PGR-TK: Pangenome Research Tool Kit

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PGR-tk: A PanGenomic Research Took Kit


This repository is a project to provide Python and Rust libraries to facilitate pangenomics analysis. Several algorithms and data structures used for the Peregrine Genome Assembler are useful for Pangenomics analysis as well. This repo takes those algorithms and data structure, combining other handy 3rd party tools to expose them as a library in Python (with Rust code for those computing parts that need performance.)

What is PGR-tk?

Research Preprint:

Multiscale Analysis of Pangenome Enables Improved Representation of Genomic Diversity For Repetitive And Clinically Relevant Genes

PGR-TK provides pangenome assembly management, query and Minimizer Anchored Pangenome (MAP) Graph Generation

Pangenome Data Management and Minimizer Anchored Pangenome Graph Generation

With the MAP graph, we can use the "principal bundle decomposition" to study complicated structure variants and genome re-arragenment in the human populations.

AMY1A Example

Documentation, Usage and Examples

The API documentation is at

A collection of Jupyter Notebooks are at

Built Binaries



See docker/Dockerfile.build_env-20.04 for a build enviroment under ubuntu 20.04. With the proper build environment, just run bash to build all.

For example, on a Mac OS with Docker install, you can clone the repository and build a linux binary within an Ubuntu 20.04 Linux distribution as follow:

  1. Build the Docker image for a build environment:
git clone --recursive [email protected]:cschin/pgr-tk.git # clone the repo
cd pgr-tk/docker
ln -s Dockerfile.build_env-20.04 Dockerfile
docker build -t pgr-tk-build .
  1. In the root directory of the repo pgr-tk:


docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/wd/pgr-tk pgr-tk-build /bin/bash 
  1. Build the pgr-tk inside the docker container from the image pgr-tk-build
cd /wd/pgr-tk

The build python wheels will be in target/wheels which can be installed for ubuntun 20.04 python3.8 distribution. You can install it in the pgr-tk-build image as well to test it out.

Bioconda Release for v0.3.4 on Conda 4.14.0

If you have a conda install, you can try this to build an conda environment to use pgr-tk v0.3.4 (on linux only):

conda create -n pgr-tk python=3.8
conda activate pgr-tk
conda install -c bioconda -c conda-forge python_abi libstdcxx-ng=12 libclang13 pgr-tk=0.3.4
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  • Compilation error

    Compilation error

    While trying to update the version of pgr-tk distributed via Bioconda we ran into the following error:

    2022-10-30T12:11:32.0887989Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT)    Compiling cargo-xwin v0.10.2
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.2399451Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT) error[E0061]: this function takes 4 arguments but 3 arguments were supplied
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.2401411Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT)    --> /opt/conda/conda-bld/pgr-tk_1667130798268/_build_env/.cargo/registry/src/
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.2402037Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT)     |
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.2402506Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT) 238 |         let pruned = xwin::prune_pkg_list(&pkg_manifest, arches, variants)?;
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.2403808Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT)     |                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^--------------------------------- an argument of type `bool` is missing
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.2404290Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT)     |
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.2404640Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT) note: function defined here
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.2405510Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT)    --> /opt/conda/conda-bld/pgr-tk_1667130798268/_build_env/.cargo/registry/src/
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.2406065Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT)     |
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.2406473Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT) 263 | pub fn prune_pkg_list(
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.2406851Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT)     |        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.2407221Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT) help: provide the argument
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.2407682Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT)     |
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.2408177Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT) 238 |         let pruned = xwin::prune_pkg_list(&pkg_manifest, arches, variants, /* bool */)?;
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.2408797Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT)     |                      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.2409214Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT) 
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.3999345Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT) error[E0308]: mismatched types
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.4000944Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT)    --> /opt/conda/conda-bld/pgr-tk_1667130798268/_build_env/.cargo/registry/src/
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.4001552Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT)     |
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.4002057Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT) 280 |                 ProgressBar::with_draw_target(0, draw_target.into()).with_prefix(prefix).with_style(
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.4002914Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT)     |                 ----------------------------- ^ expected enum `Option`, found integer
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.4003375Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT)     |                 |
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.4003791Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT)     |                 arguments to this function are incorrect
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.4004185Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT)     |
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.4004877Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT)     = note: expected enum `Option<u64>`
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.4005278Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT)                found type `{integer}`
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.4005705Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT) note: associated function defined here
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.4006643Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT)    --> /opt/conda/conda-bld/pgr-tk_1667130798268/_build_env/.cargo/registry/src/
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.4007219Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT)     |
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.4007923Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT) 52  |     pub fn with_draw_target(len: Option<u64>, draw_target: ProgressDrawTarget) -> ProgressBar {
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.4008426Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT)     |            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.4008820Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT) help: try wrapping the expression in `Some`
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.4009206Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT)     |
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.4009733Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT) 280 |                 ProgressBar::with_draw_target(Some(0), draw_target.into()).with_prefix(prefix).with_style(
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.4010273Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT)     |                                               +++++ +
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.4010625Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT) 
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.5079552Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT) error[E0308]: mismatched types
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.5081136Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT)    --> /opt/conda/conda-bld/pgr-tk_1667130798268/_build_env/.cargo/registry/src/
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.5081718Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT)     |
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.5082195Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT) 319 |         let manifest_pb = ProgressBar::with_draw_target(0, dt.into())
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.5083310Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT)     |                           ----------------------------- ^ expected enum `Option`, found integer
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.5083763Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT)     |                           |
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.5084188Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT)     |                           arguments to this function are incorrect
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.5084585Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT)     |
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.5084944Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT)     = note: expected enum `Option<u64>`
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.5085362Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT)                found type `{integer}`
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.5085790Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT) note: associated function defined here
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.5086695Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT)    --> /opt/conda/conda-bld/pgr-tk_1667130798268/_build_env/.cargo/registry/src/
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.5087288Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT)     |
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.5087992Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT) 52  |     pub fn with_draw_target(len: Option<u64>, draw_target: ProgressDrawTarget) -> ProgressBar {
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.5088479Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT)     |            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.5088883Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT) help: try wrapping the expression in `Some`
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.5089269Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT)     |
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.5089735Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT) 319 |         let manifest_pb = ProgressBar::with_draw_target(Some(0), dt.into())
    2022-10-30T12:11:32.5090249Z 12:11:32 BIOCONDA INFO (OUT)     |                                                         +++++ +

    I imagine that there was an API change in one of the dependencies.

    opened by dpryan79 3
  • 0.4.0-dev


    Some major changes

    1. New frg storage backend support. This can replace the agc format for long-read analysis
    2. AGC read optimization (support prefetching mode and can specific the number of parallel readers when building the midx file.)
    3. Replace libwfa with WFA2-lib
    opened by cschin 0
  • pgrtk-0.3.4-cp38-cp38-linux_x86_64.whl is not a supported wheel on this platform

    pgrtk-0.3.4-cp38-cp38-linux_x86_64.whl is not a supported wheel on this platform


    Can you please list which Linux distributions the wheels support? I have tried on both Ubuntu 20.04 and CentOS7, and both give the error of "not a supported wheel on this platform" when trying to pip install?

    Thank you!

    opened by wharvey31 2
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