cargo extension for flashing embedded rust programs via dfu based on jacobrosenthals cargo-hf2



This crate provides a cargo subcommand to flash ELF binaries via dfu Most STM chips will probably work with this, although you might need to add the vid and pid to the vendor map


You can install this utility with cargo:

cargo install cargo-dfu


You can use it like cargo build or cargo-flash with the option of giving the vid and pid:

cargo dfu <args> --vid <vid> --pid <pid>


flash the debug version of the current crate

cargo dfu 

specifying the vid and pid

cargo dfu --vid 0x483 --pid 0xdf11

Add chip definitions

feel free to open a PR to add chips to this


  • add chip to vendor map so one can optionally use --chip to specify the desired chip
  • add some more chips to the crate (like the gd32vf103)
  • make this crate multi-platform (PR to either the dfu crate to use rusb or the usbapi to add platform support)
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