Data for


This Week in Rust

Content for Made available under CC-BY-SA.

All code Copyright 2014 Ember Arlynx, made available under the MIT license.

PRs for next issue are now being accepted

To propose content for inclusion in the next newsletter (found in the drafts/ folder), create a new Pull Request updating the relevant section in the draft.

Alternately, tweet us @thisweekinrust.

What do we look for when considering whether to include something in This Week in Rust?

This Week in Rust is intended to highlight the incredible work of the Rust Community.

What we are generally looking for includes:

  • how-to intros (and advanced deep dives) into Rust concepts and areas
  • Rust walkthroughs that explain concepts in different ways than well known resources like the Rust book, Rustlings, and Rust by Example
  • updates on tooling when in long form or framed as a tutorial (for more details, see what we are not looking for below)
  • Rust-related podcast episodes
  • Rust-related screenshots and videos
  • Rust meetup recordings
  • Rust meetup announcements
  • Presenter slide decks on Rust
  • Observations and thoughts on Rust and the Rust community
  • Calls for participation in Rust open source projects
  • Rust job announcements
  • and more!

What we are generally NOT looking for includes:

  • Anything that violates the Rust Community Code of Conduct
  • Rants or anything degrading to any part or member of the Community. Rather than submitting an article about what is wrong with something, we would much rather you write something that explains how you'd make it better.
  • Duplicates of recent posts (even with the wording changed slightly)
  • Links to crates or GitHub repos without some sort of context. We would much rather you submit a blog post introducing your project and how a Rust user might use it (and what it would help them do) and/or what you learned about Rust in the process of writing the project.
  • Anything behind a paywall (this includes Medium's paid article mechanism)
  • Anything that requires information to be shared/captured (like an email address) in order to access

These are meant to be guidelines, if you are ever not sure about whether something should be included please feel free to open a pull request anyway and we can discuss it!

The editors of This Week in Rust do reserve the right to make the decision about whether to include something or not, but we intend to do so in a way that is as transparent as possible.

Link style guidelines:

Links should use the most canonical form. For example, if redirects to, then the latter is preferred.

Links should not contain unnecessary tracking parameters, e.g. utm_source, utm_campaign.

Some prefixes are used, and should be placed to the left of the link.

  • [video] for videos
  • [audio] for podcasts or other audio.
  • [series] for articles that are one of a series.
  • 2-letter languages codes (e.g. [ZH], [ES], [FR]) for content in a language other than English.

How I get PR lists:

git log --author=bors --since='MM/DD/YYYY 12:00PM' --until='MM/DD/YYYY 12:00PM' --pretty=oneline > ~/entropy/twir.txt
# edit in vim to get rid of everything but PR number, copy into clipboard
for pr in $(xsel -ob); do firefox$pr; sleep 0.07; done
# wait a long time...
# write TWIR

Alternatively use GitHub search:

How I get new contributors:

Use the included script: 6/21/2014


Ensure you have SASS installed. The easiest way to get it is via gem, the Ruby package manager.

env SASS_BIN=$HOME/.gem/ruby/*/bin/sass pelican content -s

To build the newsletter

  • Generate the HTML
    TWIR_NEWSLETTER_THEME=1 pelican --delete-output-directory content
  • Copy the HTML and inline CSS at - (MailChimp's inliner doesn't remove the CSS from <head>).
  • Send the newsletter (we currently use MailChimp).
  • Looking for a new lead maintainer.

    Looking for a new lead maintainer.

    If you are interested in becoming lead maintainer of TWiR, please fill this form:

    I'm retiring from TWiR and TWiR is looking for a new lead maintainer. If you're interested and/or if you've questions, please respond below. If you'd like to contact me privately, please use the email on my GitHub profile.

    My weekly routine:

    (On average I spend about 4-6 hours/week on TWiR).

    • Scout through reddit for posts to add in "News & Blog Posts" section (this is usually what takes majority of the time).
    • Merge recently opened PRs.
    • Go through Twitter mentions and add content if requested.
    • Check email for any direct emails (search for rust and twir).
    • Check reddit inbox.
    • Fill-in other sections, e.g., RFC and calendar. (I could and should have automated it to some extent, but it is one of those things that I kept deferring to this weekend, and 5 years later, here we are).
    • Generate the static pages using pelican --delete-output-directory content.
    • Run the web-server locally and verify contents. (cd output; python3 -m http.server).
    • Copy static pages to the GitHub Pages repository (rsync -razvP --delete --exclude /CNAME --exclude /.git output/ /path/to/
    • Commit and push GitHub Pages repo.
    • Publish to both reddit and Twitter. (I'll give access to the Twitter account).
    • Create draft article for next week.
    • Add reddit link in the footer of current post.
    • Commit and push.
    • Wait for about 24 hours (in case community finds any issue in the post).
    • Send the newsletter through Mailchimp. (I'll give access to Mailchimp).
      • TWIR_NEWSLETTER_THEME=1 pelican --delete-output-directory content to generate HTML.
      • Start the server (cd output; python3 -m http.server) and copy HTML to /tmp/in.html.
      • Generate email-friendly HTML (juice --web-resources-images false /tmp/in.html /tmp/out.html).
      • Create a new campaign in Mailchimp, copy the HTML, and send the newsletter.
    opened by nasa42 32
  • [WIP] A rusty makeover.

    [WIP] A rusty makeover.

    Design inspired and stolen from and Currently in draft status. Few issues still need to be resolved like handheld device compatibility, subscription form submission etc. Submitting the PR for early-stage feedback. This change also introduces one new dependency - (which in turn requires that sass is present in PATH).

    opened by nasa42 17
  • Add a Content Contribution section to the README

    Add a Content Contribution section to the README

    Following on from @nasa42's comment on #1003, this adds a Contributing Content section to the README to help give us guidelines on how to review contributions.

    Previous conversation from

    Most of the PRs are about adding articles to "News & Blog Posts" section, and a review to determine if the article is worth including to newsletter or not would be quite helpful. Though I need to come up with some rough guidelines first to help determine that.

    opened by Michael-F-Bryan 16
  • New

    New "Acceptance Testing" section for RFCs?

    Some times it can be a challenge to get testers for an RFC implementation to get the feedback to know if its ready for stablization (see Mechanism for beta testing unstable features).

    What if we had a new section "Acceptance Testing" where we queued up RFCs that are are at stage of needing general feedback, either as part of an intermediate design milestone (e.g. or in prep for stablization (e.g. They'd need to link out to a test plan (defining what you are looking, link to how to use the feature, link to how to use it with nightly, where to apply feedback, etc).

    opened by epage 15
  • TWIR 121's CotW + PRs

    TWIR 121's CotW + PRs

    This week's Crate of the Week is preferences which does the right thing to your program's preferences on all common operating systems.

    Interesting PRs: no more private imports in rustdoc rustc will catch missing fields in pattern matches again regression fix for LLVM type errors with bools Vecs and VecDeques now drop faster ;-) compiletest gets some more capabilities slice.as_ptr generates simpler LLVM IR libc update Patterns can now be pointers-to-pointers to str with different lifetimes libstd can now be compiled with emscripten One less internal compiler error with trait consts implement RFC 1461 Stabilized APIs for 1.8 Positional fields are now named starting from "0", "1", .. vec![..] no longer copies from the stack zeroing on drop AsciiExt::in_ascii_{lower, upper}case Implement inclusive ranges

    opened by llogiq 13
  • add a script to inspect links and report problems

    add a script to inspect links and report problems

    This is a first draft, for review/comments/etc. Fixes #2378.

    This script checks for malformed and duplicated links. The goal would be to run it in CI to save the editors from the job of noticing that a link isn't formatted correctly, or was submitted multiple times.

    Some notes:

    • I wasn't sure where in the tree to put this new python script. For the moment, I just created a subdirectory tools.
    • The general strategy is to use the python markdown module to format each .md file, and then use bs4 to parse the resulting html and extract links.
    • Some parts of the document always contain duplicate links, so right now the script also parses html heading tags and only scans the links within specific "sections". This is a little fragile because it requires the list in this script to match what's actually in the issues. Alternatively, it could have a list of URLs that are always ignored?
    • Sometimes identical links don't look identical because they have tracking metadata attached (e.g. ?utm_source=reddit, etc.) so I strip those. That's also a little fragile, and requires an allowlist of sites that need http parameters (e.g. youtube). Maybe this was a dumb idea to begin with, and it would have been simpler to just leave the links alone.
    • At present it will report issues on all inspected files. If we don't want to go back in time and fix those issues, we may need some date-threshold that allows errors in old files to not be reported.

    For anyone who's curious how often duplicate links occur, here is the output of the script against the last 40 issues:

    possible duplicate link in file content/ (also found in content/
    possible duplicate link in file content/ (also found in content/
    possible duplicate link in file content/ (also found in content/
    possible duplicate link in file content/ (also found in content/
    possible duplicate link in file content/ (also found in content/
    possible duplicate link in file content/ (also found in content/
    possible duplicate link in file content/ (also found in content/
    possible duplicate link in file content/ (also found in content/
    possible duplicate link in file content/ (also found in content/
    possible duplicate link in file content/ (also found in content/
    possible duplicate link in file content/ (also found in content/
    possible duplicate link in file content/ (also found in content/
    possible duplicate link in file content/ (also found in content/
    possible duplicate link in file content/ (also found in content/
    possible duplicate link in file content/ (also found in content/
    possible duplicate link in file content/ (also found in content/
    possible duplicate link in file content/ (also found in content/
    possible duplicate link in file content/ (also found in content/
    possible duplicate link in file content/ (also found in content/
    possible duplicate link in file content/ (also found in content/
    possible duplicate link in file content/ (also found in content/
    possible duplicate link in file content/ (also found in content/
    opened by ericseppanen 12
  • Feature request: Dark theme for the website

    Feature request: Dark theme for the website

    Thank you for the amazing newsletter 🧡

    On the website, it could be nice to have:

    • selectable light vs dark mode, with a simple button for picking the active theme, e.g. dark-mode-toggle or similar
    • possibly autodetect the user-preferred style with prefers-color-scheme css media query (also supported by above JS snippet and others)
    • possibly even support the variety of themes that e.g. rustdoc and mdbook supports (Light, Rust, Coal, Navy, Ayu)
    help wanted 
    opened by Walther 10
  • Very light font can be difficult to read

    Very light font can be difficult to read

    Thanks for this awesome resource! I have a suggestion to make:

    I'd like to recommend against using such a light font for all body items on "TWIR". It makes things very difficult to read sometimes.


    I could be wrong, but this looks like Helvetica or Arial with a very light weight. I would suggest at least bumping up the weight to 400, or even changing the font to something more legible in general (like Lato, InterUI, etc.)

    help wanted 
    opened by piedoom 10
  • TWiR Release 96 (14 September 2015).

    TWiR Release 96 (14 September 2015).

    @brson @llogiq I've added a new section "Notable changes" where I plan to document well... "notable changes" in Rust core. However, of all the 79 PRs merged, it is hard for me to pick "notable" ones, and someone who is more involved in the Rust core can certainly help me out here. For this week, I've picked two PRs, however I'm not very sure about them. Please pay a closer attention to this section while reviewing my drafts, at least for next few weeks while I get more and more familiar with Rust progress flow.

    opened by nasa42 9
  • Draft: Add a Dark Mode

    Draft: Add a Dark Mode

    Fixes #2274 (if merged)

    Hello! Saw this on TWiR and thought I'd give it a go; I have no experience with frontend work so I'm completely OK with scrapping this PR too.

    This sets dark mode for users who have dark color schemes preferred. I tried replicating a similar color scheme to' Dark theme because I thought it'd look nice. I'm also down to change the color scheme, but I kind of agree about not liking straight white-on-black, which is discussed in a previous attempt to bring a dark mode (

    Preview: image image

    I understand that this doesn't give users the option to change between themes. If that prevents a merge, I'll try and spend additional time to implement some tri-state widget as mentioned by @flying-sheep.

    I also added a tiny commit that's unrelated to dark mode that fixes a typo (developments in Rust community -> developments in THE Rust Community). In addition, I added margins to make it look nicer and aligned with the other components like the input and header text. Without the margins:

    image image

    With margins and fixed typo:

    image image

    Adding margins is kind of a subjective choice, and my choice in color scheme is also just my preference, so please let me know what you all think!

    opened by ndd7xv 8
  • Request seriously review for non-english article

    Request seriously review for non-english article

    I didn't found any principle of TWIR regard to the contribution content. Since I often see some non-English articles, I believe the TWIR is open to all languages around the world. I sincerely appreciate this. However, I don't know whether we have native speakers in the team to take seriously review those non-English articles. If not yet, I propose we should.

    As a native speaker of Chinese, I'm pretty disappointed with the recent Chinese articles in the TWIR, especially for a website called (mostly from those PRs). Here are my reasons:

    • is a kind of SEO website which is full of a lot of ads and promotion links. Here is the google site search result.
    • The quality of articles from is quite bad. Mostly are the beginner or introductory level. (I'm not opposed to the beginner-level articles, I'm opposed to those SEO sites with low-quality articles.)
    • The author submits his articles to TWIR seems like aimed to boost the traffic of his websites. Clearly, an utilitarian.
    opened by Folyd 7
  • Update link visited color light mode

    Update link visited color light mode

    Closes: #2688

    Changes coloring of clicked links from a darker blue, to a dark purple. Several websites use this color distinction (e.g. here), and I believe it will make it easier to tell which links have been visited already in light mode

    The example below shows the same page containing several clicked links, with the image on the right showing the newer color choice.

    Screen Shot 2023-01-05 at 6 34 20 PM
    opened by andrewpollack 0
  • Add way to change color theme on the site

    Add way to change color theme on the site

    With the addition of a dark mode for the website, the only way for readers to change theme would be to change their OS preferences.

    It would be nice to be able to change the color theme directly on the site. Proposed ideas include a tri-state switch or button (maybe like the MDN docs?), but optimally it would be nice to have a setting for choosing dark, light, or the OS default.

    See more discussion about this here.

    help wanted 
    opened by ndd7xv 1
  • Add cargo-semver-checks v0.15.0 release notes

    Add cargo-semver-checks v0.15.0 release notes

    The 0.15.0 release of cargo-semver-checks contains a massive number of improvements. I would like to get your thoughts on whether including the release notes in the "Project/Tooling Updates" section would be an appropriate way to communicate this to the TWIR readers, or if there's something else you'd recommend instead.

    Thanks again for all the awesome work you're doing!

    opened by obi1kenobi 0
  • Header formatting on email version of TWiR is not line breaking correctly

    Header formatting on email version of TWiR is not line breaking correctly

    The title image and header of the email are not breaking correctly in the generated HTML code for the TwiR email issue.

    The break should be placed after the "This Week in Rust" title image. Instead, the line is currently breaking after the "This" in the text header.

    The email code is being generated by the optimize-email Makefile job, which uses the website code (via the make build && make generate-website && make host-content command) to create an email using juice.

    <td style="font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, sans-serif;">
      <img class="wrapper-image " src="" alt="This Week in Rust" style="width: 30px; vertical-align: bottom; max-width: 100%;" width="30">
      <span class="wrapper-header-01" style="line-height: 27px; font-size: 23px; font-weight: bold; color: #444444;">This Week in Rust</span>

    Narrow window: Screen Shot 2022-08-25 at 6 25 39 PM

    Wide window: Screen Shot 2022-08-25 at 6 23 48 PM

    opened by mariannegoldin 4
  • Email publishing codegen script is not formatting correctly

    Email publishing codegen script is not formatting correctly

    The Pelican publishing script used by the Makefile command optimize-email is not picking up TWIR_NEWSLETTER_THEME setting and defaulting to a CSS style that does not match our most recent issues (e.g. 454).

    Currently, the workaround for this has been to change from:

    if '1' == os.environ.get('TWIR_NEWSLETTER_THEME'):
        THEME = 'themes/newsletter'
        THEME = 'themes/rusted'


    THEME = 'themes/newsletter'
    opened by mariannegoldin 2
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