A fast and secure multi protocol honeypot.

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Cryptography medusa


A fast and secure multi protocol honeypot that can mimic realistic devices running ssh, telnet, http, https or any other tcp and udp servers.

Work in progress.


Using Docker (recommended):

docker build -t medusa .
docker run \
  -v /path/to/services.d:/etc/medusa/services.d \
  -v /path/to/records:/var/lib/medusa/records \
  --network host \

Depending on your services configuration this last command line might need additional parameters to open TCP and UDP ports.

You can build from sources if you have Rust installed in your system:

cargo build 

Shodan Host Clone

You can use medusa to create a (best-effort) clone of a device that's indexed on shodan.io.

In order to do this you'll need an API key:

export SHODAN_API_KEY=your_api_key_here

Then you can clone a host ( in this example) with:

docker run -v $(pwd)/mikrotik:/mikrotik medusa \
  --shodan-api-key $SHODAN_API_KEY \
  --shodan-clone \
  --output /mikrotik

This will create the YAML service files inside the mikrotik folder. This folder can then be used with:

docker run \
  -v $(pwd)/mikrotik:/etc/medusa/services.d \
  -v $(pwd)/records:/var/lib/medusa/records \
  --network host \


First you need to create at least one service file. Let's begin by defining a simple SSH honeypot that accepts any combination of user and password:

mkdir -p /path/to/services.d/
touch /path/to/services.d/example-ssh.yml

Open /path/to/services.d/example-ssh.yml with your favorite editor and paste these contents:

proto: ssh
address: ''
server_id: 'SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_7.2p2 Ubuntu-4ubuntu2.10'
prompt: '# '
key: '/tmp/example-ssh.key'
timeout: 15
  - parser: '^exit(\s.+)?$'
    handler: '@exit'

Now run:

medusa --services "/path/to/services.d/" --records "/path/to/output/records"

This will start a single honeypoint on port 2222 and all the resulting events will be saved as JSON files in the folder indicated by --records.


The previous example won't do much if somebody tries to execute actual commands. It only captures the exit command in order to terminate the session (via the @exit special handler). Let's add another command, for instance to parse simple echo inputs:

proto: ssh
address: ''
server_id: 'SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_7.2p2 Ubuntu-4ubuntu2.10'
prompt: '# '
key: '/tmp/example-ssh.key'
timeout: 15
  - parser: '^exit(\s.+)?$'
    handler: '@exit'
  - parser: '^echo(\s"?([^"]*)"?)?$'
    handler: '{$2}'

The parser expression will now capture the echo command and its argument (captured as $2), that will be echoed back via the handler ({$2} is replaced with the value of $2).

In other cases, the handler can contain the entire output as a raw string, like for the case of an http service honeypot:

proto: http 
address: ''
  - parser: '.*'
    handler: "<html><body>hello world</body></html>"

Docker Jail

Another useful handler is @docker. As the name suggests it executes any shell command it receives as an argument inside a docker container, therefore we could create a "jailed" ssh honeypot by doing:

proto: ssh
address: ''
server_id: 'SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_7.2p2 Ubuntu-4ubuntu2.10'
prompt: '# '
key: '/tmp/example-ssh.key'
timeout: 15
  - parser: '^exit(\s.+)?$'
    handler: '@exit'
  - parser: '^(.+)$'
    handler: '@docker jail {$1}'

You can create and start a jail container with:

docker container create --name jail busybox tail -f /dev/null # feel free to pick any image
docker start jail

This will execute any command that the client is sending on the jail container and it will transparently pass the output to the client.

Configuring a realistic docker container is beyond the purpose of this document, you can find useful images here.


SSH server emulation (with docker jail):

proto: ssh
address: ''
server_id: 'SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_7.2p2 Ubuntu-4ubuntu2.10'
prompt: '# '
key: '/tmp/example-ssh.key'
timeout: 15
  - parser: '^exit(\s.+)?$'
    handler: '@exit'
  - parser: '^(.+)$'
    handler: '@docker medusajail {$1}'

Telnet server emulation (with docker jail):

proto: telnet
address: ''
banner: 'TNAS v1.0'
login_prompt: 'TNAS login: '
password_prompt: 'Password: '
prompt: '[admin@TNAS ~]$ '
timeout: 15
  - parser: '^exit(\s.+)?$'
    handler: '@exit'
  - parser: '^(.+)$'
    handler: '@docker medusajail {$1}'

HTTP server emulation with custom headers:

proto: http 
address: ''
  - 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8'
  - 'X-Powered-By: TerraMaster'
  - 'Server: TOS/1.16.1'
  - parser: '.*'
    handler: |
      <!--user login-->
          Hello World

HTTPS is also supported, you'll need to generate a new RSA key and certificate first:

 openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout medusa-https.key -x509 -days 365 -out medusa-https.crt

Then just enable tls in your http service configuration:

proto: http 
address: ''
tls: true
key: medusa-https.key
certificate: medusa-https.crt
  - 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8'
  - 'X-Powered-By: TerraMaster'
  - 'Server: TOS/1.16.1'
  - parser: '.*'
    handler: |
      <!--user login-->
          Hello World

Other TCP servers can be simulated by exposing a banner:

proto: tcp
address: ''
banner: |
  Firmware: 1
  Hostname: ASBN-BB-RT01
  Vendor: MikroTik

And UDP servers as well:

proto: udp
address: ''
banner: |
  Recursion: enabled
  Resolver name: X4200


Medusa was made with by Simone Margaritelli and it's released under the GPL 3 license.

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  • Cannot specify LF at the end of SSH server_id

    Cannot specify LF at the end of SSH server_id

    This may be something I'm just doing wrong. I was playing with impersonating services, nothing specific, but I wanted it to look "real", so I grabbed some banners from /usr/share/nmap/nmap-service-probes. Setting SSH server_id to something expecting a \r\n ending works fine. However, a server_id ending in \n cannot be set:

    Working Example

    From the service probes file I can find this:

    match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-PSFTPd\. Secure FTP Server ready\r\n| p/PSFTPd/ i/protocol $1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/a:pleis:psftpd/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a

    And set my server_id to this:

    SSH-2.3-PSFTPd. Secure FTP Server ready

    and Nmap correctly identifies the service as:

    2222/tcp open  ssh     syn-ack ttl 63 PSFTPd (protocol 2.3)
    Service Info: OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows

    Non-working example

    However, if I try something like this:

    match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-TECHNICOLOR_SW_([\d.]+)\n| p/Technicolor SA sshd/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/ d/broadband router/

    And set my server_id to:


    I get back:

    1 service unrecognized despite returning data. If you know the service/version, please submit the following fingerprint at https://nmap.org/cgi-bin/submit.cgi?new-service :

    As near as I can tell that should match except for the ending, I've tried numerous variations though. It seems the problem is Nmap wasn't expecting the carriage return preceding the line feed, e.g the "\r\n" on the last line that wasn't specified by the user.

    If I insert a new line between the end of the string (2.0) and the last single tick ('), this seems to get interpreted in Nmap as \x20 (space?). If I look at this in a hex editor though, it appears to be the correct CR character (0A). Trying to manually insert a CR in vim (e.g. CTRL+V 10) seems to insert a 00 (null) character, and result in the error below (no surprise)

    bbk@ubuntu:~/medusa$ ./medusa 
    thread 'main' panicked at 'error parsing service file: Scan(ScanError { mark: Marker { index: 46, line: 3, col: 11 }, info: "while scanning a quoted scalar, found unexpected end of stream" })', src/main.rs:83:49
    note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

    I might be doing something wrong, I'm going between various escape characters and ascii tables in ocatal/dec/hex but there doesn't appear to be a way to force a CR only at the end of the server_id string, and without being able to do that, it seems some server banners are going to be impossible to impersonate.

    opened by BeanBagKing 11
  • Possible to kill @docker handler

    Possible to kill @docker handler

    In some cases (depending on the setup) it is possible to kill the jail docker container with

    kill 1

    as the command.

    This would kill the init parent process in the container and stop the container. The honeypot would then return errors instead of delegating to the running container for commands that are not already cached.

    This could probably be prevented on the docker/host side by having the container always restart or having different users for starting and running the exec.

    Maybe a configurable blacklist of commands that wont be sent to the container. I know it's not the core of the project, and need not be changed. :-) I am just mentioning it.

    opened by dandare100 5
  • private key incorrect format

    private key incorrect format

    Good morning,

    So I have recently been attempting to configure the medusa honeypot for research and fun purposes and I ran into one particulary annoying issue getting the https protocol to function correctly.

    It would appear that rustls::pemfile::rsa_private_keys requires the private key to be in PKCS#1 format, however the cert/key generation step in the readme openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout medusa-https.key -x509 -days 365 -out medusa-https.crt generates a private key in PKCS#8 format, which causes rust to panic and die when running medusa. Not sure if this is an issue with openssl version difference maybe? I'm using OpenSSL 1.1.1

    This was remediated by adding RSA to the header in the key file.

    Before: -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- After: -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

    Also I noticed that the certificate path in http/config.rs has the cert file as medusa-https.cert whereas the command in the readme generates medusa-https.crt which tripped me up for longer than I would care to admit ha ha ha.

    Kind regards, Kyle.

    opened by kylegbakker 3
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