A todo list from terminal. Compatible with Linux and Windows, not tested on macOS (not planing on support tho).
Note: Currently being rewritten in a different branch due to problematic and spaghetti code :)
- Create/Read/Delete/Clear todos;
- Rust 1.65.0 or later;
To build, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository using
git clone
- cd into the cloned folder and build it using
cargo build --release
Assuming you've built it and you're on the cloned folder, run:
./target/release/todocli[EXE] [COMMAND]
You can go to the release folder and run copy the executable to anywhere you want.
Command | Description | (Semi-)Example | Example |
add | Add a todo. | todocli add [name: String] | todocli add "Here it goes... My todo" |
remove | Remove a todo. (see each index on list) | todocli remove [index: Number] | todocli remove 5 |
toggle | Toggle 'done' status. | todocli toggle [index: Number] | todocli toggle 2 |
reset | Reset todos. | todocli clear | todo clear |
help | Show help menu. | todocli help | todocli help |
If you don't pass any command in the CLI, it will show the to-do list with each index and size
Known issues
To do
Rewrite source;- Create a temporary todo (available only on current session);
STOP USING JSON (causing most of the problems);- Create an update todo command;
- Add an insert mode.