tokio-console prototypes


tokio-console prototypes

⚠️ extremely serious warning: this is pre-alpha, proof-of-concept software! currently, the wire format has no stability guarantees — the crates in this repository are not guaranteed to be interoperable except within the same Git revision. when these crates are published to, the wire format will follow semver, but currently, anything could happen!

what's all this, then?

this repository contains a prototype implementation of TurboWish/tokio-console, a diagnostics and debugging tool for asynchronous Rust programs. the diagnostic toolkit consists of multiple components:

  • a wire protocol for streaming diagnostic data from instrumented applications to diagnostic tools. the wire format is defined using gRPC and protocol buffers, for efficient transport on the wire and interoperability between different implementations of data producers and consumers.

    the console-api crate contains generated code for this wire format for projects using the tonic gRPC implementation. additionally, projects using other gRPC code generators (including those in other languages!) can depend on the protobuf definitions themselves.

  • instrumentation for collecting diagnostic data from a process and exposing it over the wire format. the console-subscriber crate in this repository contains an implementation of the instrumentation-side API as a tracing-subscriber Layer, for projects using Tokio and tracing.

  • tools for displaying and exploring diagnostic data, implemented as gRPC clients using the console wire protocol. the console crate implements an an interactive command-line tool that consumes this data, but other implementations, such as graphical or web-based tools, are also possible.

extremely cool and amazing demo


wow! whoa! it's like top(1) for tasks!

on the shoulders of giants...

the console is part of a much larger effort to improve debugging tooling for async Rust. a 2019 Google Summer of Code project by Matthias Prechtl (@matprec) implemented an initial prototype, with a focus on interactive log viewing. more recently, both the Tokio team and the async foundations working group have made diagnostics and debugging tools a priority for async Rust in 2021 and beyond. in particular, a series of blog posts by @pnkfelix lay out much of the vision that this project seeks to eventually implement.

furthermore, we're indebted to our antecedents in other programming languages and environments for inspiration. this includes tools and systems such as pprof, Unix top(1) and htop(1), XCode's Instruments, and many others.

using it

to instrument an application using Tokio, add a dependency on the console-subscriber crate, and add the TasksLayer type to your tracing subscriber. for example:

    use tracing_subscriber::{prelude::*, fmt, EnvFilter};
    // construct the `console_subscriber` layer and the console wire protocol server
    let (layer, server) = console_subscriber::TasksLayer::new();
    // ensure that Tokio's internal instrumentation is enabled
    let filter = EnvFilter::from_default_env().add_directive("tokio=trace".parse()?);

        // the `TasksLayer` can be used in combination with other `tracing` layers...

    // spawn the server task


  • in order to collect task data from Tokio, the tokio_unstable cfg must be enabled. for example, you could build your project with
    $ RUSTFLAGS="--cfg tokio_unstable" cargo build
    or add the following to your .cargo/config file:
    rustflags = ["--cfg", "tokio_unstable"]
  • the tokio::task tracing target must be enabled

to run the console command line tool, simply

$ cargo run

in this repository.

for development:

the console-subscriber/examples directory contains some potentially useful tools:

  • a very simple example program that spawns a bunch of tasks in a loop forever
  • a simple CLI program that dumps the data stream from a Tasks server
  • warnings: False positives with `LostWaker` warning

    warnings: False positives with `LostWaker` warning

    Currently, the LostWaker warning seems to often display false positives. These seem to occur when a task has a single waker clone, is woken by value (dropping the waker), and yields after having been woken. This seems to occur the most frequently when a task self-wakes (and that may be the only instance where this occurs?).

    It would be nice to fix this --- the warning should only be shown when a task definitely won't be woken again. However, I'm not immediately sure how we would determine this.

    One potential solution is that the false-positives seem to be pretty transient. They flicker in and out of existence rapidly. We could potentially just only display the lint if the task has remained in the 0-waker state for a long time.

    S-bug C-console A-warnings 
    opened by hawkw 20
  • api: Consider enabling (or having a feature for) tonic's

    api: Consider enabling (or having a feature for) tonic's "compression" feature

    What problem are you trying to solve?

    Compiling console-subscriber into a package that already has some protos and tonic compiled in.

    If these protos are using tonic's compression feature, they will enable a couple of fields (accept_compression_encodings, send_compression_encodings) that appear in console-api's generated protobufs that currently expect a unit.

    How should the problem be solved?

    Regenerate console-api's protos with tonic's compression turned on (it ought to be backward compatible if it's on)

    Any alternatives you've considered?

    Allow a feature, either through console-subscriber through to console-api to optionally enable the compression feature

    How would users interact with this feature?

    No response

    Would you like to work on this feature?


    opened by barakmich 12
  • Build fails on Mac M1

    Build fails on Mac M1

       Compiling h2 v0.3.3
    error: failed to run custom build command for `console-api v0.1.0 (/Users/joelr/Work/Rust/console/console-api)`
    Caused by:
      process didn't exit successfully: `/Users/joelr/Work/Rust/console/target/debug/build/console-api-509b6171e0106590/build-script-build` (exit status: 1)
      --- stderr
      Error: Custom { kind: Other, error: "failed to invoke protoc (hint: Bad CPU type in executable (os error 86)" }
    warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
    error: build failed
    opened by joelreymont 12
  • fix(subscriber): record timestamps for updates last

    fix(subscriber): record timestamps for updates last


    Currently, when constructing an update message to send over the wire, a timestamp is taken first, and then the protobuf data is constructed. This can lead to issues where the "now" timestamp is actually before timestamps present in the stats sent in that update, since the stats for a particular task/resource/async op might be updated on another thread after taking the update's "now" timestamp. This results in issues like #266.


    There's no actual reason to take those timestamps before we assemble the update. This branch changes the aggregator to build all the various data updates in an update message, and then record the update's "now" timestamp. Any timestamps for tasks/resources/async ops that are recorded after the update's "now" timestamp will now be included in the next update.

    Fixes #266 Depends on #290

    opened by hawkw 11
  • Potential deadlock when using `console_subscriber`

    Potential deadlock when using `console_subscriber`


    x86_64 GNU/Linux


    Spawning multiple instrumented futures along with the console_subscriber consistently results in the program hanging, with 0% CPU usage – looks like a deadlock. It could of course be that I'm doing something completely wrong!

    We're spawning multiple tasks in the same location, with the following snippet:

    fn spawn<W, G, F>(&mut self, g: G)
        W: Worker<Self>,
        G: FnOnce(oneshot::Receiver<()>) -> F,
        F: Future<Output = ()> + Send + 'static,
        let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
        let future = g(rx);
        let caller = Location::caller();
        let span = tracing::info_span!(
            target: "tokio::task", 
            file = caller.file(), 
            line = caller.line(),
        let task = tokio::spawn(future.instrument(span))
            .push((tx, Box::new(task)));

    The following code is used to create the subscriber. If the TasksLayer is never constructed, and layer never passed to the tracing_subscriber, the code runs as expected:

    let (layer, server) = console_subscriber::TasksLayer::new();
    let filter = tracing_subscriber::EnvFilter::from_default_env()
    let serve = tokio::spawn(async move { server.serve().await });
    // ----------------
    let _ = tokio::try_join!(tokio__spawn(, serve);
    opened by Adam-Gleave 10
  • chore: fix console-subscriber on tokio 1.21.0

    chore: fix console-subscriber on tokio 1.21.0

    Fixes #373.

    Due to a change in the unstable task builder APIs, this no longer compiles with the latest version of Tokio.

    Fortunately, it's a simple fix.

    opened by Noah-Kennedy 9
  • fix(subscriber): only send *new* tasks/resources/etc over the event channel

    fix(subscriber): only send *new* tasks/resources/etc over the event channel


    Currently, there are some rather bad issues that occur when the event buffer is at capacity and events are dropped.

    Completely losing data due to buffer capacity is relatively okay: if we set a bound on how much memory the console can use, and we don't record new things that occur when we've reached that limit, this is correct and acceptable behavior. However, the current design can result in incorrect data when events are lost due to the buffer being at capacity.

    This is because we currently record things like starting to poll a task/resource, ending a poll, dropping a task/resource/async op, and waker operations, as individual events in the buffer. This means that we can have a situation where the creation of a task was recorded, because there was buffer capacity at the time, but then when the task ended, the buffer was full, so we never recorded its termination. That results in the tasks appearing to run forever and never terminate --- see issue #230. Similarly, if we record the beginning of a poll, but drop the end-of-poll event because we're at capacity, this means we will (incorrectly) record a poll that goes on forever, which is obviously incorrect. I think this may also be the cause of the false positives with the lost waker lint (#149), if we record a waker drop but missed a waker clone that previously occurred.

    The change in #212 fixed one category of issue that occurs due to event buffer capacity --- when a task, resource, or async op's creation event is dropped due to buffer capacity, we skip any subsequent events related to that task/resource/op. However, this doesn't fix issues where the subsequent events are the ones that are dropped.


    This branch proposes a solution to this whole category of event buffer capacity related issues. Unfortunately, this requires rewriting a lot of console-subscriber's internals.

    In the new approach, we now only send events over the channel when creating a new task, resource, or async op. Those events now contain an Arc holding the stats for that entity. Another clone of the Arc is stored in the tracing_subscriber::Registry's span extensions for the span corresponding to that entity. When the ConsoleLayer records subsequent events for a particular entity, such as starting/ending a poll, it looks up the span by ID, and updates the stats type stored in its extensions. The aggregator stores its clone of the Arc in a map of entities, just like it does currently, but no longer handles actually updating the stats; just building wire format updates from any tracked entities whose data was updated by the layer.

    This should fix all issues where dropping something due to event buffer capacity results in incorrect data. Once we have successfully recorded the creation of a task, resource, or async op, any subsequent updates to its stats are guaranteed to be reliable. If the channel is at capacity and we fail to record a new resource/task/op, we never create a stats extension for it, and we won't record anything for it at all. Otherwise, it will always have correct data recorded.

    When possible, the stats in the Arced stats are updated atomically. In some cases, this isn't easily possible, and some fields of the stats types are stored in a mutex. In particualr, this is required for storing timestamps. I don't really love that, but these mutices should be contented very infrequently. Stats aren't marked as having unset updates until after the stats inside the mutices have been updated, so the aggregator will not try to lock the mutex if the layer is currently updating it; instead, it will simply be included in the next update once the layer is no longer touching it. Mutices here will only be contended when multiple threads are updating a task's stats at the same time, which should occur very rarely...and in most cases, they still won't have to contend a mutex, since access to most of the mutices are guarded by an atomic variable for e.g. determining which thread actually was the last to complete a concurrent poll. The biggest performance downside of the mutices is probably not actually contention, but the additional heap allocation required when using std::sync::Mutex. However, since we have conditional parking_lot support, parking_lot can be used to avoid requiring additional allocations.

    In the future, it's probably possible to make more of this atomic by converting timestamps into integers and storing them in atomic variables. I haven't done this yet because both the protobuf timestamps and std::time timestamps are larger than a single 64-bit number and it might take a little extra work to ensure we can nicely fit them in an AtomicUsize...but we can probably do that later.

    opened by hawkw 8
  • Finished tasks sometimes stay in the console and appear busy

    Finished tasks sometimes stay in the console and appear busy

    Thanks for this great tool, that I'm using to have insights on a large app that spawns many tasks.

    When I run the console long enough, it eventually displays busy tasks that run forever. image

    However, I'm quite positive all these tasks are finished. Indeed, these tasks are spawned via


    and they all have reached the last line of some_async_function, where I added a println!("Finished task {}", some_task_id) that actually got displayed.

    So that looks either like a tokio bug that did not joined the task after it reached its last line, or a bug in the console-subscriber that misses some "task is finished" events (or in tokio-console that does not process them).

    Ideas to create a minimal reproducer

    Have a function that spams tasks, that all complete after some time (let's say after a random (sync or async) sleep between 1 and 40s). I could try to write it myself if that could be helpful to you. I am building and running on Win10 if that matters

    S-bug C-console 
    opened by daladim 8
  • Don't trace tasks spawned through the console server

    Don't trace tasks spawned through the console server

    The console subscriber's server generates a lot of async activity, introspecting or logging that drowns out the activity the program has outside of instrumentation.

    Set a thread-local subscriber that drops events coming from the server thread.

    Implementation requires a simple wrapper for NoSubscriber, because the dispatch implementation uses it as a sentinel value ( explains the history) and logs through the global dispatcher when a thread-local NoSubscriber is set.

    opened by g2p 7
  • Make proto/ vendor-able

    Make proto/ vendor-able

    I work with a large monorepo that cargo vendor's all third-party code. We use tokio quite a bit, and want to experiment with tokio/console

    When vendoring console-api the ../proto directory is lost, and the crate is unbuildable. I understand that keeping proto/ as a top-level directory is probably desirable, so this change symlinks that directory into that sub-crate itself.

    My understanding is that this change may also be required once console is put on

    cargo vendor before this change:

    Cargo.toml   src



    This is basically copying what does with symlinks

    opened by guswynn 7
  • Add pause and resume

    Add pause and resume

    A first step to address #70. You can now press the spacebar to "pause" the console. The subscriber will continue to process events, but as along as the client is "paused", it won't send any task updates. Resuming will bring the client back to "live", getting all updates again.


    I've tried a few different UI things, from making the whole background of the top red, to just making the word red... It's fine if others feel there's a better or prettier way to show this, but to keep moving forward, I just picked something that seemed good enough.

    Closes #85

    opened by seanmonstar 7
  • `tokio_console::config::ViewOptions::default()` set

    `tokio_console::config::ViewOptions::default()` set "en_us.UTF8" to lang

    What crate(s) in this repo are involved in the problem?


    What is the issue?

    impl Default for ViewOptions {
        fn default() -> Self {
            Self {
                no_colors: false,
                lang: Some("en_us.UTF8".to_string()),  // 👈
                ascii_only: Some(false),
                truecolor: Some(true),
                palette: Some(Palette::All),
                toggles: ColorToggles {
                    color_durations: Some(true),
                    color_terminated: Some(true),

    "en_us.UTF-8" is probably correct ? (with - between UTF and 8)


    impl ViewOptions {
        pub fn is_utf8(&self) -> bool {
            if self.ascii_only.unwrap_or(false) {
                return false;
            self.lang.as_deref().unwrap_or_default().ends_with("UTF-8") // 👈

    in ViewOptions::is_utf8(), lang is assumed to be UTF-8

    How can the bug be reproduced?

    tokio-console gen-config > ./console.toml
    bat console.toml | rg lang
    lang = 'en_us.UTF8'

    Logs, error output, etc

    No response


    tokio-console 0.1.7

    Possible solution

    set "en_us.UTF-8" to lang in Default::default in ViewOptions

    Additional context

    No response

    Would you like to work on fixing this bug?


    opened by ymgyt 0
  • Minimum version may need to be bumped (in documentation)

    Minimum version may need to be bumped (in documentation)

    What crate(s) in this repo are involved in the problem?


    What is the issue?

    with this in my Cargo.toml

    tokio = { version = "=1.17.0", features = ["tracing"] }
    console-subscriber = "=0.1.8"

    and tokio_unstable in my RUSTFLAGS

    Something refuses to build (even after cargo clean), with this error:

    error[E0599]: no method named `unwrap` found for struct `tokio::task::JoinHandle` in the current scope
        --> /home/arif/.cargo/registry/src/
    1066 |     return tokio::task::Builder::new().name(_name).spawn(task).unwrap();
         |                                                                ^^^^^^ method not found in `tokio::task::JoinHandle<T>`
    For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0599`.
    error: could not compile `console-subscriber` due to previous error

    This was resolved when i bumped tokio to =1.21.2

    This is what the documentation says: image

    How can the bug be reproduced?


    Logs, error output, etc




    Possible solution


    Additional context


    Would you like to work on fixing this bug?


    opened by arifd 1
  • Task IDs not stable

    Task IDs not stable

    What crate(s) in this repo are involved in the problem?

    tokio-console, console-subscriber

    What is the issue?

    I have a service which creates two long-running tasks as part of its initialization. They end up with task ids 1 & 2 as expected. The service creates a task per request, and I see those show up as expected.

    image initial state

    image after running some requests

    However, when I reconnect, I see the task ids have scrambled - the long running tasks no longer have ids 1 & 2 (in this case 2 is preserved, but associated with the other long-running task). image immediately disconnect and reconnect

    I'd really like task ids to be stable so that I can use them for reference. Ideally they'd be monotonically increasing in order of task spawns, so they can also be used to understand when things are spawned in relation to each other.

    How can the bug be reproduced?

    1. Have service which creates some long-running tasks. Start it.
    2. Attach tokio-console
    3. Run some activity, including transient tasks. Note long-running task ids
    4. Disconnect and reconnect tokio-console. Expect to see task ids unchanged, but they won't be.

    Logs, error output, etc

    No response


    tokio-console 0.1.7
    console-subscriber 0.1.8

    Possible solution

    No response

    Additional context

    No response

    Would you like to work on fixing this bug?


    opened by jsgf 0
  • chore(console): update Clap to v4.0

    chore(console): update Clap to v4.0

    This branch updates tokio-console's dependency on Clap from v3 to v4, tracking the breaking changes. This shouldn't result in any change in behavior besides changes in CLI help text formatting, except that we switched from using a tracing_subscriber::EnvFilter to a tracing_subscriber::filter::Targets for filtering the console's internal log messages. This is because clap requires that all arg values be Clone in v4, and we weren't using EnvFilter span filtering anyway, so I felt like this was the simplest option.

    opened by hawkw 0
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