A collection of tools for i3 that assist in window, workspace and output operations.



A collection of tools for i3 that assist in window, workspace and output operations. i3-valet can be run directly from the command line or as an i3 sidekick that listens for keybinding events over ipc.

Building & Installation

i3-valet is written in Rust and has only been tested against the latest stable version. It can be build with cargo build --release and the binary can be placed somehere in $PATH.

(note: this is still a newly public tool, if there's interest I'm glad to work with folks on better distribution)

Using i3-valet

i3-valet operates by running commands (called Actions). These actions will connect to i3-ipc and query information and then send commands back to i3. Whether run via keybinding in listen mode or from the cli, the actions have consistent names and arguments so you can test out what an action will do without having to muck with your i3config.

The available actions are:

  fix        clean up the window tree
  loc        Move A floating window to anchor point
  print      Print information about the current tree or window
  workspace  Workspace commands
  output     Movement between relative outputs
  layout     Window layout helpers

Information about actions and arguments can be found via the help subcommand, e.g.:

$ i3-valet help run output
Movement between relative outputs.

This assumes outputs are linear and cycles through them in order

Usage: i3-valet run output <CHANGE> <DIR>

          Possible values:
          - move-ws:  move workspace to a different output
          - move-win: move workspace to a different output
          - focus:    focus a different output

          [possible values: next, prev]

  -h, --help
          Print help information (use `-h` for a summary)


To run an action from the command line simply use i3-valet run <ACTION>. For example to focus the next output:

$ i3-valet run output focus next


Listen mode can be entered by running i3-valet listen. In this mode the program will connect to i3 and subscribe to keybind events. When an event for an i3-valet action arrives, it will do that action. Listen mode will exit the program if the connection to i3 is closed so it's recommended to run it from i3-config like this:

exec_always --no-startup-id i3-valet listen

So that if i3 is restarted i3-valet will also restart.

To configure keybindings use the nop command followed by an action just like the action on a command line. For example to configure a mode for moving floats using the loc action:

mode "move" {
    bindsym u     nop loc rel nw
    bindsym i     nop loc rel top
    bindsym o     nop loc rel ne
    bindsym n     nop loc rel sw
    bindsym m     nop loc rel bot
    bindsym comma nop loc rel se
bindsym $mod+m mode "move"

How it works The listen functionality takes advantage of the nop command in the i3 config

  • this command tells i3 that anything after the nop is to be ignored. When i3 creates events for pressed keybinding, it puts the entire command into the event anyway.

For example this binding in i3config:

bindsym $mod+t nop foo bar

will report nop foo bar as the command when $mod+t is pressed.

i3-valet just strips the nop from the command and parses it like it would from the command line.


TODO: Figure out how to record sessions highlighting various actions


Contributions welome! Just open a PR or Issue and we can hash it out.

Areas where some help would be greatly appreciated:

  • Testing and fixing for sway
  • Doc improvements
  • New actions
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