A tool to compare how Typst documents would look using different fonts or font variants.



A tool to compare how Typst documents would look using different fonts or font variants.


cargo install --path .



The following command generates a file main.variants.pdf containing all the system fonts:

typst-font-compare main.typ

To additionally check all variants, meaning style, weight, and stretch:

typst-font-compare --variants main.typ

The variants file includes too many Noto fonts. Let's remove them.

typst-font-compare --exclude Noto main.typ

We only want to compare a certain few fonts.

typst-font-compare --include 'Roboto|Inter|Ubuntu' main.typ

Only compare fonts that support italics.

typst-font-compare --style italic main.typ

Command-line Arguments

A tool to compare how Typst documents would look using different fonts or font variants

Usage: typst-font-compare [OPTIONS] <INPUT>

          Path to the Typst input file

  -o, --output <OUTPUT>
          Path to the output PDF.
          For an `input.typ`, the output will be `input.variants.pdf`.

  -v, --variants
          Whether to try each variant (style, weight, stretch)

  -f, --fallback
          Whether to enable font fallback

  -i, --include <INCLUDE>
          Only include font families that match this regular expression.
          The exclude regex takes priority over this regex.

  -e, --exclude <EXCLUDE>
          Exclude font families that match this regular expression.
          Takes priority over the include regex.

      --style <STYLE>
          Which font styles to check
          [default: normal]
          [possible values: normal, italic, oblique]

      --weight <WEIGHT>
          Which font weights to check

      --stretch <STRETCH>
          Which font stretch values to check
          [possible values: ultra-condensed, extra-condensed, condensed, semi-condensed, normal, semi-expanded, expanded, extra-expanded, ultra-expanded]

      --root <DIR>
          Specify a different project root folder
          [env: TYPST_ROOT=]

      --font-path <DIR>
          Adds additional directories to search for fonts in
          [env: TYPST_FONT_PATHS=]

      --ppi <PPI>
          The resolution to render the embedded variant content to
          [default: 300]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Questions and Answers

The pages are much larger than necessary.

Prefix your document with the following snippet to make them be only as large as needed:

#set page(height: auto, margin: .5cm)

You can also use this one to automatically scale all dimensions, though it can sometimes produce subpar results:

#set page(width: auto, height: auto, margin: .5cm)

Why do certain fonts not appear?

This tool does not embed any fonts that might normally be embedded into Typst. You must either install them system-wide, or add a --font-path fonts-folder argument where fonts-folder contains the needed fonts.

The generated document looks weird in my PDF viewer.

Each page this tool generates can have a different height. Some PDF viewers don't handle this correctly. Try opening the file in Firefox instead.

I'm getting a file not found error when including a package.

This tool does not automatically download packages. Compile your document using typst compile first and then typst-font-compare should work correctly.

The program just crashes at some point.

Images are stored in memory, making it potentially very memory intensive. Thus, your OOM killer (out-of-memory killer) shuts it down. Try not generating each variant, excluding certain fonts, or decreasing the PPI.


This software is not affiliated with Typst, the brand.

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