Like HashSet but retaining INSERTION order and without `Hash` requirement on the Element type.



Code Coverage Documentation Rust

A collection of unique identifiable elements which retains insertion order, inspired by Pointfree's Swift Identified Collections.

Similar to the standard Vec, the IdentifiedVec maintain their elements in a particular user-specified order. However, unlike Vec, the IdentifiedVec introduce the ability to uniquely identify elements, using a hash table to ensure that no two elements have the same identity, and to efficiently look up elements corresponding to specific identifiers.

IdentifiedVec is a useful alternative to Vec when you need to be able to efficiently access unique elements by a stable identifier. It is also a useful alternative to BTreeSet, where the Ord trait requirement may be too strict, an a useful alternative to HashSet where Hash trait requirement may be too strict.

You can create an identified vec with any element type that implements the Identifiable trait.


extern crate identified_vec;
use identified_vec::{IsIdentifiedVec, IdentifiedVec, Identifiable, IdentifiedVecOf};
use std::cell::RefCell;

#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Clone, Debug)]
struct User {
    id: &'static str,
    name: RefCell<&'static str>,

impl User {
    fn new(id: &'static str, name: &'static str) -> Self {
        Self {
            name: RefCell::new(name),
    fn name(&self) -> &'static str {


impl Identifiable for User {
    type ID = &'static str;
    fn id(&self) -> Self::ID {


let mut users = IdentifiedVecOf::<User>::from_iter([
    User::new("u_42", "Satoshi Nakamoto"),
    User::new("u_1337", "Leia Skywalker"),

    Some("Satoshi Nakamoto")

    Some("Leia Skywalker")

append & elements()

users.append(User::new("u_237", "Alan Turing"));
        User::new("u_42", "Satoshi Nakamoto"),
        User::new("u_1337", "Leia Skywalker"),
        User::new("u_237", "Alan Turing"),

// Element with same ID is not appended:
users.append(User::new("u_42", "Tom Mervolo Dolder"));
        User::new("u_42", "Satoshi Nakamoto"),
        User::new("u_1337", "Leia Skywalker"),
        User::new("u_237", "Alan Turing"),


// Element with same ID replaces existing if an `update_*` method is used:
// e.g. `update_or_insert`:
users.update_or_insert(User::new("u_42", "Tom Mervolo Dolder"), 0);
        User::new("u_42", "Tom Mervolo Dolder"),
        User::new("u_1337", "Leia Skywalker"),
        User::new("u_237", "Alan Turing"),


// or `update_or_append`
users.update_or_append(User::new("u_237", "Marie Curie"));
        User::new("u_42", "Tom Mervolo Dolder"),
        User::new("u_1337", "Leia Skywalker"),
        User::new("u_237", "Marie Curie"),

Or you can provide a closure that describes an element's identity:

let numbers = IdentifiedVec::<u32, u32>::new_identifying_element(|e| *e);


None of the std collections BTreeSet and HashSet retain insertion order, Vec retains insertion order, however, it allows for duplicates. So if you want a collection of unique elements (Set-like) that does retain insertion order, IdentifiedVec suits your needs. Even better, the elements does not need to be to impl Hash nor Ord.


This crate has the following Cargo features:

  • serde: Enables serde serialization support on IdentifiedVecOf type (which Element impl Identifiable trait).
  • id_prim: Get impl of trait Identifiable for primitives: i8,.., i128, u8, ..., u128 and bool (not so useful, allows for only two elements in IdentifiedVecOf, but who am I to discriminate.)

Implementation Details

An identified vec consists of a Vec of IDs keeping insertion order and a HashMap of id-element pairs, for constant time lookup of element given an ID.


Licensed under MIT license (LICENSE-MIT or

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