Game about automating terraformation in 3D maps, ant-style.



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Play the game

At the moment you can play in the browser (playable with mouse and keyboard), and the plan is to add downloadable native versions.

Compile and run the game

Install rust.

Then, clone the repo:

git clone [email protected]:jmmut/bioengineer.git
cd bioengineer

and then, simply:

cargo run

That should work in Mac and Linux, and I think Windows too. If this doesn't work, refer to the macroquad documentation. You might need to install some system libraries.

Export the game

To export the game to HTML, do:

rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
cargo build -r --target wasm32-unknown-unknown

# the folder export_html contains the html wrapper so that the wasm can be used
cp -r target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/*.wasm export_html/
cp -r assets/ export_html/

# you can zip the folder and upload it to with butler (you'll have to install butler and log in!)
zip -r export_html/*
butler push jmmut/Bioengineer:html5

# or you can run locally with a local http server
cargo install basic-http-server
basic-http-server export_html/
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