A minimal window context for Rust on Windows.

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Command-line winctx


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A minimal window context for Rust on Windows.

I read msdn so you don't have to.

The showcase popup menu

This crate provides a minimalistic method for setting up and running a window. A window on windows is more like a generic application framework and doesn't actually need to have any visible elements, but is necessary to do many of the productive things you might want to do on Windows.

Some example of this are:

There are a few additional APIs provided by this crate because they are also useful:

This crate is an amalgamation and cleanup of code I've copied back and forth between my projects, so it is fairly opinionated to things I personally find useful. Not everything will be possible, but if there is something you're missing and hate being happy enjoy Windows programming feel free to open an issue or a pull request.


The primary purpose of this crate is to:

  • Define a window and its capabilities. I.e. if it should have a context menu or receive clipboard events.
  • Handle incoming Events from the window.

The basic loop looks like this:

use std::pin::pin;

use tokio::signal::ctrl_c;
use winctx::{Event, CreateWindow};

const ICON: &[u8] = include_bytes!("tokio.ico");

let mut window = CreateWindow::new("se.tedro.Example")
    .window_name("Example Application");

let icon = window.icons().insert_buffer(ICON, 22, 22);

let area = window.new_area().icon(icon);

let menu = area.popup_menu();

let first = menu.push_entry("Example Application").id();
let quit = menu.push_entry("Quit").id();

let (sender, mut event_loop) = window

let mut ctrl_c = pin!(ctrl_c());
let mut shutdown = false;

loop {
    let event = tokio::select! {
        _ = ctrl_c.as_mut(), if !shutdown => {
            shutdown = true;
        event = event_loop.tick() => {

    match event {
        Event::MenuItemClicked { item_id, .. } => {
            println!("Menu entry clicked: {item_id:?}");

            if item_id == quit {
        Event::Shutdown { .. } => {
            println!("Window shut down");
        _ => {}
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  • Break up event and generate MouseEvent

    Break up event and generate MouseEvent

    This adds two controls:

    • A popup menu can specify which types of mouse clicks it wants to react to: left, right, or both.
    • Mouse-drive events includes event metadata. Note that it might not be fully populated (e.g. notification clicks).
    opened by udoprog 0
  • Improve clipboard logic and window construction

    Improve clipboard logic and window construction

    Following some of the notes in this bug report.

    Now we utilize GetUpdatedClipboardFormats to enumerate available clipboard formats without having to open the clipboard, allowing us to clobber the global resource a bit less than before to determine whether there is something from the clipboard we want.

    I've also implemented a debounce logic, which doesn't permit clipboard events unless they are at least 25ms apart. The retry timer has also been tightened to 25ms.

    opened by udoprog 0
  • 0.0.15(Dec 17, 2023)

    What's Changed

    • Break up event and generate MouseEvent by @udoprog in https://github.com/udoprog/winctx/pull/3

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/udoprog/winctx/compare/0.0.13...0.0.15

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.0.13(Dec 17, 2023)

  • 0.0.12(Dec 17, 2023)

    To improve the ergonomics of the APIs and reduce the number of public types you have to import, most APIs have switched to using builders.

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/udoprog/winctx/compare/0.0.11...0.0.12

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.0.11(Dec 16, 2023)

  • 0.0.10(Dec 16, 2023)

    What's Changed

    • Improve clipboard logic and window construction by @udoprog in https://github.com/udoprog/winctx/pull/1

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/udoprog/winctx/compare/0.0.9...0.0.10

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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Same username on Telegram, Twitter. setbac on Discord and Twitch. Hit me up if you want to talk!
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