Rust bindings for entity-gym.


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EntityGym is a Python library that defines a novel entity-based abstraction for reinforcement learning environments which enables highly ergonomic and efficient training of deep reinforcement learning agents. This crate provides bindings that allows Rust programs to be used as EntityGym training environments, and to load and run neural networks agents trained with Entity Neural Network Trainer natively in pure Rust applications.


The core abstraction in entity-gym-rs is the Agent trait. It defines a high-level API for neural network agents which allows them to directly interact with Rust data structures. To use any of the Agent implementations provided by entity-gym-rs, you just need to derive the Action and Featurizable traits, which define what information the agent can observe and what actions it can take:

  • The Action trait allows a Rust type to be returned as an action by an Agent. This trait can be derived automatically for enums with only unit variants.
  • The Featurizable trait converts objects into a format that can be processed by neural networks. It can be derived for most fixed-size structs, and for enums with unit variants. Agents can observe collections containing any number of Featurizable objects.


Basic example that demonstrates how to construct an observation and sample a random action from an Agent:

use entity_gym_rs::agent::{Agent, AgentOps, Obs, Action, Featurizable};

#[derive(Action, Debug)]
enum Move { Up, Down, Left, Right }

struct Player { x: i32, y: i32 }

struct Cake {
    x: i32,
    y: i32,
    size: u32,

fn main() {
    // Creates an agent that acts completely randomly.
    let mut agent = Agent::random();
    // Alternatively, load a trained neural network agent from a checkpoint.
    // let mut agent = Agent::load("agent");

    // Construct an observation with one `Player` entity and two `Cake entities.
    let obs = Obs::new(0.0)
        .entities([Player { x: 0, y: 0 }])
            Cake { x: 4, y: 0, size: 4 },
            Cake { x: 10, y: 42, size: 12 },
    // To obtain an action from an agent, we simple call the `act` method
    // with the observation we constructed.
    let action = agent.act::<Move>(obs);
    println!("{:?}", action);

For a more complete example that includes training a neural network to play Snake, see examples/bevy_snake.


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  • [RFC] v0.1.0 design

    [RFC] v0.1.0 design

    Braindump of various considerations and unresolved questions for the initial design. I recommend first looking at the, which gives a high-level overview of the design, and examples/bevy_snake, which goes into much more details on how might use entity-gym-rs in a Bevy app.

    1 Bevy

    1a NonSend Agent

    The TrainAgent contains a Receiver/Sender which makes it non-Send. So the agent has to be a NonSend resource. Maybe that’s fine but I don’t really know full the implications. The alternative would be to wrap the TrainAgent in an Arc<Mutex<..>>. (EDIT: looks like eliminating the Mutex was a major performance win:

    ✅ 1b Dry app definition

    Resolved by Currently the App construction is highly duplicated between the run and run_headless methods. Seems easy enough to factor out the common parts into a different functions. Not sure if that’s the idiomatic way of doing this is in Bevy.

    ❓❗ 1c Closing training environment

    When creating an environment from Python, there needs to be some way to shut down the threads running the apps. Currently, this is done by having the Agent::act method return an Option. When the counterparts to the channels owned by the TrainAgent are dropped, TrainAgent will return a None value which can be handled by sending an AppExit event. This feels inelegant, ideally app shutdown should just be handled automatically somehow.

    ❓❗ 1d Training executor

    The current way of spawning a thread for each app instance during training seems suboptimal.

    ✅ 1e Asset packaging and loading implements a Bevy asset loader for RogueNet checkpoints. Currently can load an agent by passing a path to a checkpoint directory to a function. Haven’t looked into this yet, but presumably Bevy has an asset loading system that could give a nicer API. I can easily see games shipping with hundreds of snapshots of different agents that total many GB. There should also be a way of bundling checkpoints with Wasm apps.

    ✅ 1f Graphics overhead

    At least for bevy-snake, this doesn't seem to be the bottleneck: Even when running with minimal plugins and disabling rendering, creating SpriteBundles and whatnot probably adds unnecessary overhead. Is there a simple way to avoid this by just adding a plugin to the App or something?

    2 API

    2a Featurizable

    The Featurizable trait and way of constructing observations by creating a new struct for each entity rather than just passing the Position directly may seem a bit verbose, but this is actually done for a good reason. The input to the neural network is ultimately an untyped vector of floating point numbers. By materializing the field name of each feature, we can later add additional fields while still remaining compatible with networks trained on an previous version of the environment. Explicitly declaring a struct for each entity given to the network adds an additional layer of indirection that prevents changes to the internal representation from exposing us to backwards compatibility hazards. In theory, it would be possible to completely eliminate the intermediary structs by automatically deriving Featurizable for tuples etc., but I feel the downsides aren’t worth the small amount of boilerplate that this would eliminate. Not completely sure though, maybe both should be an option.

    2b Multiple action types

    The API currently supports only a single type, but it should also allow not just for multiple action types, but simultaneously performing multiple actions. Not sure how to make the type signatures work out in the current design without variadic generics, macros, or defining act2, act3, act4, …, etc methods.

    ✅ 2c Agent object safety

    Mostly solved by The generic act methods prevents Agent from being trait safe, which means you can’t just a have a Box<dyn Agent>. The AnyAgent enum sort of gets around this, but it feels inelegant and won’t work if someone wanted to e.g. implement their own scripted Agent.

    ✅ 2d Typed Action/Entity API

    Mostly solved by Having the entity/action methods take a trait as an argument allows for good performance and feels like a nice API (also seems consistent Bevy), but looses some flexibility and has a few annoyances. Maybe we need a more dynamic version of the API as well.

    ✅ 2e Python API boilerplate

    Most of the boilerplate eliminated in, I don't see how to do much better than this. Some of the boilerplate in could probably be eliminated somehow.

    3 Misc

    3a Entity name collisions

    I ended up with a bunch of structs that have a Featurizable and a Component version which is a bit annoying. Seems like this could be a common occurrence, should probably come up with a good convention to prevent name collisions.

    ✅ 3b Package name

    Looks like this might not be possible to solve when using PyO3, module name must be the same as the lib/crate name Ideally the Python package should be entity-gym-rs and the Rust package entity-gym, but for some reason maturin keeps insisting on using the Rust library name for both 🤷

    opened by cswinter 2
  • Closing training environment

    Closing training environment

    When creating an environment from Python, there needs to be some way to shut down the threads running the apps. Currently, this is done by having the TrainAgent::act method return an Option<Action> rather than an Action directly. When the counterparts to the channels owned by the TrainAgent are dropped, TrainAgent will return a None value which can be handled by sending an AppExit event. Ideally, Agent::act could just return an action directory and app shutdown would be handled automatically without writing additional code. I don't currently know enough about Bevy to know how to make this work. Maybe there could be an entity-gym Bevy plugin that connects to the train agent and handles app shutdown?

    opened by cswinter 0
  • Performance


    The agent API is not 🚀 blazingly 🚀 fast 🚀 yet. Results from benchmarking both a low_level and agent/Bevy implementation of snake with

    Benchmarking multisnake...
    Wall time: 2.97s
    Throughput: 860.65K steps/s
    Benchmarking bevy_snake_enn...
    Wall time: 3.38s
    Throughput: 37.86K steps/s
    Total send: 110 ms
    Total wait: 855 ms
    Total collect: 24 ms
    Total send: 12 ms
    Total wait: 3053 ms
    Total collect: 2 ms

    Already not bad, but still a 20x gap. 800K steps/s is kind of overkill, I think if we can get to 200K/s or something, this will be sufficient for most practical applications.

    End-to-end training throughput with examples/bevy_snake/ is now ~6000. It was previously closer to 4000, I think what made the difference was making the Player a NonSend resource to eliminate the Mutex on the TrainAgent. This seems to have resulted in a ~4x speedup.

    With the Mutex: image

    NonSend resource without the Mutext:


    Will get some profiles next to see what parts we can optimize.

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