Run adb in Termux without root permissions!



Run adb in Termux without root permissions!


This is a launcher for adb which enables debugging of one Android device from another via USB cable. It should work with any USB-C male-to-male cable or the corresponding OTG adapter + cable in case of micro USB.


  • install Termux from F-Droid
  • install Termux:API from F-Droid
  • in Termux:
$ pkg install termux-api android-tools
  • download binaries for your target architecture from Releases
  • copy termux-adb and to some path accessible from Termux session (both files must be in the same directory)


First start adb server using the special launcher

$ ./termux-adb

Then you can run any adb commands directly, e.g.

$ adb devices

Build instructions

(You can check the Dockerfile for minimal toolchain setup)

Requirements: linux environment with working gcc and rustup plus all of the following:

  1. download Android NDK r22b (I wasn't able to make it work with any newer NDK version)
  2. add linker paths to ~/.cargo/config
linker = "/abs/path/to/ndk/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/armv7a-linux-androideabi21-clang"

linker = "/abs/path/to/ndk/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/aarch64-linux-android21-clang"
  1. install cross-compilation targets (this will also install rust nightly for the c_variadic feature)
$ ./
  1. build individual components (termux-adb, adb-hooks, termux-fastboot) using ./
  2. alternatively run ./ to build and package all of them at once

There are also scripts for

  • creating a docker toolchain image (./
  • and building the project inside it (./

How it actually works

Termux has the android-tools package which contains adb (and fastboot) but it normally works on rooted devices only. This is mainly due to filesystem permissions required by adb when enumerating USB devices (traversing /dev/bus/usb/*).

There is, however, Android API exposed by termux-usb utility which gives you a raw file descriptor of any connected USB device after manual approval by the user.

Of course, adb by itself doesn't know anything about termux-usb nor it can take raw file descriptors from command-line or environment. If it cannot access /dev/bus/usb, it just won't detect any connected devices. This is where termux-adb comes in.

To avoid the need for patching adb source code, termux-adb uses LD_PRELOAD to inject a dynamic library that hooks a couple of libc functions and emulates access to /dev/bus/usb as if the corresponding directory structure was accessible. There it will set up a virtual character device backed by the file descriptor obtained from termux-usb.

Because adb forks itself and runs in the background when you run it for the first time, it means it can scan for newly connected USB devices continuously. In order to emulate this behavior, termux-adb also runs in the background, polls termux-usb periodically and sends any discovered file descriptors via a Unix Domain Socket connection to the injected library running along adb server. That way the virtual directory tree is kept up to date which is reflected in the output of adb devices.

Currently, termux-adb is limited to one USB device at a time but this can be improved in the future.

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    Attempting to load termux-adb-v0.1.0-aarch64 and getting: CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE "adb": cannot locate symbol "libusb_unref_device" referenced by "/data/data/com.termux/files/home/source/termux-adb/termux-adb-v0.1.0-aarch64/"...

    termux-api/stable,now 0.57 aarch64 [installed,automatic] Termux API commands (install also the Termux:API app)

    libusb/stable,now 1.0.26-1 aarch64 [installed,automatic] A C library that provides generic access to USB devices

    android-tools/stable 31.0.3p1-6 aarch64 Android platform tools

    $ which adb /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/adb

    $ /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/adb version Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.41 Version [email protected] Installed as /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/adb

    Thank you for having given such quick responses!

    Any thoughts?

    opened by imnisp 9
  • [Request] Consider reaching out to Termux team to add project to repository, getting more official support.

    [Request] Consider reaching out to Termux team to add project to repository, getting more official support.

    Have you considered reaching out to the Termux team to get this project added to their repository? I'd like to see more official support because I'm worried it maybe lost/forgotten and go unmaintained at some point. This is allowing me to access another android with my Z Fold 4 over USB without needing root on the Z Fold. I used it earlier to grab logs and some files from a LG v30 that was running a custom rom after it hard crashed for debugging. This is pretty dang awesome, I can't thank you enough for writting this code and getting android-tools working over USB on Termux.

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  • Adb server cannot start

    Adb server cannot start

    How to fix air? Please help

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