Pathfinding on grids using jumping point search and connected components.



A grid-based pathfinding system. Implements Jump Point Search with improved pruning rules for speedy pathfinding. Pre-computes connected components to avoid flood-filling behaviour if no path exists.


Below a simple example is given which illustrates how to set a basic problem and find a path.

use grid_pathfinding::PathingGrid;
use grid_util::grid::Grid;
use grid_util::point::Point;

// In this example a path is found on a 3x3 grid with shape
//  ___
// |S  |
// | # |
// |  E|
//  ___
// where
// - # marks an obstacle
// - S marks the start
// - E marks the end

fn main() {
    let mut pathing_grid: PathingGrid = PathingGrid::new(3, 3, false);
    pathing_grid.set(1, 1, true);
    println!("{}", pathing_grid);
    let start = Point::new(0, 0);
    let end = Point::new(2, 2);
    let path = pathing_grid
        .get_path_single_goal(start, end, false)
    for p in path {
        println!("{:?}", p);

See examples for finding paths with multiple goals and generating waypoints instead of full paths.

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    Found Some(464v0) at Point { x: 14, y: 14 }
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    Found Some(499v0) at Point { x: 15, y: 17 }
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    Found Some(501v0) at Point { x: 15, y: 19 }
    Found Some(502v0) at Point { x: 15, y: 20 }
    Found Some(503v0) at Point { x: 15, y: 21 }
    Found Some(504v0) at Point { x: 15, y: 22 }
    Found Some(505v0) at Point { x: 15, y: 23 }
    Found Some(506v0) at Point { x: 15, y: 24 }
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    Found Some(505v0) at Point { x: 15, y: 23 }
    Found Some(504v0) at Point { x: 15, y: 22 }
    Found Some(503v0) at Point { x: 15, y: 21 }
    Found Some(502v0) at Point { x: 15, y: 20 }
    Found Some(501v0) at Point { x: 15, y: 19 }
    Found Some(500v0) at Point { x: 15, y: 18 }
    Found Some(467v0) at Point { x: 14, y: 17 }
    Found Some(434v0) at Point { x: 13, y: 16 }
    Found Some(433v0) at Point { x: 13, y: 15 }
    Found Some(432v0) at Point { x: 13, y: 14 }
    Found Some(431v0) at Point { x: 13, y: 13 }
    Found Some(398v0) at Point { x: 12, y: 12 }
    Found Some(397v0) at Point { x: 12, y: 11 }
    Found Some(396v0) at Point { x: 12, y: 10 }
    Found Some(427v0) at Point { x: 13, y: 9 }

    Here are two images displaying the different paths. As you can see, one of them is pretty strange. Just thought I'd let you know.


    Screen Shot 2022-11-16 at 5 34 38 PM Screen Shot 2022-11-16 at 5 34 45 PM
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