Debug2 is a pretty printing crate based on std::fmt

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debug2 is a pretty printing crate based on std::fmt

Why not just use Debug

The Debug trait is good, but the problem is it is not very good at nested stuctures. Either you use {:?} and get a line that is too long, or too many lines with not enough information on them.

let complex_structure = vec![
    vec![Some(1), Some(2), Some(3), None],
    vec![Some(2), None],
    vec![Some(4), Some(7)],
    vec![Some(1), Some(2), Some(3), None],
let one_line = format!("{:?}", complex_structure);
assert_eq!(one_line, "[[Some(1), Some(2), Some(3), None], [Some(2), None], [Some(4), Some(7)], [Some(1), Some(2), Some(3), None]]");
let many_lines = format!("{:#?}", complex_structure);
assert_eq!(many_lines, "[

debug2 aims to be a third alternative, that gets this correct.

use debug2::pprint;
let complex_structure = vec![
    vec![Some(1), Some(2), Some(3), None],
    vec![Some(2), None],
    vec![Some(4), Some(7)],
    vec![Some(1), Some(2), Some(3), None],
    vec![Some(2), None],
    vec![Some(4), Some(7)],
    vec![Some(1), Some(2), Some(3), None],
    vec![Some(2), None],
    vec![Some(4), Some(7)],
    [Some(1), Some(2), Some(3), None],
    [Some(2), None],
    [Some(4), Some(7)],
    [Some(1), Some(2), Some(3), None],
    [Some(2), None],
    [Some(4), Some(7)],
    [Some(1), Some(2), Some(3), None],
    [Some(2), None],
    [Some(4), Some(7)],

debug2 provides a debug2::Debug trait, which can be derived on your types, and is implemented for common types in std.

Once your types implement debug2::Debug, you can use debug2::pprint to convert them to a string.

You can also manually implement Debug, using a subset of the API in std::fmt::Formatter


  • Speed: While doing this will always mean extra work, this crate is paticularly inefficient.
  • Prevalence: Almost every type implements std::fmt::Debug, but not this type
  • The derive isn't great: The derive macro for std::fmt::Debug works everywhere. This one is kind of basic, and will probably not work everywhere it should.

Prior art

  • std::fmt, where much of the code comes from
  • pprint from python , which showed that this sort of thing is doable and great.
  • ojg, whose pretty module is the basis for this whole thing.


Licensed under either of Apache License, Version 2.0 or MIT license at your option.
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in Debug2 by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.
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  • debug2::Debug is not implemented for `str`

    debug2::Debug is not implemented for `str`

    I had a generic pointer that was T: ?Sized and could be str in some cases, where it wouldn't work. I got around this using generic trickery, but it's still not nice

    help wanted needs-MCVE 
    opened by Nilstrieb 3
  • Release v0.1.1

    Release v0.1.1


    • dbg! macro
    • More impl for std types

    Right now I'm using git, but I should get arround to releasing these on If someone else is using this and wants this, let me know, and I'll be much more likely to do it.

    opened by aDotInTheVoid 1
  • Get string with formatted object

    Get string with formatted object

    I have my own macros for printing stuff on different situations and not putting conditionals everywhere, for example:

    macro_rules! println_on_debug {
        ($($args:tt)*) => {
            if std::env::var("DEBUG").unwrap_or_else(|_| { "false".to_string() }) == "true" ||
               env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION").ends_with("dev") {
                   println!("DEBUG-MSG: {}", format!{ $($args)* })

    I'd like to make that macro print objects with the same formatting as pprint, the problem is that pprint is not a macro that sends args to a formatter and redirects the output to stdout, pprint is a function that just formats & prints a complex structure. My suggestion consists in creating a function that instead of printing the formatted structure to stdout, just returns it, so I can call that macro like this:

    println_on_debug!("struct: {}", pformat(complex_structure));
    opened by Alonely0 1
  • Pathological behaviour on deeply nested structures

    Pathological behaviour on deeply nested structures

    use debug2::{pprint, Debug};
    use insta::assert_snapshot;
    macro_rules! check {
        ($e:expr) => {
    enum LinkedList<T> {
        Node(T, Box<LinkedList<T>>),
    fn linked_list_reasonable_time() {
        let mut list = LinkedList::Empty;
        for i in 0..10000 {
            list = LinkedList::Node(i, Box::new(list));
    thread 'linked_list_reasonable_time' has overflowed its stack
    opened by aDotInTheVoid 0
  • v0.1.1(Feb 23, 2022)

    • a662ebcdf2f0438112b7f7961f3a162f469c2ffe: Add dbg! macro to mirror std::dbg!
    • 8b14afb90fc1d9ce470792ea393a9ab821a9e07f: Implement Debug for Box, [T; N], Arc, Rc, *const, *mut

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.1(Feb 23, 2022)

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