A bash-like Unix shell written in Rust


Cicada Unix Shell

Travis Build Status Latest Version

Cicada is a simple Unix shell written in Rust.


Try out cicada with Docker

$ docker pull mitnk/cicada
$ docker run --rm -it mitnk/cicada
(in-cicada) $ cinfo


Run programs and pipelines

$ ls | head -n3

$ echo foo,bar | awk -F "," '{print $2, $1}'
bar foo

With redirections

$ ls file-not-exist 2>&1 | wc > e.txt
$ cat e.txt
       1       7      46

Command substitution

$ ls -l `which sh`
-r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  618512 Oct 26  2017 /bin/sh

$ echo "Time is $(date)."
Time is Sun Sep  2 12:04:13 CST 2018.

Run multiple commands (with logical)

$ echo foo; echo bar

$ echo foo && echo bar

$ echo foo || echo bar

Math arithmetic directly in the shell!

$ 1 + 2 * 3 - 4
$ (1 + 2) * (3 - 4) / 8.0
$ 2 ^ 31

Cicada is also a library (BETA)

Read APIs here: https://docs.rs/cicada/.


  • Use as a library

    Use as a library

    It would be useful to provide functions to

    1. Parse input and return if it's complete and chunk it into individual command units (so e.g. a single command execution on its own line or an if statement are both individual command units)
    2. Execute code and capture output

    The idea is that we can then use it e.g. to power a Jupyter kernel or other alternative interfaces

    opened by flying-sheep 9
  • Cicada not quitting on SIGINT

    Cicada not quitting on SIGINT

    First, thanks! Looks like a really cool project.

    Cicada does not quit correctly when sent a SIGINT signal. If sent externally, simply nothing is happening. If sent through typing Ctrl-C directly in the shell, my terminal closes output, but cicada keeps running. The terminal is then spammed with readline error: Error { repr: Os { code: 5, message: "Input/output error" } }, due to the closed stdout. At this point cicada consumes 100% of the CPU.

    You should handle external signals and correctly quit the application. (I also expected to be able to quit the shell using Ctrl-D aka sending EOF, but this does nothing

    opened by badboy 8
  • Better Lib APIs

    Better Lib APIs

    via #3

    We need to rename line_to_tokens to cmd_to_tokens.

    it would be also cool to have it indicate if the command is complete e.g. the return value of line_to_tokens("foo |") should make clear that this isn’t a runnable command.

    opened by mitnk 7
  • Is BUILD_DATE stale without a prior `make clean`, for successive `make` calls?

    Is BUILD_DATE stale without a prior `make clean`, for successive `make` calls?

    How do you ensure that the BUILD_DATE env var from here: https://github.com/mitnk/cicada/blob/340e8136465863c07832c9a19261c0b75b4034a5/src/build.rs#L15 is being updated upon each successful compilation, without having to manually make clean before make ?

    If my understanding is correct(and I tested this a lil bit on my test project), cargo caches the output of build.rs and if you just touch src/main.rs for example, but not also touch build.rs, it will use the cached output and thus BUILD_DATE(and GIT_HASH for that matter) will be the stale one.

    opened by ghost 4
  • cicada fails to recognize stopped jobs

    cicada fails to recognize stopped jobs


    vim &
    ps f

    it outputs:

    $ vim &
    [1] 17305
    $ ps f
    16964 pts/7    S      0:02  \_ target/debug/cicada
    17305 pts/7    T      0:00      \_ vim
    17307 pts/7    R+     0:00      \_ ps f
    $ jobs
    [1] 17305  Running    vim &

    even though vim is stopped (T) cicada reports it as running.

    opened by godmar 3
  • shell fails to reap child processes in a timely manner

    shell fails to reap child processes in a timely manner

    If you run

    sleep 5 &
    sleep 200

    The first command should be reaped after 5 seconds, not after 200.

    Similarly, if you run

    sleep 1 &

    this job isn't reaped until the user hits Enter again.

    opened by godmar 3
  • kind: InvalidData

    kind: InvalidData

    cicada echo $HOSTNAME cicada: read_to_string error: Custom { kind: InvalidData, error: StringError("stream did not contain valid UTF-8") }

    DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu DISTRIB_RELEASE=18.04 DISTRIB_CODENAME=bionic DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS" NAME="Ubuntu" VERSION="18.04.2 LTS (Bionic Beaver)" ID=ubuntu ID_LIKE=debian PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS" VERSION_ID="18.04" HOME_URL="https://www.ubuntu.com/" SUPPORT_URL="https://help.ubuntu.com/" BUG_REPORT_URL="https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/" PRIVACY_POLICY_URL="https://www.ubuntu.com/legal/terms-and-policies/privacy-policy" VERSION_CODENAME=bionic UBUNTU_CODENAME=bionic

    uname -a Linux think 4.18.0-24-generic #25~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jun 20 11:13:08 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

    opened by denisgolius 3
  • implement 'source' builtin command

    implement 'source' builtin command


    I noticed your shell does not have the source command as one of its builtins, which lets you source rc files during a session. It works like this: make a change to ~/.cicadarc, run source ~/.cicadarc, and any changes you made to your RC file will then be loaded. I was a pretty simple implementation, I just had to call the load_file function in the rcfile module. I hope you will incorporate this into your project.

    opened by ngklingler 3
  • exit: entity not found

    exit: entity not found

    Not expected:

    $ echo 'echo 1;exit;echo 2'|./target/debug/cicada
    exit: entity not found

    Expected (in bash):

    $ echo 'echo 1;exit;echo 2'|bash

    This does work as expected though:

    $ echo -e 'echo 1;exit;echo2' >a && chmod u+x a && ./target/debug/cicada ./a
    opened by ghost 3
  • support for multiple config files

    support for multiple config files

    I usually like to have my aliases, exports, etc. separated into separate files so its easier to read. And then inside .bashrc or .bash_profile I would import them in. Currently, cicada does not work with multiple files I think, or am I doing this wrong?


    My bash script for importing files:

    	"$HOME/.config/$SHELL/dirs.sh" \
    	"$HOME/.config/$SHELL/alias.sh" \
    	"$HOME/.config/$SHELL/exports.sh" \
    for FILE in ${INCLUDE_FILES[@]}; do
    	if [ -f "$FILE" ]; then
    		source "$FILE"
    opened by kamiyaa 2
  • Optionally import Bash history into sqlite database on first run

    Optionally import Bash history into sqlite database on first run

    It would be nice if, upon first run (i.e., the cicada history database does not yet exist), the user could be prompted to import their Bash history into the database. If no date exists for an entry then it would use the current timestamp, otherwise it would use the provided timestamp from the .bash_history file:

    Example .bash_history with timestamps

    vim .inputrc
    opened by rypervenche 2
  • Support accessing subprocess stdin/out as file

    Support accessing subprocess stdin/out as file

    Bash supports getting the FD of an opened pipe directly in the form /dev/fd/X which then can be used as file path by the spawned process.


    $ head <(echo a) <(echo b)
    ==> /dev/fd/63 <==
    ==> /dev/fd/62 <==


    $ head <(echo a) <(echo b)
    head: <echo: No such file or directory
    head: a: No such file or directory
    head: <echo: No such file or directory
    head: b: No such file or directory

    Same for >(CMD) which will use stdin instead of stdout.

    opened by pothos 3
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