⚡Rust Serverless Framework



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Rust Serverless Framework

The Zapp project was launched with the goal of reducing software development, operation and maintenance costs.

Build Serverless Apps faster. Powered by Rust, Aysnc-GraphQL, SeaORM, Axum, and Google Cloud.

  • Focus on business logic in serverless environment
  • Maximize development efficiency with CI / CD standard schema-driven Scaffold
  • Achieve global scale with lower management costs


Cloud Infrastructure



$ cargo install zapp
$ zapp --help
zapp 0.5.6
Rust Serverless Framework

    zapp <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help       Print help information
    -V, --version    Print version information

    help       Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)


Create your application with zapp CLI.

$ zapp new YOURAPP

  ███████╗ █████╗ ██████╗ ██████╗ 
    ███╔╝ ███████║██████╔╝██████╔╝
   ███╔╝  ██╔══██║██╔═══╝ ██╔═══╝ 
  ███████╗██║  ██║██║     ██║     
  ╚══════╝╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═╝     ╚═╝     
💃 💃 💃 💃 💃 💃 💃 💃 💃 💃 💃 💃 
Rust Serverless Framework
$ zapp docker psql
$ cargo run

Go to : http://localhost:3000/api/graphql

Create Docker PostgreSQL

$ zapp docker psql
✅ PostgreSQL Container Created: 4619cfc047f3cad6c9db8d255aff841fbfe34bbef0e2661fa3a02db5d5ec5d91

Run GraphQL Local Server

$ cargo run

Now go to


GraphQL Mutation/Query Scaffold

Create Model

$ zapp g model user
✅ Successfully created migration file: migration/src/m20220613_102512_create_user_table.rs
✅ Successfully added route to `migration/src/lib.rs`
✅ Successfully created entity file: entity/src/user.rs
✅ Successfully created mutation file: src/graphql/mutation/user.rs
✅ Successfully created query file: src/graphql/query/user.rs
✅ Successfully added route to `entity/src/lib.rs`
✅ Successfully added mutation route: src/graphql/mutation/mod.rs
✅ Successfully added mutation route: src/graphql/query/mod.rs


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/EpicsDao/zapp. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the Apache-2.0 License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the EpicsDAO project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.

  • Refactoring generate code method

    Refactoring generate code method

    @JonasCir made a great refactoring🎉 Let's update all the generation methods.



    create_entity https://github.com/EpicsDAO/zapp/blob/main/src/g/entity.rs#L13

    Good create_migration https://github.com/EpicsDAO/zapp/blob/main/src/g/migration.rs#L16

    opened by POPPIN-FUMI 4
  • Remove async/await for now

    Remove async/await for now

    Currently, async/await is used all over the place, however, it does not provide any advantage b/c we do not submit any task to an executor or used any concurrency.

    I argue that we should selectively re-introduce it properly in parts where it actually makes sense.

    You can refer to this resource to learn more.

    opened by JonasCir 3
  • Rafactor the generation module

    Rafactor the generation module

    Hey, this PR is a little bit bigger:

    • it splits the generation into its four parts: entity, mutation, graphql mutation, graphql query.
    • Each part has a function which takes care of file generation and registration to the corresponding mod.rs
    • Log output has been clarified
    • Most importantly: --path can now passed to the generation subcommand
    • ... which allows us to run integration tests against the g module now :)

    This way, you can rest assured that my refactoring does not break the generated files :smile:

    opened by JonasCir 3
  • Use `quote` to generate Rust code instead of string format

    Use `quote` to generate Rust code instead of string format

    Hi there, thank you for creating this project, it looks super useful!

    While going through the code generation done in g, I noticed that the Rust code generation is done through plain string formatting. I also worked on a small project where I needed to generate Rust code and I resorted to this approach at first as well. However, I quickly ran into problems like code generation being dependent on conditionals quickly resulting in annoying string concatenations.

    I decided to use the popular quote library to template Rust code in a clean manner, making my life a lot easier and the code cleaner to read (I also used prettyplease to auto-format the generated code).

    Maybe this is helpful, but feel free to close if this project goes with the format approach.

    My project is here for reference: https://github.com/JonasCir/java2rs

    opened by JonasCir 3
  • Is there any way to include initial file in cargo package?

    Is there any way to include initial file in cargo package?

    opened by POPPIN-FUMI 2
  • Rewrite the new module such that nothing needs to be downloaded

    Rewrite the new module such that nothing needs to be downloaded

    Fixes #6

    @POPPIN-FUMI We now have a proper new command. PR features:

    1. No downloading of templates (you can remove the old Google storage now)
    2. The files we create are now stored as templates. We can easily tweak/improve them over time to our liking
    3. Generation of the migration is programmatically done through sea-orm-cli directly
    4. Integration testing has been become super convenient b/c of assert_directory_equality
    5. I cut down the files and content of the emitted to the bare minimum. I'm not a fan of feature-creep, if we notice that something is missing, we can simply add/improve it.

    Please note that generation (which would be the next step after running zapp new) is currently broken. This is due to the fact that a) the code we generate is not compatible with the sea-orm version we are pinning and b) sea-orm is migration based, so we need to switch this (gone file an issue about that later).

    opened by JonasCir 0
  • `zapp docker psql` does not work

    `zapp docker psql` does not work

    Currently, running zapp docker psql throws an error. This is because the gcp config is parsed (and not present if you do not create it by hand). However, since this is creates a purely local container, forcing the devs to create such a config does not make sense.

    opened by JonasCir 0
  • use quote for code generation

    use quote for code generation

    fixes #10

    all generation types (migration, entity, etc) are now in their dedicated module which is again split into creation and registration (i.e., write modules to mod.rs).

    Much cleaner now :rocket:

    opened by JonasCir 0
  • Need to add `migration/src/lib.rs` generation method

    Need to add `migration/src/lib.rs` generation method

    pub use sea_orm_migration::prelude::*;
    // Load module here;
    pub struct Migrator;
    impl MigratorTrait for Migrator {
        fn migrations() -> Vec<Box<dyn MigrationTrait>> {
                // Define migration file here;
    opened by POPPIN-FUMI 0
  • [CLI] Investigate/cleanup help option

    [CLI] Investigate/cleanup help option

    Not certain how this is supposed to work: We always define the Help variant in commands in src/cli/mod.rs but do not match it in main.rs. I would assume that we can get rid of this variant and just let do clap its magic when an unknown command is encountered.

    Probably something along these lines.

    Edit: I just found #[clap(arg_required_else_help = true)]. Edit 2: we should bump clap to the most recent version

    opened by JonasCir 0
  • [GEN]  `sea-orm` uses migration based approach

    [GEN] `sea-orm` uses migration based approach


    seo-orm in general uses a migration based approach, which means that migrations provided by the developer are used to generate the entity code.

    Since we are completely based on sea-orm we should follow this approach.

    Proposed change

    Introduce the following new gen commands:

    1. gen migration: Use sea-orm-cli migrate generate my_new_table -u programmatically
    2. gen model: Use sea-orm-cli migrate fresh programatically (we probably want a dedicated DB for generation and one DB for the user to tests its app)
    3. gen graphql: Use templating of GraphQL, later switch to Seaography
    opened by JonasCir 0
  • [GEN] Rename `g` to `gen`

    [GEN] Rename `g` to `gen`

    Currently, we abbreviate the generation command with g which is

    1. not intuitive
    2. the only command we abbreviate with one letter
    3. reads strange

    I think we should be consistent and rename the command the gen throughout the code base,

    opened by JonasCir 0
  • [GEN] Do not depend on binaries, but invoke libraries directly

    [GEN] Do not depend on binaries, but invoke libraries directly

    I notice that we invoke binaries all over the place. Get rid of the invocation and use libraries instead.

    While this is a general problem, let's focus on the generation submodule first.

    There is an ongoing discussion in sea-orm how to use it functionally directly/programmatically.

    https://github.com/SeaQL/sea-orm/discussions/1036 https://github.com/SeaQL/sea-orm/issues/1047

    opened by JonasCir 1
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