CFD is a tool that allows you to check one or more domains to see if they are protected by CloudFlare or not.


Latest Version | Documentation

CFD is a tool that allows you to check one or more domains to see if they are protected by CloudFlare or not. The check is carried out based on five criteria: 3 headers in the HTTP response, IP, and SSL certificate issuer. The check result can be displayed on the screen or saved to a file.


To use Cfd you need to install Cargo and Rust. Just paste into your terminal window:

curl -sSf | sh
cargo install cfd




<TARGET>  A domain, domains divided by newline char or a file with domains.


-h, --help       Prints help information
-V, --version    Prints version information


  -d               Outputs a detailed result for each domain based on five checks.
  -f               Outputs only domains without Cloudflare presence.
  -o <OUTPUT>      The path to the folder where the cfd_report.{txt or csv} file will be stored. If a file won't be specified, output will be printed to stdout. If the detailed flag is set, the output will include checking details.
  -h, --help       Print help
  -V, --version    Print version

Usage examples

Every example will be shown with this set of domains:,,,

1. Not detailed and not filtered output. If you provide a folder for outputting the result through the -o option, the result will be written in the form of cfd_report.csv

cfd resources/cfd_work.txt


cfd resources/cfd_work.txt

2. Detailed and not filtered output to stduout. If you provide a folder for outputting the result through the -o option, the result will be written in the form of cfd_report.csv

cfd resources/cfd_work.txt -d 


cfd resources/cfd_work.txt -d

3. Detailed and filtered output to stduout. If you provide a folder for outputting the result through the -o option, the result will be written in the form of cfd_report.csv

cfd resources/cfd_work.txt -d -f 


cfd resources/cfd_work.txt -d -f

4. Detailed and filtered output to stduout. If you provide a folder for outputting the result through the -o option, the result will be written in the form of cfd_report.txt

cfd resources/cfd_work.txt -f 


In-Code examples

Complex checking:

use cfd::run;
async fn main(){
    let target = "\";
    let checker = run(target.to_string()).await.unwrap();
    assert_eq!(checker.cf_detected_domains().await.len() == 1, true);

Check if an IP belongs to the Cloudflare IP range:

use cfd::cf_ips::CFIPs;
async fn main(){
    let cf_ips = CFIPs::load().await.unwrap();


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