTEM_CFLAGS="1" PKG_CONFIG_ALLOW_SYSTEM_LIBS="1" "pkg-config" "--libs" "--cflags" "xtst" "xtst >= 1.2"` did not exit successfully: exit status: 1
      error: could not find system library 'xtst' required by the 'x11' crate
    opened by BCMM 1
  • Vietnamese typing problem

    Vietnamese typing problem

    Describe the bug

    Vietnamese typing somehow breaks when daktilo is running.

    In the video below, the right text should be "thử chữ" instead of "thưử chưữ" (duplicated "ư" character)

    (seems that I've seen this before in Linux, but without this daktilo)

    To reproduce

    • Open Unikey and set the keyboard to Vietnamese Telex
    • Start typing text

    Expected behavior

    Screenshots / Logs

    Demonstration video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13r4OCrLPik97IB4D9LOK1G0Nb-UGNDfq/view?usp=sharing

    Software information

    • Operating system: Windows 11 build 23555
    • Rust version:
    • Project version: 0.1.0

    Additional context

    opened by lebao3105 1
  • Ability to run multiple presets

    Ability to run multiple presets

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

    Running multiple presets at the same time on the same instance is not possible. (Why do you even want that, you ask? Because 'default', 'musicbox' and 'drumkit' presets sound very good together, like an orchestra!)

    Describe the solution you'd like

    An option to accept multiple preset arguments when running.

    Describe alternatives you've considered

    What I currently do is run multiple instances, which is suboptimal.

    enhancement good first issue 
    opened by arda-guler 0
  • Handle sigterm with distinct sound of broken machine

    Handle sigterm with distinct sound of broken machine

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

    When I exit daktilo with ctrl-c for example, that would be fun to get a final sound of a broken machine or angry duck, depending on the selected profile :duck:

    Describe the solution you'd like

    Handling SIGTERM/SIGKILL would help for that

    Describe alternatives you've considered

    Additional context

    opened by michael-todorovic 2
  • Sound output doesn't switch to a newly selected audio device in Windows

    Sound output doesn't switch to a newly selected audio device in Windows

    Describe the bug

    Daktilo does not redirect its sound output to the new default output device on windows if that is changed while the program is running.

    (So if I switch to using my headphones for output, playback continues on the external speakers)

    To reproduce

    1. Download daktilo-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc.zip for windows and run daktilo.exe
    2. Run Daktilo in Windows.
    3. Change the sound output from speakers to headphones.

    Expected behavior

    Sounds should start coming from my headphones, not remain coming from my speakers.

    Software information

    • Operating system: Windows 11 Build 22H2
    • Rust version: n/a
    • Project version: 0.2.0
    opened by DrXadium 1
  • Distinct sound for keys

    Distinct sound for keys

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

    For the default preset, having a distinct sound for each key press would be an interesting feature. Maybe it might even sound more realistic.

    Describe the solution you'd like

    n/a Ideas welcome.

    Describe alternatives you've considered


    Additional context


    opened by orhun 0
  • Stereo sound

    Stereo sound

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

    Having stereo sound would be nice. I guess bucklespring already has that.

    Describe the solution you'd like

    Implement stereo sound feature using rodio.

    Describe alternatives you've considered


    Additional context


    enhancement help wanted 
    opened by orhun 0
Orhun Parmaksız
FOSS developer, @archlinux / @alpinelinux package maintainer, oxidizing things with @rust-lang, enthusiast of @ziglang
Orhun Parmaksız
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