Parse byte size into integer accurately.

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Parsing parse-size

parse-size Build status MIT License

parse-size is an accurate, customizable, allocation-free library for parsing byte size into integer.

use parse_size::parse_size;

assert_eq!(parse_size("0.2 MiB"), Ok(209715));
assert_eq!(parse_size("14.2e+8"), Ok(14_2000_0000));


  • Supports both binary and decimal based prefix up to exabytes.
  • Numbers can be fractional and/or in scientific notation. parse-size can accurately parse the input using the full 64-bit precision.
  • The unit is case-insensitive. The "B" suffix is also optional (1 KiB = 1 kib = 1Ki).
  • Fractional bytes are allowed, and rounded to nearest integer (2.5B = 3).
  • Underscores and spaces in the numbers are ignored to support digit grouping (123_456 = 123456).
  • Conventional units (KB, GB, ...) can be configured to use the binary system.
  • #![no_std]-capable, no dependencies, and uses no heap allocation.
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