A really fast http prober.
Install • Usage • Examples • FYI • Contributing • License • Join Discord
Fresh Installs
$ cargo build -r
$ mv target/release/hrekt /bin/hrekt
Already been installed
$ cargo build -r
$ mv target/release/hrekt /<user>/.cargo/bin/
Make sure to replace <user>
with your username.
Can only be compiled locally right now.
hrekt [OPTIONS]
-r, --rate <rate>
Maximum in-flight requests per second [default: 1000]
-c, --concurrency <concurrency>
The amount of concurrent requests [default: 100]
-t, --timeout <timeout>
The delay between each request [default: 3]
-w, --workers <workers>
The amount of workers [default: 1]
-p, --ports <ports>
the ports to probe default ports are (80,443) [default: 80,443]
-i, --title
display the page titles
-d, --tech-detect
display the technology used
-x, --path <path>
probe the specified path [default: ]
-b, --body-regex <body-regex>
regex to be used to match a specific pattern in the response [default: ]
-h, --header-regex <header-regex>
regex to be used to match a specific pattern in the header [default: ]
-l, --follow-redirects
follow http redirects
-q, --silent
suppress output
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
Display titles
cat subs.txt | hrekt --title
Probe ports
cat subs.txt | hrekt --ports 443,80,9200
Display technologies
cat subs.txt | hrekt --tech-detect
Probe the response body
cat subs.txt | hrekt --body-regex 'href="\/content\/dam.*'
Probe the headers
cat subs.txt | hrekt --header-regex 'Server:.*'
Probe the path
cat subs.txt | hrekt --path /v1/api
Multiple Flags
cat subs.txt | hrekt --path /etc.clientlibs --tech-detect --title --body-regex 'href="\/content\/dam.*'
It's advisable to only use tech detection when needed, as it tends to result in slow discoveries because we use chromium based detection.
If you find any cool bugs, it would be nice if I have some sorta appreciation such as shouting me out on your Twitter, buying me a coffee or donating to my Paypal.
I hope you enjoy
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
Hrekt is distributed under MIT License