Example of a block root with a Verkle state root


Example of a block root with a Verkle state root

Block content

This is a standard RLP block containing 3 transactions, and an added VerkleProof field at the end of the block header.

> rlpdump block2.rlp
  # Block Header
    02,       # Block number
    # Serialized proof

    # List of (key, values) of the pre-state, that are accessed during the
    # block's execution.
  # Transaction list

Verkle proof format

This section is subject to change, so make sure that you watch this description as it will be udpated.

The verkle tree update adds two extra fields for the block: a proof and a list of (key, values) representing the pre state of a block.

Field Block Header index Description Format
Proof 16 Binary payload to pass to rust-verkle directly:
* len(Proof of absence stem) ++ Proof of absence stems
* len(depths) ++ serialize(depthi ++ ext statusi)
* len(commitments) ++ serialize(commitment)
* Multipoint proof
Flat binary
Key, values 17 For each (key, value): a list of two byte arrays. The first array is the 32-byte key, and the second array is a 32-byte value (if present) or an empty array (if absent) RLP

Understanding the proof with the helper utility

The block that is provided, can be decyphered with the program provided in this repository. At the moment, the proofs don't check, so this section will be limited to the parts that do, and gradually expanded as fixes are rolled in.

> cargo run
de-serialized block:
- parent hash: 2a0fa77c9673bac5696974f6693b917bd391bcbfe564e1d246ebaa9835255c8a
- storage root: 03aec4276033869b5900313c7d807cdaa948e38acd9aa43c98e05089adc7389d
- block number: 02

The program starts by dumping some information related to the block: it's block number two, and the parent's hash is the one that is seen in the RLP. It proceeds to dump the (key, value) list.

- key, value list:
	318dea512b6f3237a2d4763cf49bf26de3b617fb0cabe38a97807a5549df4d01 => 320122e8584be00d000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
	e6ed6c222e3985050b4fc574b136b0a42c63538e9ab970995cd418ba8e526400 => 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
	318dea512b6f3237a2d4763cf49bf26de3b617fb0cabe38a97807a5549df4d03 is absent
	18fb432d3b859ec3a1803854e8cceea75d092e52d0d4a4398d13022496745a02 => 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
	318dea512b6f3237a2d4763cf49bf26de3b617fb0cabe38a97807a5549df4d02 => 0300000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
	18fb432d3b859ec3a1803854e8cceea75d092e52d0d4a4398d13022496745a04 => 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
	e6ed6c222e3985050b4fc574b136b0a42c63538e9ab970995cd418ba8e526402 => 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
	e6ed6c222e3985050b4fc574b136b0a42c63538e9ab970995cd418ba8e526403 => c5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470
	318dea512b6f3237a2d4763cf49bf26de3b617fb0cabe38a97807a5549df4d04 is absent
	18fb432d3b859ec3a1803854e8cceea75d092e52d0d4a4398d13022496745a00 => 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
	18fb432d3b859ec3a1803854e8cceea75d092e52d0d4a4398d13022496745a03 => c5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470
	e6ed6c222e3985050b4fc574b136b0a42c63538e9ab970995cd418ba8e526401 => 1bc176f2790c91e6000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
	e6ed6c222e3985050b4fc574b136b0a42c63538e9ab970995cd418ba8e526404 => 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
	318dea512b6f3237a2d4763cf49bf26de3b617fb0cabe38a97807a5549df4d00 => 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
	18fb432d3b859ec3a1803854e8cceea75d092e52d0d4a4398d13022496745a01 => e703000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Checking the proof with the associated test

The rust code also includes a test function compare_with_geth, that rebuilds the tree as it exists in geth, and generates the proof from the rust code. The two proofs are currently incompatible, however it is possible to print out the expected proof in hex format by typing:

> cargo test -- --nocapture
running 1 test
root hash = Fp256(BigInteger256([10406966316851207971, 15857174521354302062, 5038919711403931747, 1045348151016585832]))
serialized proof=00000000030000000a0a0a0600000053acaf9df78f9714054fdaaa630d6a3e60521c57d301411ac4c49668df25e40c49a58622affc8f8cc93042c7d5977127823d382e2602f3dc3e79e984b5dcd1614e221a9dfb42671da7ad1018131752c994bcd0c7b01441777cc7e09f646abc06b309948924dfefdfc44792e4c9fce1cd86c9145e16970d6d20bf61139d7a5ee48dec49d7e5c2ec27f35dc664ca337c8d01bfe276b8eb4fbc24910a557cf2cd30e386a2666ccf5191dc9caf569f183375444b6f48ebcff55330dd63bcdfdee8243e16c371b13a368de5ab953f44ad91ccb3a11568ea70e1bd64a36c6f5792ff0167cef8b0cf5dcc222f9b97f86f7bfa012d9fa917ce34a505bb1126ff9e064a45d2ce33a4b04145c0ad64c33f2bbf62558c44679d734413e92f9431bb4f7bb49f2d22da9e9640ab2e0cce48f1430096b77343842ae4688e8c785715b7da12e15529673b6b232e861b49301908e476ee009ac3acf34ef9d97ef75e4bcd9ac2a7ef40d53c09abae5e2e302e22f3e66b7cd7e1f7d8adaacec845975be4b40fbe041b2aa44e8c5aff2e363c3cc24d76e4cb8f20a815bbd587b3b59ff1bac5d0053f8fe34bc4fbfa222420f5b34cd7986a01c1da8273a289ecd8d3e393a1ea7af40f71bd514394cef0a1af38cfcefcb7fe3aa78ad980ad56c657b9e1945cb2b5fd3d04830270ebf638a707c3be1efff67dc1a5b8251ae9a540d403f55dba146d9062ae6e70e639f9ee2bd7a7394954466277dd9c1ef256df31497892de34e8de0d788cf525e47669e8a959e5c20bb62583937b99c2a4b95dd37be1ce24dbf9a18eceaf370ce0da389cccd432ad46442e7c18c33f13e5e2d736a284bcbddca3cf85a2dd4bf049d89f950c0f1e03ef19f9729425e4ef15cb06dbe0a54fbee7e135e89892d90d06856951d4f4f9d5fe1ea41a4bc249e9fca9a7eb4c2a55ed4a427109c4807062af2fb0c8c10141cf1bd798181039285cf3ab88c13401d35404bb4a80541f1d200a3eb8264a060e58f56084b818f034fdda222193bdbc10b0e5eb6f92edd563cb87a9da7587f9625e4c9a06757f2a2ba13613121b8b693304c05dc2f0f80a

One can see that the proof hints are identical. The commitments and values, however, differ. It is being investigated.


  • 22.01.22 - Initial version
  • 27.01.22:
    • proof and key,values lists are embedded in two distinct fields of the block (indices 16 and 17, respectively)
    • fix a duplicaiton issue for the commitments
    • remove the root commitment from the list
    • sort commitments by path
  • 28.01.22:
    • the keys and values are now encoded in the block with RLP
  • 01.02.22:
    • Add a test to compare geth and rust-verkle outputs


  • RLP encoding of the structure encapsulating the proof and the (key, values) tuples
  • SSZ encoding of that same structure when the final format has been defined
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  • Cannot verify data from Condrieu testnet

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    I am working on updating verkle-tree-visualizer for blockscout explorer (https://github.com/blockscout/blockscout-verkle-tree), which is heavily based on the current repository. The problem I've met now is verification fails when trying to verify data from Condrieu testnet. It seems it worked at the end of August, but it does not work now.

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    de-serialized block:
    - parent hash: 04e3252a0f4f6bba4bfc3613f48e81e0e843336468ceb3cab5c52cd9b9d6e751
    - storage root: 71515ed239e2cc61b87f36b85171e0feb2b0c60c64aeb12e6e864340d3fe088f
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    	8dc286880de0cc507d96583b7c4c2b2b25239e58f8e67509b32edb5bbf293c00 => 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
    	8dc286880de0cc507d96583b7c4c2b2b25239e58f8e67509b32edb5bbf293c01 => 6131c481ffc5e6015c7104000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
    	8dc286880de0cc507d96583b7c4c2b2b25239e58f8e67509b32edb5bbf293c02 => 0200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
    	8dc286880de0cc507d96583b7c4c2b2b25239e58f8e67509b32edb5bbf293c03 => c5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470
    Verkle proof:
     * verification hints: 3 Present 
     * commitments: 46fc4065b024c027d541c02c382fdbbdd024cdb84ab88408f0a9ccb950a6a2ea 0238746d580a1022ca9acf8295f5933bdabeef9450dc3f06c1fb0a6f66b97b4a 6f26bd340f37b09d9dd28c91c3876fa3aa25186497c85c229031455857f98abc 32b9ac7c4012154f7a4bd7c810fa3c67e6be141d3330124a6dd5dbb8810f6d3c 
    thread 'main' panicked at 'the proof didn't check', src/block_verifier.rs:53:9
    note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

    What may the problem be related to? Am I doing something wrong?

    The command used to start the binary:

    cargo run -- --filename=block_367492.rlp --parent-root=15452534ee17148b5a69afb11dafa1c540b6efa18ed0545656df2e9def5a1ce7
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