pam-send-slack-message is a program that publishes messages on slack when a linux server is accessed through ssh.



pam-send-slack-message is a program that publishes messages on slack when the linux server is accessed through ssh.


Go to releases page and download last release. There are static binaries for Linux (ARM64, x86_64, x86) and a debian package for debian based systems (Ubuntu).

Here a example of how to install it using upx (compressed) binary:

wget$(uname -m).musl.upx
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/bin/
sudo cp pam-send-slack-message.$(uname -m).musl.upx /usr/local/bin/pam-send-slack-message
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/pam-send-slack-message


In order to work, you need a SLACK-TOKEN with channel.write permission and a SLACK-CHANNEL-ID. Follow instructions here, if you are lost.

# configure pam/sshd
echo "session optional /usr/local/bin/pam-send-slack-message | sudo tee -a /etc/pam.d/sshd 

create a file /etc/pam.d/pam-send-slack-message.toml with the following content:

" slack_channel_id = " " # see open_session_message = """🕵️ ▶️▶️▶️ IP `{addr}` logged in `{hostname}` as `{user}` using `{auth_info}` at `{when}`""" close_session_message = """🕵️ 🛑🛑🛑 IP `{addr}` logout from `{hostname}` (is was `{user}` using `{auth_info}`) at `{when}`""" # could be "America/Sao_Paulo" or "America/Los_Angeles" or "Europe/Oslo" timezone = "UTC" ">
slack_token = "
slack_channel_id = "
# see
open_session_message = """🕵️ ▶️▶️▶️ IP `{addr}` logged in `{hostname}` as `{user}` using `{auth_info}` at `{when}`"""
close_session_message = """🕵️ 🛑🛑🛑 IP `{addr}` logout from `{hostname}` (is was `{user}` using `{auth_info}`) at `{when}`"""
# could be "America/Sao_Paulo" or "America/Los_Angeles" or "Europe/Oslo"
timezone = "UTC"

replace and with your own.


After machine configuration, just log in the machine through ssh.

pam/sshd configuration

This program need to be called by pam at session phase, you must edit /etc/pam.d/sshd to have this line:

session optional /path/to/pam-send-slack-message

You can learn about pam configuration here.

pam-send-slack-message configuration

A file located at /etc/pam.d/pam-send-slack-message.conf is used to configure this software.

The valid keys are:

  • slack_token: your slack token (required)
  • slack_channel_id: your slack channel id (required)
  • open_session_message: the message to send when a user logs in (if not specified, the default message will be used)
  • close_session_message: the message to send when a user logs out (if not specified, the default message will be used).
  • timezone: the timezone to use (defaults to UTC)

You can view default values in src/settings.default.toml


Manual compilation

Pre-requisites: All you need is a working cargo + rust compiler, make and gcc.

make clean
make all


In order to test, you need a SLACK-TOKEN with channel.write permission and a SLACK-CHANNEL-ID.

Simulate a pam login using ssh:

make SLACK_CHANNEL_ID=slack_channel_id SLACK_TOKEN=slack_token fake-open-session

Simulate a pam logout using ssh:

make SLACK_CHANNEL_ID=slack_channel_id SLACK_TOKEN=slack_token fake-close-session

In order to avoid pass env vars all the time, I recommend use direnv, there's a sample .envrc in envrc.sample

cp envrc.sample .envrc
direnv allow .

Enable logs when using inside pam

change /etc/pam.d/sshd to:

session optional debug log=/tmp/file_to_log.txt /usr/local/bin/pam-send-slack-message SLACK-CHANNEL-ID SLACK-TOKEN

See /tmp/pam-slack.log, also see audit logs, in ubuntu they are located in /var/log/auth.log


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.



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  • Mis-leading information in

    Mis-leading information in

    It seems that the project tries to check the following paths for config:

    stat("/etc/pam-send-slack-message", 0x7ffc6a4b8240) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
    stat("/etc/pam-send-slack-message.toml", 0x7ffc6a4b8240) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)

    but not the documented one:


    would be nice if one or the other would be used :)

    opened by mnaser 0
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