Rust Memory Safety & Undefined Behavior Detection



Rudra is a static analyzer to detect common undefined behaviors in Rust programs. It is capable of analyzing single Rust packages as well as all the packages on

Rudra and its associated paper received the Distinguished Artifact Award at the 28th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles 2021 (SOSP '21). (PDF, short talk, long talk)

You can find the list of bugs found by Rudra at Rudra-PoC repository.


The easiest way to use Rudra is to use Docker.

  1. First, make sure your system has Docker and Python 3 installed.
  2. Add rudra:latest image on your system. There are two ways of doing this:
    • docker pull && docker tag rudra:latest
    • Alternatively, you can build your own image with docker build . -t rudra:latest
  3. Run ./ and set RUDRA_RUNNER_HOME to that directory. Example: ./ ~/rudra-home && export RUDRA_RUNNER_HOME=$HOME/rudra-home.
    • There are two scripts, ./ and ./ In general, ./ should be used unless you want to reproduce the result of the paper with a fixed cargo index.
  4. Add docker-helper in Rudra repository to $PATH. Now you are ready to test Rudra!

For development, you might want to install Rudra on your host system. See for advanced usage and development guide.

Run Rudra on a single project



The log and report are printed to stderr by default.

Run Rudra with different compiler version

Rudra is tied to a specific Rust compiler version, and it can only analyze projects that compiles with this version of the compiler. master branch uses nightly-2021-08-20 version of Rust right now. Check the version page for all supported versions.

Bug Types Detected by Rudra

Rudra currently detects the following bug types. For the full detail, please check our SOSP 2021 paper.

Panic Safety (Unsafe code that can create memory-safety issues when panicked)

Detects when unsafe code may lead to memory safety issues if a user provided closure or trait panics. For example, consider a function that dereferences a pointer with ptr::read, duplicating its ownership and then calls a user provided function f. This can lead to a double-free if the function f panics.

See this section of the Rustonomicon for more details.

while idx < len {
    let ch = unsafe { self.get_unchecked(idx..len).chars().next().unwrap() };
    let ch_len = ch.len_utf8();

    // Call to user provided predicate function f that can panic.
    if !f(ch) {
        del_bytes += ch_len;
    } else if del_bytes > 0 {
        unsafe {
                self.vec.as_mut_ptr().add(idx - del_bytes),

    // Point idx to the next char
    idx += ch_len;

Example: rust#78498

Higher Order Invariant (Assumed properties about traits)

When code assumes certain properties about trait methods that aren't enforced, such as expecting the Borrow trait to return the same reference on multiple calls to borrow.

let mut g = Guard { len: buf.len(), buf }; 
// ...
  Ok(n) => g.len += n, 

Example: rust#80894

Send Sync Variance (Unrestricted Send or Sync on generic types)

This occurs when a type generic over T implements Send or Sync without having correct bounds on T.

unsafe impl
   Sized + 
   Send, U: ?
   '_, T, U> {} 

    Sized + 
    Sync, U: ?
    '_, T, U> {} 

Example: futures#2239

Bugs Found by Rudra

Rudra was ran on the entirety of state as of July 4th, 2020 as well as the Rust standard library from nightly-2020-08-26. It managed to find 264 new memory safety issues across the Rust ecosystem which resulted in 76 CVEs.

The details of these bugs can be found in the Rudra-PoC repo.


Licensed under either of

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.

  • Pre-built docker image?

    Pre-built docker image?

    I would love to test this out on my project, but it looks like that there's not pre-built docker image.

    You can host one on DockerHub or GitHub Container Registry. It would be really easier to try this out this way! ๐Ÿ‘

    opened by sobolevn 4
  • Allow setting Rust toolchain as an env var

    Allow setting Rust toolchain as an env var

    This is a really cool project! We're trying to use Rudra with the nightly-2021-08-20 toolchain but there's a small issue โ€” if a user pulls the image as specified in the readme and tags it with rudra:latest, running the docker-cargo-rudra script will give an error that the installed Rust toolchain does not match the RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN env var. I think this PR should resolve that issue so that a user can set RUDRA_RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN to override the variable passed to Docker.

    opened by rajivshah3 3
  • adapt SendSyncChecker's filtering criteria for 'Channel-like' types

    adapt SendSyncChecker's filtering criteria for 'Channel-like' types


    Adapt SendSyncChecker's detection criteria for PtrLike types & Concurrent Queue types.

    • PtrLike : Require T: Send + Sync for impl Sync
    • Concurrent Queue : Allow T: Send to be enough for impl Sync

    test cases relevant to this PR

    • Detected by analyzer
      • tests/send_sync/ => Detected
      • tests/send_sync/ => Detected
    • Allowed by analyzer
      • tests/send_sync/ => Allowed

    Update on Feb 3rd: I decided to remove the PtrLike type handling in this PR, and maybe try again in a separate pr

    opened by JOE1994 3
  • Rudra not compiling with derive(Default)

    Rudra not compiling with derive(Default)

    For some reason Rudra isn't compiling when I use "derive(Default)" When I implement the Default explicitly I get no such issue. cargo test compiles & runs just fine either way.

    Change to allow Rudra to compile -

    sudo RUDRA_RUNNER_HOME=~/rust/Rudra/rudra_runner ~/rust/Rudra/docker-helper/docker-cargo-rudra ~/rust/active_standby

    2022-02-23 07:08:19.846614 |INFO | [rudra-progress] Running cargo rudra
    2022-02-23 07:08:20.837016 |INFO | [rudra-progress] Running rudra for target lib:active_standby
    error[E0277]: the trait bound `K: std::cmp::Ord` is not satisfied
       --> src/
    91  |             inner: AsLockHandleAlias$(< $($Inner),* >)?,
        |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `std::cmp::Ord` is not implemented for `K`
       ::: src/collections/
    66  |     crate::generate_lockless_aslockhandle!(BTreeMap<K, V>);
        |     ------------------------------------------------------- in this macro invocation
        = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `std::default::Default` for `std::collections::BTreeMap<K, V>`
        = note: 1 redundant requirements hidden
        = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `std::default::Default` for `lockless::aslockhandle::AsLockHandle<std::collections::BTreeMap<K, V>>`
    note: required by `std::default::Default::default`
        = note: this error originates in the derive macro `Default` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
    help: consider further restricting this bound
    89  |         #[derive(Default + std::cmp::Ord, Clone)]
        |                          +++++++++++++++
    error[E0277]: the trait bound `T: std::cmp::Ord` is not satisfied
       --> src/
    91  |             inner: AsLockHandleAlias$(< $($Inner),* >)?,
        |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `std::cmp::Ord` is not implemented for `T`
       ::: src/collections/
    78  |     crate::generate_lockless_aslockhandle!(BTreeSet<T>);
        |     ---------------------------------------------------- in this macro invocation
        = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `std::default::Default` for `std::collections::BTreeSet<T>`
        = note: 1 redundant requirements hidden
        = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `std::default::Default` for `lockless::aslockhandle::AsLockHandle<std::collections::BTreeSet<T>>`
    note: required by `std::default::Default::default`
        = note: this error originates in the derive macro `Default` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
    help: consider further restricting this bound
    89  |         #[derive(Default + std::cmp::Ord, Clone)]
        |                          +++++++++++++++
    error[E0277]: the trait bound `K: std::cmp::Ord` is not satisfied
       --> src/
    205 |             inner: AsLockAlias$(< $($Inner),* >)?,
        |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `std::cmp::Ord` is not implemented for `K`
       ::: src/collections/
    117 |     crate::generate_shared_aslock!(BTreeMap<K, V>);
        |     ----------------------------------------------- in this macro invocation
        = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `std::default::Default` for `std::collections::BTreeMap<K, V>`
        = note: 1 redundant requirements hidden
        = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `std::default::Default` for `shared::aslock::AsLock<std::collections::BTreeMap<K, V>>`
    note: required by `std::default::Default::default`
        = note: this error originates in the derive macro `Default` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
    help: consider further restricting this bound
    203 |         #[derive(Default + std::cmp::Ord)]
        |                          +++++++++++++++
    error[E0277]: the trait bound `T: std::cmp::Ord` is not satisfied
       --> src/
    205 |             inner: AsLockAlias$(< $($Inner),* >)?,
        |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `std::cmp::Ord` is not implemented for `T`
       ::: src/collections/
    131 |     crate::generate_shared_aslock!(BTreeSet<T>);
        |     -------------------------------------------- in this macro invocation
        = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `std::default::Default` for `std::collections::BTreeSet<T>`
        = note: 1 redundant requirements hidden
        = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `std::default::Default` for `shared::aslock::AsLock<std::collections::BTreeSet<T>>`
    note: required by `std::default::Default::default`
        = note: this error originates in the derive macro `Default` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
    help: consider further restricting this bound
    203 |         #[derive(Default + std::cmp::Ord)]
        |                          +++++++++++++++
    For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0277`.
    error: could not compile `active_standby` due to 4 previous errors
    2022-02-23 07:08:24.492177 |ERROR| [rudra-progress] Finished with non-zero exit code
    opened by matanmarkind 2
  • Rudra can't work well because the toolchain used is quite old.

    Rudra can't work well because the toolchain used is quite old.

    When I use nightly-2021-08-20, it works OK. But nowadays, rust projects support many new features. If I use the same toolchain to compile them, errors like feature "edition2021" is required will appear. After I use new version of toolchain. Rudra failed in the compilation because miri was recently split into several crates, which makes rustc_mir unable to reach. The Rudra requires that the version of toolchains used to build Rudra and target projects must be same. What should I do?

    Moreover, I'm very curious about how you analyze 43k packages mentioned in your paper. Is there a project or any scripts?

    My Email: [email protected]

    opened by SocialistDalao 2
  • Update to newer rust version?

    Update to newer rust version?

    The rust version in the Dockerfile is from about one year ago, and a lot of new features have been implemented since then.

    I tried to change the rust version in the Dockerfile to the latest nightly:

    -     RUST_VERSION=nightly-2020-08-26 \
    +     RUST_VERSION=nightly-2021-08-20 \

    which resulted in a compilation failure:

       Compiling rudra v0.1.0 (/tmp/rudra)
    error[E0463]: can't find crate for `rustc_data_structures`
     --> src/
    7 | extern crate rustc_data_structures;
      | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ can't find crate
    error: aborting due to previous error
    For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0463`.
    error: could not compile `rudra`.
    To learn more, run the command again with --verbose.
    warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
    error: failed to compile `rudra v0.1.0 (/tmp/rudra)`, intermediate artifacts can be found at `/tmp/rudra/target`
    Caused by:
      build failed
    opened by Luro02 2
  • Added GitHub Actions support

    Added GitHub Actions support

    I have added GitHub Actions support for Rudra so this should make is easier to users to just run in their workflow.

    One thing to note is that I created a second Dockerfile which just pulls the latest version from GitHub Packages. This is because GitHub Actions will build the container versus pulling an image. Also it helped setting the Entrypoint for the image.

    The second thing is that I have left the inputs but they are not used. I wanted to add support for the Action to error out if Rudra found anything but that can be added to inputs as a flag or enabled by default in Actions.

    It would also be great to see the Action on the Actions Marketplace in the near future.

    opened by GeekMasher 1
  • Frozen cargo build

    Frozen cargo build

    • Use a fixed DB dump from a forked cargo index.
    • Try to use sccache to build dependencies if it is available.
    • Improvement in environment variable handling.
    opened by Qwaz 1
  • Add ability to analyze the standard library

    Add ability to analyze the standard library

    This adds a new folder called stdlib-analysis that contains a convenience script to analyze the standard library.

    This approach creates a small change in rudra to allow for this, in particular it adds:

    • Adds a RUDRA_ALSO_ANALYZE environment variable. This variable causes rudra to also analyze a comma separated list of crates passed in. For example, if we're building crate foo with dependencies bar and baz. We can use RUDRA_ALSO_ANALYZE=bar,baz to analyze both the build dependencies.
    • -Zrudra-act-as-compiler, a rudra flag that makes the analyzer compile instead of just stopping compilation. This is needed because we're trying to analyze dependent crates that are built by xargo. Thus since we have a chain of build dependencies like core -> alloc -> std, we can't just stop building after we've analyzed the first crate.

    I also have an alternative approach that creates a bin/ file but it either involves refactoring out a lot of the common code from bin/ and bin/ OR duplicating code. Please let me know if you would like to see those.

    opened by ammaraskar 1
  • Rudra panics while stdlib analysis after updating it to 2021-08-20

    Rudra panics while stdlib analysis after updating it to 2021-08-20

    Error message:

    error: internal compiler error: compiler/rustc_middle/src/ty/ type parameter `U/#1` (U/1) out of range when substituting, substs=[U]
    thread 'rustc' panicked at 'Box<dyn Any>', /rustc/6d64f7f695943541fe12bb960971403f440d7225/compiler/rustc_errors/src/
    stack backtrace:
       0: std::panicking::begin_panic
       1: std::panic::panic_any
       2: rustc_errors::HandlerInner::span_bug
       3: rustc_errors::Handler::span_bug
       4: rustc_middle::ty::context::tls::with_opt
       5: rustc_middle::util::bug::opt_span_bug_fmt
       6: rustc_middle::util::bug::span_bug_fmt
       7: <rustc_middle::ty::subst::SubstFolder as rustc_middle::ty::fold::TypeFolder>::fold_ty
       8: rudra::analysis::unsafe_dataflow::inner::fn_called_on_copy
       9: rudra::analysis::unsafe_dataflow::inner::UnsafeDataflowBodyAnalyzer::analyze_body
      10: rudra::analysis::unsafe_dataflow::UnsafeDataflowChecker::analyze
      11: rudra::analyze
      12: <rudra::RudraCompilerCalls as rustc_driver::Callbacks>::after_analysis
      13: rustc_interface::queries::<impl rustc_interface::interface::Compiler>::enter
      14: rustc_span::with_source_map
      15: scoped_tls::ScopedKey<T>::set

    It will likely fail for other crates too.

    opened by Qwaz 0
  • Standalone examples for Rudra

    Standalone examples for Rudra

    tl;dr: is there a collection of standalone examples demonstrating the power of Rudra?


    I'm attempting to "play around" with Rudra and run some "toy" examples, but I'm not having much success.

    If I run the following:

    for i in tests/*/*.rs; do rudra --crate-type lib $i; done

    Then I do get Rudra-based warnings on the following (I didn't show the SendSyncVariance issues):

    • Error (UnsafeDataflow:/WriteFlow/VecSetLen): Potential unsafe dataflow issue in 'MyVec::<T>::push_all'
    • Info (UnsafeDataflow:/Transmute): Potential unsafe dataflow issue in 'test_order_unsafe'
    • Warning (UnsafeDataflow:/ReadFlow): Potential unsafe dataflow issue in 'test_order_unsafe_loop'
    • Warning (UnsafeDataflow:/ReadFlow): Potential unsafe dataflow issue in 'test_order_unsafe'
    • Warning (UnsafeDataflow:/ReadFlow/CopyFlow/WriteFlow): Potential unsafe dataflow issue in 'insertion_sort_unsafe'

    So far so good, so I think that means that my Rudra build is working ... so I then I tried to create my own examples.

    Example 1

    Taken from: /

    use std::io::Read;
    struct MyRead {
        first: bool,
    impl MyRead {
        pub fn new() -> Self {
            MyRead { first: false }
    impl Read for MyRead {
        fn read(&mut self, _buf: &mut [u8]) -> std::io::Result<usize> {
            if !self.first {
                self.first = true;
                // First iteration: return more than the buffer size
            } else {
                // Second iteration: indicate that we are done
    struct VecWrapper {
        inner: Vec<u8>,
    impl VecWrapper {
        pub fn new() -> Self {
            VecWrapper { inner: Vec::new() }
    impl Drop for VecWrapper {
        fn drop(&mut self) {
            // Observe uninitialized bytes
            println!("{:?}", &self.inner);
            // Overwrite heap contents
            for b in &mut self.inner {
                *b = 0x90;
    fn main() {
        let mut vec = VecWrapper::new();
        let mut read = MyRead::new();
        read.read_to_end(&mut vec.inner).unwrap();

    rudra --crate-type bin

    2023-01-03 10:32:13.123601 |INFO | [rudra-progress] Rudra started
    2023-01-03 10:32:13.124523 |INFO | [rudra-progress] SendSyncVariance analysis started
    2023-01-03 10:32:13.124571 |INFO | [rudra-progress] SendSyncVariance analysis finished
    2023-01-03 10:32:13.124593 |INFO | [rudra-progress] UnsafeDataflow analysis started
    2023-01-03 10:32:13.129166 |INFO | [rudra-progress] UnsafeDataflow analysis finished
    2023-01-03 10:32:13.129196 |INFO | [rudra-progress] Rudra finished

    That is, no warnings.

    Example 2

    Inspired from: /

    fn to_bytes_len(len: usize) -> Vec<u8> {
        let mut bytes: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(len);
        unsafe {
    fn main() {
        let x = to_bytes_len(10);
        println!("{}", x[0]);

    rudra --crate-type bin

    2023-01-03 10:35:18.845653 |INFO | [rudra-progress] Rudra started
    2023-01-03 10:35:18.846712 |INFO | [rudra-progress] SendSyncVariance analysis started
    2023-01-03 10:35:18.846773 |INFO | [rudra-progress] SendSyncVariance analysis finished
    2023-01-03 10:35:18.846786 |INFO | [rudra-progress] UnsafeDataflow analysis started
    2023-01-03 10:35:18.847592 |INFO | [rudra-progress] UnsafeDataflow analysis finished
    2023-01-03 10:35:18.847647 |INFO | [rudra-progress] Rudra finished

    That is, no warnings.

    Based on the description from I was hoping this would exhibit:

    This is unsound, because it allows safe Rust code to exhibit an undefined behavior (read from uninitialized memory).


    Should I be able to use Rudra like this? Are these false negatives in Rudra, or are the examples "bad" (i.e., they don't contain issues)?

    Alternatively, do you have a collection of standalone examples that demonstrate the kind of problems that Rudra can find? I'd hoped that maybe the tests would show this, but as there are only ~~three~~five UnsafeDataflow issues in the test-suite, I was thinking that there might be more examples of the issues that Rudra can find!

    Version info

    rudra --version
    rustc 1.56.0-nightly (6d64f7f69 2021-08-19)
    rustc --version
    rustc 1.56.0-nightly (6d64f7f69 2021-08-19)
    rustup toolchain list
    nightly-2021-08-20-aarch64-apple-darwin (default)

    Thanks for your help and for building Rudra -- cheers,


    opened by aytey 0
  • custom-build:build-script-build is not supported

    custom-build:build-script-build is not supported

    I am running the rudra container in CI on a library using bindgen to generate bindings from C code.

    Currently when I run Rudra in the project directory, I see this output.

    $ cargo rudra
    2022-02-02 16:35:37.967764 |INFO | [rudra-progress] Running cargo rudra
    2022-02-02 16:35:39.541463 |INFO | [rudra-progress] Running rudra for target lib:tf_bindings
    2022-02-02 16:36:05.063560 |INFO | [rudra-progress] Rudra started
    2022-02-02 16:36:05.063824 |INFO | [rudra-progress] SendSyncVariance analysis started
    2022-02-02 16:36:05.063840 |INFO | [rudra-progress] SendSyncVariance analysis finished
    2022-02-02 16:36:05.063843 |INFO | [rudra-progress] UnsafeDataflow analysis started
    2022-02-02 16:36:05.072000 |INFO | [rudra-progress] UnsafeDataflow analysis finished
    2022-02-02 16:36:05.072021 |INFO | [rudra-progress] Rudra finished
    2022-02-02 16:36:05.445477 |WARN | [cargo_rudra] Target custom-build:build-script-build is not supported
    2022-02-02 16:36:05.445506 |INFO | [rudra-progress] cargo rudra finished

    Is there a workaround for Target custom-build:build-script-build is not supported or something different I need to be doing?


    opened by r-wheeler 1
  • Support SARIF output

    Support SARIF output

    It would be awesome if Rudra could support Static Analysis Results Interchange Format (SARIF) so that I can publish results from Rudra into GitHub Advanced Security's Code Scanning.

    I would check out sarif-rs which is what tools like Clippy will be / are using. A GitHub Action would also be needed #20.

    This then could be used for open source repositories that want to use Rudra to then just be able to add the Rudra Action, run the tool, and then upload the results to GitHub Code Scanning.

    +cc @josepalafox

    opened by GeekMasher 0
  • update compiler-version for `edition2021` support

    update compiler-version for `edition2021` support

    Currently, 2021 crates can't be analyzed because the feature is still unstable in the version used by rudra:

    $ docker-cargo-rudra .
    2021-11-14 06:39:02.906467 |INFO | [rudra-progress] Running cargo rudra
    2021-11-14 06:39:03.166856 |ERROR| [rudra-progress] Could not obtain Cargo metadata
    Error during execution of `cargo metadata`: error: failed to load manifest for workspace member `/tmp/rudra/...`
    Caused by:
      feature `edition2021` is required
      The package requires the Cargo feature called `edition2021`, but that feature is not stabilized in this version of Cargo (1.56.0-nightly (e96bdb0c3 2021-08-17)).
      Consider adding `cargo-features = ["edition2021"]` to the top of Cargo.toml (above the [package] table) to tell Cargo you are opting in to use this unstable feature.
      See for more information about the status of this feature.
    opened by M1cha 2
  • Failed to run 'cargo rudra' for crates

    Failed to run 'cargo rudra' for crates

    When I execute cargo rudra for other crates, there is an error:

    dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/librustc_driver-0fd0d43d50587954.dylib
    Referenced from: /Users/vaynnecol/.cargo/bin/cargo-rudra
    Reason: image not found
    [1] 91286 abort cargo rudra

    and this error does not apper when i running Rudra for itself.

    opened by VaynNecol 2
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A cross-platform GUI library for Rust, inspired by Elm

Hรฉctor Ramรณn 17.5k Jan 8, 2023
Time series anomaly detection for Rust Time series AnomalyDetection for Rust Learn how it works Installation Add this line to your applicationโ€™s Cargo.toml under [depend

Andrew Kane 6 Nov 21, 2022
2 and 3-dimensional collision detection library in Rust.

2D Documentation | 3D Documentation | User Guide | Forum โš ๏ธ **This crate is now passively-maintained. It is being superseded by the Parry project.** โš 

dimforge 914 Dec 24, 2022
Rust port of the extended isolation forest algorithm for anomaly detection

Extended Isolation Forest This is a rust port of the anomaly detection algorithm described in Extended Isolation Forest and implemented in https://git

Nico Mandery 6 Oct 21, 2022