runs init, preview and apply on pulumi stacks right in your Github Actions. Inspired from Atalantis for Terraform



runs init, preview and apply on pulumi stacks right in your Github-Actions. Inspired from Atlantis for Terraform


Currently, In this release; the following are supported only for Pulumi Cloud and AWS S3 with Typescript runtime:

  • Init the stack if it does not exists
  • Preview the stack
  • Apply the stack

Future plans

Note: Strikethrough comments are already implemented.

  • Add support for AWS Infra, though we can write and use AWS modules and all. But it won't be able to authenticate with AWS Account.
  • Add support for AWS Backend (S3)
  • Add other runtime support i.e python, go


Usage: pulumi-actions [OPTIONS] --stack <STACK_NAME> --backend <BACKEND> --path <STACK_PATH> --runtime <RUNTIME> --passphrase <PASSPHRASE>

  -s, --stack <STACK_NAME>
          pulumi stack name
      --pulumi-cloud-token <PULUMI_CLOUD_TOKEN>
          Pulumi token - in case of using Pulumi cloud. (Optional)
      --s3-bucket <S3_BUCKET_NAME>
          S3 Bucket name - in case if backend is s3. exmaple: "s3://my-bucket"
  -b, --backend <BACKEND>
          backend type [possible values: pulumicloud, s3]
  -p, --path <STACK_PATH>
          Path to stack's index.ts
  -r, --runtime <RUNTIME>
          Path to stack's index.ts [possible values: typescript]
          preview the stack
          apply the stack
          init the stack if does not exist
      --passphrase <PASSPHRASE>
          stack passphrase
          Install dependencies of language runtime, consider setting true only when you want to preview or apply the stack
  -h, --help
          Print help
  -V, --version
          Print version


  • For Github Actions usage

    - name: preview stack
      uses: lowkey-who/pulumi-actions@main
        pulumi_cloud_token: ${{ secrets.PuluToken }}
        passphrase: ${{ secrets.Passphrase }}
        cmd: pulumi-actions --pulumi-cloud-token "$pulumi_cloud_token" -s test6 --backend pulumicloud --path "$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/examples/ts" --install-deps --preview --passphrase "$passphrase" --runtime typescript
  • Deploy infrastructure on AWS Cloud

    name: Comment Workflow
        - created
          id-token: write
          contents: read
        name: pulumi-actions
        if: github.event.issue.pull_request != '' && contains(github.event.comment.body, 'pulumi-actions')   
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        - name: Checkout code
          uses: actions/checkout@v3
        - name: Configure AWS Credentials
          uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v2
            role-to-assume: <role-arn>
            aws-region: <your-aws-region>
        - name: Run Pulumi actions 
          uses: lowkey-who/pulumi-actions@main
            passphrase: ${{ secrets.Passphrase }}
            cmd: ${{ github.event.comment.body }}

    After setting up this workflow, make a PR on your repo and pass the somewhat similar command to work with s3 backend and AWS Cloud.

    pulumi-actions -s ci-test --init --backend s3 --s3-bucket "s3://my-bucket-name" --runtime typescript --path "$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/examples/" --passphrase "$passphrase"

    To work with aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v2 github action, you'll have to configure OIDC setup with AWS. Here is the doc for that.

  • Make this action run on PR when comment is issued. For this use-case check this workflow example

    TL;DR Just comment the command that you need to run and action will run whatever fed into the comment. So make sure to check the comment else workflow might not run.

NOTE: Please test the following examples either in Github Actions or mount the dir when running the docker command.

  • Init the stack

    pulumi-actions -s test6 --backend pulumicloud --path "/examples/ts" --runtime typescript --pulumi-cloud-token "pul-xxxxxxxxxxxxx" --init --passphrase "abceDDddsfdsfsdfdsadasd"
  • Preview the stack

    pulumi-actions -s test6 --backend pulumicloud --path "/examples/ts" --runtime typescript --pulumi-cloud-token "pul-xxxxxxxxxxxxx" --preview --install-deps --passphrase "abceDDddsfdsfsdfdsadasd"
  • Apply the stack

    pulumi-actions -s test6 --backend pulumicloud --path "/examples/ts" --runtime typescript --pulumi-cloud-token "pul-xxxxxxxxxxxxx" --apply --install-deps --passphrase "abceDDddsfdsfsdfdsadasd"

workflow examples

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