Matt's ASCII Game Engine core crate


MAGE Engine Core crate

Example screenshot

A 100% safe Rust ASCII game engine for writing text-based tools or tile-based games similar to traditional Rogue-likes.

This crate manages the Mage App trait, the Mage Config struct and the rendering engine. The rendering engine will use the GPU to render tiles (typically ASCII characters) to the screen at blazing fast rates. It can render 30000 characters at around 2000 fps on a nVidia RTX2080 card (so 60 million characters per second).

The App trait provides an interface of two methods: tick and present. The tick method is used for the simulation part of your game. Delta time, input and some other information is passed to the host program. Similarly, the present method is used for rendering. Various u32 slices are passed to the host to read and write to/from.

The Config has information to pass initialisation hints to the engine, including the tile data, window size etc.

After setting this up, the host application calls mage_core::run(...) to kick off the main loop.

How it works

The GPU runs a fragment shader that requires 4 textures:

  • Font/tile texture
  • Character texture
  • Foreground colour texture
  • Background colour texture

The font/tile texture

This is an image (typically a PNG image), that contains 256 tile images arranged in a 16x16 grid. Below is an example of such an image:

Font example image

And is in fact the default image used if one is not given. A single byte can be mapped to each tile (as there are 256 of them).

Character texture

The red channel (or lowest 8 bits) of the character texture represents the tile. This means that the other 24 bits are not used and can, in fact, be used by the application for whatever purpose. Each pixel on the texture represents a single character and the texture dimensions match the number of character cells that can be fit on to the window. As the window changes size, this texture is resized. The current width and height of this texture (in characters) is passed to the application for the present method.

Foreground colour texture

Similar to the character texture, each pixel represents a character cell and its dimensions are the same. Each u32 entry represents the foreground colour the character should take. The u32 has the format ABGR. The alpha channel is ignored and can hold whatever the application wishes.

Background colour texture

This is the same as the foreground colour texture but determines the background colour for the character cell.

Combining it all.

The GPU fragment shader combines the four textures to render the entire screen. The foreground colour, background colour and character textures combine for each character cell to determine the colour and contents of that cell. The contents are lifted from the font/tile texture according to the index given in the character texture. The shader is actually quite simple and can be seen in src/shader.wgsl.


Building it is quite simple:

$ cargo build [--release]


There are various examples included that I used to test the engine and to help users understand how to use Mage. For now, this is the sole documentation but I will endeavour to write a Mdbook later.

Examples are run the usual way:

$ cargo run --release --example [example name]

For example, for an example that tries to use every feature of Mage:

$ cargo run --release --example basic


  • Simple API
  • Alt+Enter to toggle fullscreen
  • Cross-platform (should work on all major OSes).
  • Rendering is 100% GPU once the textures are set up.


This is currently work in progress and is not ready for production. It is missing vital features including, but not limited to:

  • Keyboard and mouse input
  • An ECS system
  • Audio support
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