Erlang Language Platform (ELP)

ELP integrates Erlang into modern IDEs via the language server protocol.
ELP was inspired by rust-analyzer.
Terms of Use
You are free to copy, modify, and distribute ELP with attribution under the terms of the Apache-2.0 and MIT licences. See LICENCE-APACHE and LICENCE-MIT for details.
VS Code
Coming soon.
- Download the appropriate elp executable from, and make sure it is on your
. - Add the following to your emacs init file
(use-package lsp-mode
(lsp-semantic-tokens-enable t)
;; Enable LSP automatically for Erlang files
(add-hook 'erlang-mode-hook #'lsp)
;; ELP, added as priority 0 (> -1) so takes priority over the built-in one
(make-lsp-client :new-connection (lsp-stdio-connection '("elp" "server"))
:major-modes '(erlang-mode)
:priority 0
:server-id 'erlang-language-platform))
How to use ELP
Using it with rebar3 projects
Use OTP 25
Download the
binary for your system from Mac you will probably get the following message when trying to run the executable the first time: "elp cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified.". To solve this, go to Preferences > Security and Privacy and add an exception. Alternatively, you can build elp from source.
dependency andeqwalizer_rebar3
plugin to your rebar3 project definition (see below) -
From the project directory run:
elp eqwalize <module>
to type-check a single moduleelp eqwalize-all
to type-check allsrc
modules in the project
Adding eqwalizer_support
and eqwalizer_rebar3
{deps, [
{branch, "main"},
{project_plugins, [
{branch, "main"},
- Provides an overview of how to contribute changes to ELP (e.g., diffs, testing, etc)
Please refer to the FAQ document for answers to some common questions, including:
- What's the difference between ELP and Erlang LS?
- Why not extend Erlang LS, rather than creating a new tool?
- Why is ELP implemented in Rust, rather than Erlang?
erlang-language-platform is dual-licensed