An extendable system made up of autonomous execution services known as nodes organized in a tree of processes. Inspired by Godot!


NodeTree License Version Documentation

NodeTree is a framework to create large scalable programs and games through a tree of processes. Each process is fully autonomous and is capable of storing its own state or data, and communicating with other processes. These processes are known as Nodes.

โš ๏ธ WARNING โš ๏ธ
This crate is in early development. Beware of possible bugs or safety violations.
The specific nightly version this crate uses is v1.78.

Getting Started!

Simply either run cargo add node_tree at the terminal directed towards the directory of your project, or add node_tree = X.X to your cargo.toml file.

To begin creating a program in Rust that utilizes a NodeTree, we must first create a root Node. In order to reduce boilerplate, we will use the included NodeSys derive macro to implement the required Dynamic and NodeAbstract traits. We will then implement the Node trait ourselves.

#![feature(arbitrary_self_types)]   // Required for now.
use node_tree::prelude::*;

#[derive(Debug, Clone, NodeSys)]
pub struct NodeA {
    base: Rc<NodeBase>   // Required for Nodes.

// To make things simple, it is advised to have most node constructors return the node
// instance wrapped inside of this crate's `Hp<T>` pointer.
impl NodeA {
    fn new(name: String) -> Hp<Self> {
        Hp::new(NodeA { base: NodeBase::new(name) })

// Example implementation of the Node trait with custom behaviours.
impl Node for NodeA {

    /// Runs once the Node is added to the NodeTree.
    fn ready(self: Hp<Self>) -> () {

        // To show off how you could add children nodes.
        if self.depth() < 3 {
            self.add_child(NodeA::new(format!("{}_Node", self.depth() + 1)));
            self.add_child(NodeA::new(format!("{}_Node", self.depth() + 1)));
            self.add_child(NodeA::new(format!("{}_Node", self.depth() + 1)));

        if self.is_root() {
            println!("{:#?}", self.children());

    /// Runs once per frame. Provides a delta value in seconds between frames.
    fn process(self: Hp<Self>, delta: f32) -> () {

        // Example of using the delta value to calculate the current framerate.
        println!("{} | {}",, 1f32 / delta);

        // Using the NodePath, you can reference other nodes in the NodeTree from this node.
        if self.is_root() {
            match self.get_node(NodePath::from_str("1_Node/2_Node1/3_Node2")) {
                Some(node) => println!("{:?}", node),
                None       => ()

        // Nodes can be destroyed. When destroyed, their references from the NodeTree are cleaned up as well.
        // If the root node is destroyed, then the program automatically exits. (There are other ways to
        // terminate the program such as the queue_termination() function on the NodeTree instance).
        if self.children().is_empty() {
  ;   // We test the progressive destruction of nodes from the tip of the tree
                           // to the base.

    /// Runs once a Node is removed from the NodeTree, whether that is from the program itself terminating or not.
    fn terminal(self: Hp<Self>) -> () {}   // We do not do anything here for this example.

    /// Returns this node's process mode.
    /// Each process mode controls how the process() function behaves when the NodeTree is paused or not.
    /// (The NodeTree can be paused or unpaused with the pause() or unpause() functions respectively.)
    fn process_mode(self: Hp<Self>) -> ProcessMode {
        ProcessMode::Inherit    // We will return the default value, which inherits the behaviour from
                                // the parent node.

Finally, in order to activate our NodeTree, we must instance the root Node and feed it into the NodeTree constructor.

// ...previous implementations

fn main() -> () {

    // Create the tree.
    let root: Hp<NodeA>    = NodeA::new("Root".to_string());
    let tree: Hp<NodeTree> = NodeTree::new(root);

    // Begin operations on the tree.
    tree.process();   // This will run an indefinite loop until the program exits.


  • ๐Ÿ—๏ธ An easy abstraction framework for different processes to communicate and interact with each other in a scalable manner. Inspired by Godot!
  • โฏ๏ธ The ability to pause() and unpause() the NodeTree, and fine tune individual Node behaviours for when a tree is paused/unpaused.
  • ๐Ÿ“ก Various methods to communicate with other nodes, such as owner(), parent(), get_child(), children(), and get_node().
  • ๐Ÿ”— An abstracted smart pointer known as Hp<T> which clones implicitly to reduce syntax noise and allows for low boilerplate.
  • ๐Ÿ‘ช The ability to manage nodes with add_child() and remove_child().
  • ๐ŸŒฒ Allows for the direct referencing of the NodeTree through a node's root() function.
  • ๐Ÿ“š TODO: A caching system hosted on the NodeTree to act as a safe interface to ensure the Hp<T> soundness, and increase performance!
  • ๐Ÿ“œ TODO: Includes a method to save and handle individual node scenes, such as the handy visual macro Scene!.
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    As this crate is heavily inspired by Godot's system of ease of use and simplicity, I think adding a visual system for working with trees would shorten the initialization code that most "systems of nodes" need in order to set up their services. This visual system would also tie into an instantiation system and load()/save() systems for systems of nodes to not have duplicate code or to be able to save their internal state for later reuse.

    The Scene! Macro

    The Scene! Macro is actually quite simple. All it is is a bunch of expressions that return Hp<Dyn Node> organized in a tree dictated by tabs. Here is an example of how it would be used:

    use node_tree::prelude::{ Scene, NodeScene };
    use crate::custom_nodes::*;
    fn main() -> () {
        let scene: NodeScene = Scene! {

    Scene Systems

    The aforementioned macro will output a NodeScene, which can be instantiated by adding it as a child, just like any other Node. There would be a new trait for this behaviour called InstanceableAsChild which Node and NodeScene would inherit. NodeScenes could also be saved/loaded to/from a file - which would most likely be a binary file.

    opened by LunaticWyrm467 0
  • Rewrite the `NodeQuery` System

    Rewrite the `NodeQuery` System

    NodeQuery is a left over type from earlier development that I feel could still have a use in the project to ensure safety when using the Hp<T> smart pointer to reference nodes.

    The Safety Problem

    Currently, when used within the scope of the ready(), process(), terminal(), or any other functions that reference it in the Node trait it is safe to use as the NodeTree/Node system ensures that all Hp<T> pointers are valid and do not point to null allocations. This is not the case when a user decides to save an Hp<T> pointer as a field within a Node, whether as a shortcut reference to a Node or for some other reason. When this happens, the node system cannot guarantee that said pointer will reference a valid allocation.

    The Solution

    This is a multipart solution that may be somewhat complex but should be doable:

    • Manage a hashmap on the NodeTree itself which stores identifying cache for each nodes. Each Node would get its own unique identifier relative to the whole tree. These would be managed by nodes automatically, where new nodes create IDs for themselves and old nodes destroy IDs. A tree would then have the option to get a Node by ID, which could return None.
    • In order to make this operation less repetitive, we could save a NodeQuery from a Node, which contains a node's ID and when queried will run the ID through the NodeTree to ensure that it exists, or returns None if not.
    • In order to encourage to save a NodeQuery instance instead of a raw Hp<T> reference, we could tie in lifetimes to those smart pointers using a PhantomData<'a, ()> instance.
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