CLI client for the Jagiellonian University's BaCa online judge


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CLI client for the Jagiellonian University's BaCa online judge



The latest release can be downloaded here.

  • Windows users can use convenient installer or download raw binary.
  • Linux and macOS users should rename binary to baca and copy it to ~/.local/bin or whatever your PATH is.
  • Cargo users can clone the repo, then install with command cargo install --path ..

Arch Linux

You can download the latest release from AUR and install it using your favourite AUR helper or directly from source:

sudo pacman -S base-devel git
git clone
cd baca-cli
makepkg -sic


    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -v               Sets the level of verbosity
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    details    Gets submit details
    help       Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    init       Initializes current directory as BaCa workspace
    log        Prints last (default 3) submits
    refresh    Refreshes session, use in case of cookie expiration
    submit     Submits file
    tasks      Prints available tasks

Workspace initialization: init

Initializes current directory as BaCa workspace, similar to git init. Currently, passwords are stored in plain text.

baca init --host <host>
-h, --host <host>            BaCa hostname, ex. mn2020
-l, --login <login>          BaCa login
-p, --password <password>    BaCa password

Example, running on Metody numeryczne 2019/2020 with no login prompt:

baca init --host mn2020 --login jaremko --password PaSsWorD

Re-login: refresh

Refreshes session, use in case of cookie expiration.

baca refresh

Submit: submit

Submit file to task given by its id. Use baca tasks to see what ids are available.
Passing optional parameter --zip will zip given file before submitting.
Currently a correct language string needs to be provided as well.

baca submit -t <task_id> -f <filename> [optional --zip]


> baca submit -f hello.cpp -t 5 -l "C++ z obsluga plikow"

Submitting hello.cpp to task [E] Metoda SOR (C++ with file support).

Saving task info

If you don't want to type task info (id and filename) every time you submit, you can use --default flag to save it. Keep in mind, that config provided though parameters will override saved data. To completely remove saved data use baca submit clear.


> baca submit -f hello.cpp -t 5 --default
Submitting hello.cpp to task [E] Metoda SOR.
> baca submit
Submitting hello.cpp to task [E] Metoda SOR.

Recent submits: log

Prints statuses of a couple of recent submits (default 3).

baca log [optional: number]


> baca log

● [G] Funkcje sklejane - C++ - 2020-05-17 18:53:09 - submit 4334
├─── 100% - 4 pts - Ok

● [G] Funkcje sklejane - C++ - 2020-05-17 16:57:22 - submit 4328
├─── 100% - 4 pts - Ok

● [G] Funkcje sklejane - C++ - 2020-05-17 16:53:41 - submit 4326
├─── 0% - 0 pts - WrongAnswer

Submit details: details

Prints details of given submit. Requires initialized workspace.

baca details <id>


> baca details 4334

● [G] Funkcje sklejane - C++ - 2020-05-17 18:53:09 - submit 4334
├─── 100% - 4 pts - Ok

All tasks: tasks

Prints all tasks.

baca tasks


> baca tasks

● 1 - [A] Zera funkcji - 69 OK
● 2 - [B] Metoda Newtona - 58 OK
● 3 - [C] FAD\x3Csup\x3E2\x3C/sup\x3E - Pochodne mieszane - 62 OK
● 4 - [D] Skalowany Gauss - 52 OK
● 5 - [E] Metoda SOR - 64 OK
● 6 - [F] Interpolacja - 63 OK
● 7 - [G] Funkcje sklejane - 59 OK
● 8 - A2 - 1 OK
● 9 - B2 - 2 OK
● 10 - C2 - 1 OK
● 11 - D2 - 2 OK
● 12 - E2 - 1 OK
● 13 - F2 - 3 OK
● 14 - G2 - 2 OK


cargo build --release

Dependencies (Linux only)

sudo apt install pkg-config libssl-dev

Setting log levels

Log levels are configured by -v flag.

  • no flag - no additional logs
  • -v - info
  • -vv - debug
  • -vvv or more - trace
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  • v0.5.0(Jan 30, 2022)


    • Add feature to remove main function before submit.
    • Add feature to remove non-Unicode characters before submit.
    • Fail submit with no header present.
    • After successful submit, print full submit details.
    • Other improvements.

    Full Changelog:


    • Windows users can use a convenient installer.
    • Linux and macOS users should copy baca to ~/.local/bin or whatever your PATH is.
    • Cargo users can install with command cargo install --git --tag v0.5.0
    • Arch Linux users can download the latest release from AUR.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB) MB)
    baca-0.5.0-windows-setup.exe(3.16 MB) MB)
  • v0.4.0(Oct 28, 2021)


    • Added automatic detection of the the allowed language of the submit.
    • Added baca last command, which prints last submit's tests statuses.
    • details now prints given submit's tests statuses.
    • last and log commands can now be filtered by task id.
    • Add the feature to rename the file to be submitted (submit --rename <filename>).
    • Renamed --default to --save, added prompt for save if not provided.
    • Added submit config to manually edit submit config.
    • Added config command to manually edit credentials and connection config.
    • Added clear command to remove .baca directory.
    • Added prompt for task.
    • Other improvements.

    Full Changelog:


    • Windows users can use a convenient installer.
    • Linux and macOS users should copy baca to ~/.local/bin or whatever your PATH is.
    • Cargo users can install with command cargo install --git --tag v0.4.0
    • Arch Linux users can download the latest release from AUR.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB) MB)
    baca-0.4.0-windows-setup.exe(2.81 MB) MB)
  • v0.3.1(Oct 8, 2021)


    • If update available, print reminder every time
    • Add interactive prompt for BaCa host
    • Add option to force update check
    • Add missing submit statuses
    • Several other improvements

    Full Changelog:


    • Windows users can use a convenient installer.
    • Linux and macOS users should copy baca to ~/.local/bin or whatever your PATH is.
    • Cargo users can install with command cargo install --git --tag v0.3.1
    • Arch Linux users can download the latest release from AUR.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB) MB)
    baca-0.3.1-windows-setup.exe(2.73 MB) MB)
  • v0.3.0(Jul 24, 2021)


    • Improved error messages
    • Added update checks once a day
    • Added interactive login
    • Added Bash and Ada support
    • Several improvements


    • Windows users can use convenient installer.
    • Linux and macOS users should copy baca to ~/.local/bin or whatever your PATH is.
    • Cargo users can install with command cargo install --git --tag v0.3.0
    • Arch Linux users can download the latest release from AUR (thanks @seqre).
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB) MB) MB)
    setup-baca-0.3.0.exe(2.71 MB)
  • v0.2.0(Apr 18, 2021)


    • baca submit now requires exact language string, enabling submitting to Java and C++ with files tasks. Use baca submit clear after update. Example: baca submit -f hello.cpp -t 5 -l "C++ z obsluga plikow" --zip --default.
    • --zip now compresses file.
    • Added some missing submit statuses (thanks @Zwatotem).


    • Windows users can use convenient installer.
    • Linux and macOS users should copy baca to ~/.local/bin or whatever your PATH is.
    • Cargo users can install with command cargo install --git --tag v0.2.0
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB) MB) MB)
    setup-baca-0.2.0.exe(2.72 MB)
  • v0.1.0(Apr 18, 2021)

    First release of the CLI client for the Jagiellonian University's BaCa online judge.


    • Submitting single file to given task with optional auto-zipping
    • Printing submit logs (no tests status currently)
    • !! Submits with hardcoded C++ language !!


    • Windows users can use convenient installer.
    • Linux and macOS users should rename binary to baca and copy it to ~/.local/bin or whatever your PATH is.
    • Cargo users can install with command cargo install --git --tag v0.1.0
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    baca-linux(9.27 MB)
    baca-macos(5.30 MB)
    baca.exe(4.45 MB)
    setup-baca-0.1.0.exe(2.69 MB)
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