Oxide Programming Language
Interpreted C-like language with a Rust influenced syntax. Latest release
Example programs
/// recursive function calls to compute n-th
/// fibonacci sequence number
fn fib(n: int) -> int {
if n <= 1 {
return n;
return fib(n - 2) + fib(n - 1);
let nums = vec<int>[];
for let mut i = 0; i < 30; i += 1 {
/// sorting a vector using
/// insertion sort
fn insertion_sort(input: vec<int>) {
for let mut i = 1; i < input.len(); i += 1 {
let cur = input[i];
let mut j = i - 1;
while input[j] > cur {
let temp = input[j + 1];
input[j + 1] = input[j];
input[j] = temp;
if j == 0 {
j -= 1;
let input: vec<int> = vec[4, 13, 0, 3, -3, 4, 19, 1];
println(input); // [vec] [-3, 0, 1, 3, 4, 4, 13, 19]
/// structs
struct Circle { // struct declaration
radius: float,
center: Point,
tangents: vec<Tangent>, // inner vector of structs
impl Circle { // struct implementation
fn calc_area() -> float {
return PI * self.radius * self.radius;
fn add_tangent(t: Tangent) {
struct Point {
x: int,
y: int,
struct Tangent {
p: Point,
const PI = 3.14159;
let circle = Circle { // struct instantiation
radius: 103.5,
center: Point { x: 1, y: 5 } , // inner structs instantiation
tangents: vec[ // inner vector of structs instantiation
Tangent { p: Point { x: 4, y: 3 } },
Tangent { p: Point { x: 1, y: 0 } },
let area = circle.calc_area(); // 33653.4974775
Tangent { p: Point { x: 11, y: 4 } } // third tangent added
/// first-class functions
let make_adder = fn (x: num) -> func {
return fn (y: num) -> num {
return x + y;
let add5 = make_adder(5);
let add7 = make_adder(7);
println(add5(2)); // 7
println(add7(2)); // 9
/// compute the greatest common divisor
/// of two integers using Euclids algorithm
fn gcd(mut n: int, mut m: int) -> int {
while m != 0 {
if m < n {
let t = m;
m = n;
n = t;
m = m % n;
return n;
gcd(15, 5); // 5
Interpret a file
oxide [script.ox]
There is also a simplistic REPL mode available.
To print current Oxide version
oxide version
Quick Overview
- Variables and Type System
- Control Flow and Loops
- Functions
- Structs
- Vectors
- Constants
- Operators
- Comments
- Standard library
Variables and Type System
There are ten types embodied in the language: nil
, num
, int
, float
, bool
, str
, func
, vec
, any
and user-defined types (via structs). See type system
Each variable has a type associated with it, either explicitly declared with the variable itself:
let x: int;
let mut y: str = "hello" + " world";
let double: func = fn (x: num) -> num {
return x * 2;
let human: Person = Person { name: "Jane" };
let names: vec<str> = vec["Josh", "Carol", "Steven"];
or implicitly inferred by the interpreter the first time it is being assigned:
let x = true || false; // inferred as "bool";
let mut y;
y = vec<bool>[]; // inferred as "vec<bool>";
let dog;
dog = Dog { name: "Good Boy"}; // inferred as "Dog";
Mutable variables cannot be assigned to a value of another type, unless they are of type any
let mut s: str = "string";
s = vec[]; //! type error
let mut a: any = Rectangle { height: 10, width: 10 };
a.height = "string"; //! type error
a = 45.34; // valid
Mutable Variables vs Immutable ones
There are two possible ways of declaring a variable: immutable and mutable. Immutable ones cannot be reassigned after having been assigned to a value.
let x: str = "string";
let y: num;
y = 100;
However, mutable ones behave like you would expect a variable to behave in most other languages:
let mut x: str = "hello";
x += " world";
x += "another string";
One important thing is that variables can be redeclared in other words, shadowed. Each variable declaration "shadows" the previous one and ignores its type and mutability. Consider:
let x: int = 100;
let x: str = "This was x value before: " + x;
let x: vec<any> = vec[];
Control Flow and Loops
statement is pretty classic. It supports else if
and else
branches. Parentheses are not needed around conditions. Each branch must be enclosed in curly braces.
if x >= 100 {
println("x is more than 100");
} else if x <= 100 && x > 0 {
println("x is less than 100, but positive");
} else {
println("x a non-positive number");
expression returns the first matching arm evaluated value. Unlike other control flow statements, match
is an expression and therefore must be terminated with semicolon. It can be used in any place an expression is expected.
let direction = match get_direction() {
"north" => 0,
"east" => 90,
"south" => 180,
"west" => 270,
match true
can be used to make more generalised comparisons.
let age = 40;
let description: str = match true {
age > 19 => "adult",
age >= 13 && x <= 19 => "teenager",
age < 13 => "kid",
There are three loops in Oxide: while
, loop
and for
. All loops support break
and continue
statements. Loop body must be enclosed in curly braces.
statement is rather usual.
while x != 100 {
x += 1;
looks like Rust's loop
. Basically it is while true {}
with some nice looking syntax.
loop {
i -= 1;
x[i] *= 2;
if x.len() == 0 {
loop is a good old C-like for
statement, which comprises three parts. You should be familiar with it.
for let mut i = 0; i < v.len(); i += 1 {
// the first or the last parts can be omitted
let mut i = 0;
for ; i < v.len(); {
i += 0;
// or all three of them
// this is basically "while true" or "loop"
let mut i = 0;
for ;; {
i -= 1;
if i < v.len() {
Declared functions
Functions are declared with a fn
keyword. Function signature must explicitly list all argument types as well as a return type. Functions that do not have a return value always return nil
and the explicit return type can be omitted (same as declaring it with -> nil
fn add(x: num, y: num) -> num {
return x + y;
let sum = add(1, 100); // 101
fn clone(c: Circle) -> Circle {
return Circle {
radius: c.radius,
center: c.center,
tangents: vec<Tangent>[],
let cloned = clone(circle);
// since this function returns nothing, the return type can be omitted
fn log(level: str, msg: str) {
println("Level: " + level + ", message: " + msg);
Redeclaring a function will result in a runtime error.
Closures and Lambdas
Functions can also be assigned to variables of type func
. As with other types, it can be inferred and therefore omitted when declaring a variable.
/// function returns closure
/// which captures the internal value i
/// each call to the closure increments the captured value
fn create_counter() -> func {
let mut i = 0;
return fn () {
i += 1;
let counter: func = create_counter();
counter(); // 1
counter(); // 2
counter(); // 3
Functions are first-class citizens of the language, they can be stored in a variable, passed or/and returned from another function.
fn vec_concat(prefix: str, suffix: str) -> str {
return prefix + suffix;
fn str_transform(callable: func, a: str, b: str) -> any {
return callable(s1, s2);
str_transform(str_concat, "hello", " world");
Defining a function argument as mut
lets you mutate it in the function body. By default, it is immutable.
fn inc(mut x: int) -> int {
x += 1;
return x;
// same as with shadowing
fn inc(x: int) -> int {
let mut x = x;
x += 1;
return x;
Immediately Invoked Function Expressions, short IIFE, are also supported for whatever reason.
(fn (names: vec<str>) {
for let mut i = 0; i <= names.len(); i += 1 {
})(vec["Rob", "Sansa", "Arya", "Jon"]);
Structs represent the user-defined types. Struct declaration starts with struct
keyword. All struct properties are mutable and public by default.
struct Person {
name: str, // property of type str
country: Country, // property of type struct Country
alive: bool,
pets: vec<Animal>, // property of type vector of structs Animal
struct Animal {
kind: str,
alive: bool,
struct Country {
name: str,
Impl blocks
Struct implementation starts with impl
keyword. While struct declaration defines its properties, struct implementation defines its methods. self
keyword can be used inside methods and points to the current struct instance.
impl Person {
fn change_name(new_name: str) {
self.name = new_name;
fn clone() -> Person {
return Person {
name: self.name,
country: self.country,
alive: self.alive,
pets: self.pets,
You instantiate a struct creating it with curly braces and initializing all its properties Animal { prop: value[, prop: value ...] }
let cat = Animal {
kind: "cat",
alive: true
let john: Person = Person {
name: "John",
alive: true,
pets: vec[cat], // via variable
country: Country { name: "UK" } // via inlined struct instantiation
Dot syntax is used to access structs fields and call its methods.
// set new value
john.country = Country { name: "USA" };
john.pets.push( Animal {
kind: "dog",
alive: true
// get value
println(john.pet[0].kind); // cat
// call method
let cloned = john.clone();
Immutable variable will still let you change the struct's fields, but it will prevent you from overwriting the variable itself. Similar to Javascript const
that holds an object.
john.name = "Steven"; // valid, John is not a John anymore
john.pet.kind = "dog" // also valid, john's pet is changed
john = Person { .. }; // invalid, "john" cannot point to another struct
Structs are always passed by reference, consider:
fn kill(person: Person) {
person.alive = false; // oh, john is dead
person.pet.alive = false; // as well as its pet. RIP
Vectors, values of type vec<type>
, represent arrays of values and can be created using vec<type>[]
syntax, where type
is any Oxide type.
Vectors support following methods:
vec.push(val: any)
push value to the end of the vector -
vec.pop() -> any
remove value from the end of the vector and return it -
vec.len() -> int
get vectors length
let planets = vec<str>["Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Mars"];
let mars = planets[3];
planents.push("Jupiter"); // "Jupiter" is now the last value in a vector
let jupiter = planets.pop(); // "Jupiter" is no longer in a vector.
planets[2] = "Uranus"; // "Earth" is gone. "Uranus" is on its place now
planets.len(); // 3
typeof(planets); // vec<str>
When type is omitted it is inferred as any
on type declaration, but on vector instantiation it is inferred as proper type when possible. Consider:
let v: vec = vec[]; // typeof(v) = vec<any>
let v = vec[]; // typeof(v) = vec<any>
let v: vec<int> = vec[1, 2, 3]; // typeof(v) = vec<int>
let v = vec<int>[1, 2, 3]; // typeof(v) = vec<int>
let v = vec[1, 2, 3]; // typeof(v) = vec<int>, because all the initial values are of type "int"
let v = vec<bool>[true]; // typeof(v) = vec<bool>
let v: vec<Dog> = vec[ // typeof(v) = vec<Dog>, type declaration can actually be omitted
Dog { name: "dog1" },
Dog { name: "dog2" },
let v = vec[ // typeof(v) = vec<vec<Point>,
vec[ // inferred by the initial values, despite the type being omitted
Point { x: 1, y: 1 },
Point { x: 0, y: 3 }
Point { x: 5, y: 2 },
Point { x: 3, y: 4 }
let matrix = vec[ // typeof(v) = vec<vec<int>>
vec[1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
vec[3, 4, 5, 6, 7],
vec[3, 4, 5, 6, 7],
let things = vec[nil, false, Dog {}]; // typeof(v) = vec<any>
Like structs vectors are passed by reference. Consider this example of an in place sorting algorithm, selection sort, that accepts a vector and sorts it in place, without allocating memory for a new one.
Selection sort
fn selection_sort(input: vec<int>) {
if input.len() == 0 {
let mut min: int;
for let mut i = 0; i < input.len() - 1; i += 1 {
min = i;
for let mut j = i; j < input.len(); j += 1 {
if input[j] < input[min] {
min = j;
if min != i {
let temp = input[i];
input[i] = input[min];
input[min] = temp;
Vectors can hold any values and be used inside structs.
let animals: vec = vec[
Elephant { name: "Samuel" },
Zebra { name: "Robert" },
WolfPack {
wolves: vec<Wolf>[
Wolf { name: "Joe" },
Wolf { name: "Mag" },
let mag = animals[2].wolves[1]; // Mag
Trying to read from a non-existent vector index will result in a uninit
value returned. Trying to write to it will result in an error.
Constants unlike variables need not be declared with a type since it can always be inferred. Constants also cannot be redeclared, and it will result in a runtime error. Constants must hold only a scalar value: str
, int
, float
, bool
const MESSAGE = "hello world";
const PI = 3.14159;
const E = 2.71828;
negates boolean value-
negates number
logic, operate onbool
, comparison, operate onint
equality, operate on values of the same type-
math operations on numbers+
string concatenation, also casts any other value in the same expression tostr
various corresponding assignment operators
Classic comments that exist in most other languages.
// inline comments
multiline comment
let x = 100; /* inlined multiline comment */ let y = x;
Standard library
A small set of built-in functionality is available anywhere in the code.
print(msg: str)
to the standard output stream (stdout). -
println(msg: str)
same asprint
, but inserts a newline at the end of the string. -
eprint(err: str)
to the standard error (stderr). -
eprintln(err: str)
you got the idea. -
timestamp() -> int
returns current Unix Epoch timestamp in seconds -
read_line() -> str
reads user input from standard input (stdin) and returns it as astr
file_write(file: str, content: str) -> str
to a file, creating it first, should it not exist -
typeof(val: any) -> str
returns type of given value or variable